Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.

Nursing to sleep

For mums who breastfeed their baby to sleep for naps and nighttime sleep. Do they sleep okay for other people when you’re not around?


Stomach bug, what to do!

I posted earlier about having a stomach bug and if it was safe to continue breastfeeding. Well now my little girl is poorly and has been sick about 5 times in the last two hours. I've tried putting her on the breast but she just keeps throwing it back up, but then she wants to go back on again (probs for comfort) ...


Baby milk

Has anybody used the Aldi own baby milk


Breastfeeding help

My baby is 7 days old today, I never breastfed my first so I’m really unsure but, it just feels like she’s constantly feeding, she’ll fall asleep I’ll put her down and she’s awake wanting a feed again. Am I doing something wrong or is this normal? On the verge of just giving it up and formula feeding



Idk if this is the correct group for this BUT busty ladies what are we wearing for bras? Before I got pregnant I was a 32 F/G natural, and my boobs are growing insanely big. My ribs haven’t spread that much so finding maternity bras/ nursing bras is my current hell. I have 3 little bralettes that I’m cycling through...


Looking for advice!

Hi all, my son is four months old and EBF. I have an appointment on Monday I can't take him to and no idea how long it'll take, at least two hours I reckon. I've never expressed before, because I don't leave him and just don't really want to. It's just easier for me to not have to sterlize etc, but now I'm panicking...


Milk coming in

Hello all! A friend of mine just gave birth. And they didn’t give her a lactation consultant in the hospital or any advice on how to breastfeed. And she really wants to breastfeed, but she’s getting sad because her milk is not coming in, I’ve tried my best with helping massage her breasts, giving her hot chocolate, ...


Sudden drop in supply

Hello! I am almost 5 months pp and my baby is ebf. I had some soreness is one of my breasts 3 days ago which I assumed was either a clogged duct or some inflammation. The pain has subsided but I have noticed a serious decrease in my milk supply. I used to pump once a day after baby's first feed and get 4-5oz now I'm...


Anybody else’s babies feeding less?

EBF baby feeding less often and for shorter periods of time. Always distracted when on breast - anyone else?


Help transitioning to bottle

My LO is EBF and off one breast because I had breast cancer in the other a few years back. Whenever we’ve tried a bottle of pumped milk she always projectiles it up every time we burp her. I’m scared to try again but clearly she’s getting too much air, or is there another reason? I have no idea how to even begin t...


Breastfed babies

How often do you feed your 13 weeks old babies ?


Motif luna, spectra s1, or zomee z2

2nd time mama to be. Had a lot of trouble with pump production my first pregnancy. She fed fine on my but when it came to pumping never seemed like enough. Which pump would be best for my production.


3 week old

Hi all! What do you do all day with your 3 week old? I’m literally breastfeeding all the time at home in bed watching tv, slipping in and out of sleep with baby. Is this normal or should I be out and about!!!!!!


Breast pumps

Anyone got any good suggestions for any good breast pumps that are not loud and are good quality to recommend?


Baby still does 5 bottles a day at 11 months - how many are you doing?

How are we weening? Or how many bottles a day is your baby doing? Then throwing in transitioning to cows milk I’m like ?!? What worked for y’all. 😅


Breasts never feel full

My breasts never feel full anymore. My baby is 3 months and they used to feel full sometimes and I could express lots as well as bf but now I can only express 1oz and my breasts are always soft. Is this the end of my bf journey?


Breastfed babies

Do your breastfed babies tell you when they want a feed sometimes? I find it so funny when my little one looks for the boob in my bra haha



When is the best time to stop breastfeeding? When did you guys stop or when do you think the best time to completely stop is. I wanted to keep going till he was 2 years old but breastfeeding has honestly taken over my life a lot and I’m very just ugh about doing it that far but if it will benefit him I will…


Breastfeeding bras

Any recommendations for good breastfeeding bras that actually offer a bit of support and lift? Breastfeeding my second and it’s safe to say the girls aren’t as perky as they used to be😂


Stomach bug and breast feeding

Is it best to avoid breastfeeding if I've got a stomach bug?


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