Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.


Has anyone else’s toddler stopped napping? I know 20 months is supposedly too early to stop but my son has been fighting his one nap for the past 3 weeks, he hates it and I don’t blame him, he never seems tired. We’ve tried pushing his nap back, waking up earlier but he just seems completely over it. He hasn’t nappe...


Contact napping

Does your baby still contact nap during the day?


Sleep regression

Hi mommas! Anyone else’s 8m old going through sleep regression right now? We have been really lucky that our LO has been a really good sleeper, but the last two nights she will be passed out on me after feeding, we place her in her crib and within the hour is crying and won’t sleep throughout the night unless she’s ...


Taking the dummy away

My son will be 14 months on the 4th November and has a dummy since he was 10 days old. We have since he was 1 been limiting his use of it to just naps, bedtime & sometimes the car if he is just screaming but my question is, have you or will you be taking the dummy away soon!? Health visitor said cold turkey is bes...


So lost on sleep

If baby is waking multiple times in night, difficult after 230 to put back down, then waking early (430-530) & fighting naps in the day is it best to move bedtime back & get an extra nap in or move bedtime forward? I know I’m doing something wrong and feel for her but I don’t know what to do!


Sleep regression

Is there a 13 months sleep regression or should I be adjusting naps? Baby slept 7.30-6.30 but has for the last week been waking between 3am - 5am. This morning it was 4am and didn’t settle for an hour, we are so tired as both working ! Any tips welcome 🙏🏻


Cot confusion

Hi all, Sorry this is probably really stupid but I've got myself in a right flap with it. When we went looking for nursery furniture we were told that no-one really makes drop down side cots now due to safety concerns. So we bought one without, but my mum has sent me a link to some with the feature. My husband thin...


Cat naps

Does anyone else’s 6 month old just cat nap? My son is 6 months and 2 weeks, and during the day he just has cat naps, it’s like he has an alarm set and wakes up after 30 minutes.. he goes for a nap every couple of hours, I’ve tried to go for longer thinking he will be really tired and will sleep for longer - nope, 3...


Nap times

Anyone else little one nap times all over the place!! I used to know exact times. Now it’s through lunch time! 11-1:30! I tried pushing and waiting til 1 but he gets so tired and refuses to eat his lunch😑



My little boy is 6 weeks old and doesn’t seem to be hungry- I find I’m feeding him every 4-5 hours in the day out of fear he’s not consuming enough but he never cries out for a feed. He spends a lot of the day sleeping and more recently I’ve found when he’s awake he’s seeming uncomfortable. He is showing many sign...


Runny/stuffed nose

My 7m old baby girl has a runny / stuffed nose and I can hear it when she breaths which also making her wake up loads in the night. She’s also finding it hard to drink milk from bottle because of it too I think. The sailne and suction hasn’t helped is there anything else I can do to relive it ?


9 month old constantly grumpy and having a paddy 🫣

My daughter will be turning 9 months old this week and I’ve noticed such a change in her behaviour these past two weeks… we’ve been in a bit of a rough patch since the 8 month sleep regression, she won’t nap in her bed anymore throughout the day, she just wants to be on me feeding and the moment I try move her into ...


3 week old not going down until 12/1am

My 3 week old was doing really well and was going down in her next to me after falling asleep on me around 10-10.30. The past few nights she’s not wanted to go down at all and even after a bottle and bath she would be wide awake and would scream until she tired herself out around mid night. She now doesn’t want to g...


Sleep deprived

I’ve never been more sleep deprived than I am at the hospital. I’m so ready to go home. I know they are only doing their job but . . .I’m so wore out haven’t had good sleep since I gave birth.



How do you get your LO to sleep? Mine is 13 weeks and he mainly only sleeps from being on the breast or when he’s in the carrier or in the car. Will this mean that he won’t be able to sleep on his own due to this? What are you guys doing to get your LOs to sleep?


Babys routine

So I am struggling with any sort of routine in the day with my 5 week old and I know it's early but there is no pattern. He will have 3 to 4 Oz every 1 40 mins to 2 hours he's like clock work no idea how some people babies go 3 hours between feeds. Then he will most likely fall asleep straight away and I try and put...


Is your little waking up at night and just super ready for the day?

He always wakes around 4+5 and he's up to 6-7 just completely awake and smiling. I'm 7w4d pregnant and I am EXHAUSTED 😭


Child waking early needing a poo

Hi all, looking for some help with my 3.5yo. His sleep has been worse over the past 6months (previously slept well) l. I think this is related to a number of recent changes- went from cot to bed/potty training and new sister. We have tried to be consistent and take him back to bed calmly sometimes helping him sett...


Bedtime moving earlier?

My 11 week old baby always went to bed somewhere between 9pm-11pm depending on the timing of her last bottle (formula fed). Now she seems to pass out into a deep sleep around 7.30pm-8pm on my lap in the living room for the past week or so. So far I’ve been waking her at 9.30/10pm for her last bottle then putting her...


Sleep, or lack of

My LB who is 5 months today has stopped sleeping in his cot. Hes refusing. As soon as i transfer him to the cot he wakes up and thats it then, he cries until i pick him up. For my own sanity i would prefer not to co-sleep. But does anyone have any tips for me? I cant really let him cry it out as i have an almost 2 ...


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