Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.

Has anyone felt terrible After naps during pregnancy?

I’ve noticed when I take a nap during the day while pregnant I wake up feeling almost like I’m drunk! Slow,weak,fast breathing and even more tired. It feels so terrible. It happened all first trimester. I’m in second now and I just felt it again…it SUCKS.


Sleeping through

Hi, Hoping someone may have some tips My daughter is just about to have her first birthday and currently still Cosleeps (going to try her back in her own room at Christmas - done it before but after illness she made her way back to our bed). She has a floor bed and used to crawl into our room in the night. Proble...


How old was little one when you dropped nap completely?

How old was your little one when you completely went from one to zero naps? If they are two years old, can you elaborate two year old and how many months because every month counts lol also when they dropped their nap, how many hours are they sleeping throughout the night. I think my little one is showing signs of d...


Cot bedding

Please can I see what you have your babies cots like now. My son is 13 months old and I’m still cautious with an empty cot and sleeping bag. **Please note I don’t want or intent to use pillow and duvet yet as he is a small 1. But I am wondering if I should let him have a small blanket. ***. When he co sle...


Dummy weaning fail

Hi just looking for advice! We tried to go cold turkey with the dummy for our little one (it’s been 3 days) and she was ok during naps but bedtime and throughout the night (every 1-2hrs) needs to breastfeed/use me as a dummy instead and my partner can’t help me at all in the night! It’s just way too much for me and ...


How long does it take for a routine? My boy is 3 weeks but he’s wide awake at night. He’s fed both sides and even after that he’s still hungry at times and trying to do anything in a day just doesn’t happen. I don’t want to resort to

Formula as I like the bond but it is intense sometimes and I just wonder when it will ease off and he will be fuller for longer. I’d like to do some Christmasy things soon too



My baby is nearly 7 weeks old and still waking every 1.5/2 hours, coupled with breastfeeding it’s getting really challenging now with so much broken sleep and I’m struggling. Just wanting to know how much sleep / feeds in the night you guys are getting with your little ones?



My little boy naturally starts to get tired at about 7pm and is usually asleep by 7.30. He sleeps really well through the night but then is bright eyed at 5am ready to start the day 😂I don't know how to make him sleep a bit longer. Should I try and delay his bedtime a bit? I don't want to keep him awake if he's…


Outdoor Time | Bedtime

1. How much outside play does your 2 year old have regularly? (Hours) 2. What time is bedtime? Just readjusting our schedule and got curious what everyone is doing!


LO drinking less but more often

My LO is nearly 7 weeks but last few days has been drinking a bit less used to be around 100/120 every 3hrs now has gone to 80/90ml every 2 hrs. Anyone experienced this? Any advice or just normal development?


Day Old Baby

Is it normal for my day old baby to be waking every hour and crying?? I will put her in the crib and shortly after will be crying. I don’t think she is hungry because I’ve fed her and always check that her nappy is clean.


Sleep Help

My LO will fall asleep but then wake up 30 mins later. He is fed, diaper is changed, burped, has a calm environment, is swaddled and wakes up so easily. Any tips to get him to stay asleep longer?


6 week old sleep

Hey! My 6 week old has started sleeping long stretches at night (she is formula fed), but how long has everyone else’s slept for? She’s just gone down (7.20pm) and we will wake her at 10 for a feed but then she might sleep through and I’m worried she’s too little for that!! :)


MIL wants to co sleep

In a sticky situation: I have a 18 month old and am currently 8 months pregnant. My FIL recently passed away and my MIL who never helped me with my 18 month old or supported me in my pregnancy is saying she would like to co-sleep with our daughter AND take my newborn (once she arrives) to sleep because it will make ...



What time does everyone’s 6 month old go to bed? I’m struggling with the whole sleep situation she used to be a really good sleeper but lately she has just been wide awake until about 11/11:30pm and she doesn’t sleep in the day only 30 mins twice a day it’s ridiculous I don’t know what else to do? Any advice?


Wake or not

5wk old had 4oz at 1400 - fell asleep at 1500 and still sleeping at 1830. Should I wake to feed??


Feeds at night

I’d like to know what everyone else is doing about feeds during the night.. so I’ve just been picking my baby up and feeding her every 3 hours or so because of her fussing and making noises but she’s never actually cried in the night.. so I’ve just been told by my mum not to do that and just try and sleep through it...


Baby is 5 months next week and only had 2 naps today is this normal??

He had a 30 min nap this morning at 930 and then 1.5 hours this afternoon at 1. I tried to put him down at 5 but he refused which means his last wake window is 4 hours long which seems way for long for a 5 month old 🤦🏻‍♀️


Mouth breather

My baby sleeps with her mouth open is this normal, googling it has made me concerned, it’s not every time she has her mouth open but noticed it few times now?


Anyone else?

Does anyone else still need to rock baby to sleep or get them sleeping on you/in your bed etc, then transfer them into cot once they're asleep? If I try to get him to fall asleep in his cot it's a nightmare, he's either screaming his lungs out or he's standing up, babbling and laughing for literally hours!


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