MIL wants to co sleep

In a sticky situation: I have a 18 month old and am currently 8 months pregnant. My FIL recently passed away and my MIL who never helped me with my 18 month old or supported me in my pregnancy is saying she would like to co-sleep with our daughter AND take my newborn (once she arrives) to sleep because it will make her feel less lonely. My daughter has been very close to me because its just me and her usually and my MIL said that its time she starts connecting with her. I said, I don’t believe in co sleeping and that our daughter is sleep trained and enjoys her crib and room. Between us: I don’t agree with how her adult kids turned out and I don’t want that same impression on my children. My husband took her side and said our daughter is going to outgrow the crib so its okay if Mom takes her (he said this in front of her) I was so upset. I don’t mind if she plays with my kids, spends time with them etc but I do not want her sleeping with them. We currently live in the basement (we pay rent and do our own grocery/cooking etc) and are gearing up to buy our home. I have a feeling she will want to move in with us as my husband wants the same. I know she is grieving and I understand the pain she must be feeling but I am human too. Any suggestions on how to tactfully approach this?
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Ooo Jesus. No. Absolutely not. I think first is speaking with your husband either privately or in couples therapy. Then Once you are both on the same page speak to your MiL. However you Mil even though going through a. Tricky time in her life, should not be relying on an 18month old for emotional support she needs to buy herself a big hot water bottle or a body pillow. That’s way too much emotional pressure and well wierd. I think you and your hubby need to get some boundaries in place

Lollll no. She’s already in her own bed and she isn’t gonna outgrow the crib. Tell your husband he can go sleep in her bed if she doesn’t want her to be lonely

Co sleeping is dangerous if it’s anyone other than mum. We co sleep but I would not even let my husband sleep near her and me and my husband have a great relationship it’s more that he’s heavy and if he ends up even putting his arm over her at night and she could suffocate or get bruised or anything could happen. She does cry and wake up at 11 months but still they’re still young and u never know. I would maybe speak to your partner in private and express your concerns and say that it’s a boundary u don’t want to cross.

Hey so this is actually insane & completely overstepping. Tell her no, you are the parent. She needs to go to counseling to deal with her grief.

I think you need to tackle your husband to get him to support your boundaries before your mil once he’s onboard it will be easier to put them in place with you mil

Absolutely not. I cosleep but I don't even let my husband do it without me there. No one is as in tune with baby as we are. She's obviously dealing with a lot of grief and that's really sad but there's absolutely no reason for her to put your children at risk because she's 'lonely'. She needs therapy if she really feels that's a logical solution.

No no no !! Wtf a child is not there to fix your grief jesus! Thats wild. Id be setting some clear boundaries on this and forsure not let her move in if you can or you will end up miserable! Thats wild! My granny lived in our basement but she would never say something like this! Seems so odd to me. As if its a 2 year olds job to fill the void of your passed husband ://

No way. Absolutely no grown up needs to put their own mental wellbeing over kids. They are not responsible for adults happiness or sadness. Also no grown up would want to sleep with my child ever. That's not their place. I co sleep with my baby. His dad cosleep with him and no one else will. She should grieve like a grown up. Talk, take her time, go to therapy, cry it out,... I would set a firm boundary and also I would try to explain to your husband it's not a place for her. He is probably grieving to and wants to help his mom. But offering your kids for it is insane

This is insane. It's not your children's jobs to make her feel better And also not cool for your husband to say that to her without talking to you first

Coming from someone who is dealing with a grieving MIL, your child is not their therapy. It’s hard to speak to your partner about these types of things, I totally get that as I hate the confrontation, however you need to speak to him and get those boundaries set. Your babies are FAR more important than her feelings ❤️

Definitely no!! Don’t let mil or husband try and change your decision either, stand by it, no matter what they say, do or any drama it causes, don’t give in. Also tell your husband if he agrees so much with his mom, he should go sleep in her bed instead🙃

Sooooo that’s NOT a good reason to want to sleep with the child. The newborn is a whole other issue—yikes. But she shouldn’t be relying on a child for comfort. It’s not up to the babies to solve her problems. :(

Absolutely not !!!! No chance in hell I would be allowing that !!!! Your children are not an emotional support crutch for her, it’s not safe particularly for the baby and your children should be the ones to decide who they share a bed with when they are older and can verbalise it. My 4.5 year old loves her grandparents to bits but she will not get in their bed she will sit on it to watch tv with them but chooses to go get in her own bed.

Absolutely not!!!!

Fuuuuuu no lol like I rather get a divorce than put my children in danger and my husband knows that. Don’t give in that’s a hard no

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Another thing, this is your child this isn’t a play toy this isn’t her husband this is her grandchild if they want to spoil the kids and spend more time together maybe but not sleep in the same bed with them and put them in a possible danger spot because they are lonely

No no no no NO! Tell his smart ass to go sleep with his own mum if he’s that bothered, they are too young, not saying this is the situation but people I have known gone through recent bereavements are in medication for depression and not sleeping, what’s saying she won’t roll over on one of them? Or not hear them wake or roll of the bed, they aren’t there for her support and comfort they are YOUR kids, he needs to man up and tell her straight, they aren’t toys, and they are too young to understand. How irresponsible of her for even suggesting it! Co sleeping is for mum and baby, sometimes husband/partner depending on the situation, but even my husband doesn’t do it without me there! I detest the way these women think our children are there for their own needs and to fill a gap that’s been left in their own life, by their own kids or grief. Stand your ground mama, you know best. Xx

Absolutely not! Keep your boundaries and tell her to go search for a therapist.

WTF. Honestly that’s one of the craziest things ever. Obviously what others said about safety but that’s not even my primary reason for such a strong response. It’s bc It’s super weird and kind of gross to me. Says a lot about why your husband took her side though. I have a partner that still tends to his mother’s needs while we have two young kids who need us. Couples counseling for sure. He needs to understand how off that is. He has to put his kids needs first and then yours. It’s no one’s job to sleep with her 🤯

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