Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.

Me and baby are sick

Ok so I know my body changes my milk to babies need but I think I’ve given my illness to my baby I feel like I’m getting worse and baby is staying the same Baby is 4 months old Should I contact the doctors in the morning?


MAM teet size

What size teets are your babies on? My LG is on size 2 but she has been off her milk recently & barely having anything to drink which I’m worried about! Should I change to size 3?


What wearable pump to buy

Hey mamas! So I’ve been using the spectra to pump which works great, but I want to also have a wearable pump to travel with. I’ve tried two different wearable pumps (Momcozy M9 and Zomee) that just don’t work as well. What pumps are similar to the spectra?!


Dropped bottle - will baby get dehydrated?

My baby girl is 9.5 months, on 3 meals a day, and over the past couple of weeks dropped her mid-morning and mid-afternoon bottle going from 4 to 2 a day. She has 7oz first thing, which she finishes, but her bedtime bottle is hit and miss. Last night she only took a few oz. Her meals are well balanced and she doe...


Baby health anxiety

My little girl is 5 weeks old and as expected we’ve had plenty of friends and family wanting to meet her. I love seeing the special people in my life meet our new baby, but I can’t shake this terrible anxiety that someone will pass something on to her through germs. People are great at washing their hands but you ne...


Collecting colostrum

Can someone tell me what’s the difference with collecting colostrum while pregnant as to collecting it when you give birth??


Biting while nursing

My baby just got his two teeth. now when I breastfeed him he will bite down and I’ll say “ow!” really loud and he will just laugh😭 what can I do to have him stop biting me


Extra pumped milk

Is it realistic to be able to pump extra breastmilk?? I’ve been seeing so many videos of moms having freezers just packed full of breastmilk and I don’t understand 🥲 is that just because they have an oversupply? Or is that a common thing? Ive been both pumping and breastfeeding for about 5 weeks and there was only…


Itchy boobs!!! breastfeeding

Hellllllp!! I can’t be alone on this. No my daughter does not have thrush and it’s not a yeast infection but my breasts underneath and around the nipple are sooooooooo itchy. Of course I scratch and it’s a vicious cycle, and now is a cute look. I have eczema on the rest of my body and now have little spots that mimi...


Pumping / Breastfeeding

has anyone been able to exclusively breast feeding via pumping only? .. if so, how did you get your supply up enough to feed baby. im 11 days PP and struggling a bit. baby is currently taking 2-2.5OZ oer feeding every 2-3 hours, im producing just enough for now with my highest in the morning after not pumping overni...



These electric breast pumps work wonders but they are hugeee and I hate that


Baby refusing bottle

Can anyone recommend any bottles with teet that are similar to breast, my 3 week old is struggling to take any bottles and will only have breast milk directly


Getting a good deep latch

How??? Does this also depend on how small baby is? My 4 week old is swallowing producing wet nappies etc but I’m not satisfied the latch is deep enough.


Questions for BF mums

How many times does your baby or should a bf'd baby have a feed? How long do you go between feeds? TIA


Milk Coming In

Hi C-Section Mamas, When did your milk officially come in? I gave birth via emergency CS 6 days ago and I'm getting all the signs of my milk coming in but still can't get her anything when she's on the boob.


Breastfeeding / going to the loo

Really weird but anyone finding that they are urinating less whilst breastfeeding? Terrible with drinking the recommended 3 Litres but try to drink as much as I can. First time mum to little one 1 month ago


Breastfeeding while pregnant

Have any other mums who were still breastfeeding their first baby when they got pregnant noticed that breastfeeding suddenly became a lot less enjoyable? My nipples have gotten so sensitive, and it just doesn’t feel good anymore. Will this get better? Just a few weeks ago, I loved those sweet moments when my little ...


Bottle feeding

I’m now 3 days pp and my boobs are still sore,hard and leaking. Any tips on how to stop them producing


Pace feeding

Do you still need to ‘pace feed’ when exclusively pumping / feeding with bottle? Or is this only needed when also breastfeeding?


Breastfeeding covers???

I'm a breastfeeding European mum! I never use a cover and never bought one because I feel it's socially acceptable to just feed wherever needed here. I'm going to USA in December and wondering if I need to buy a cover and get my baby used to it?


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