Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

Had to do it incognito…

Because they’ll come for me 😂 BUT…don’t you think the population has turned into fucking fairy’s!!! Everything is taken the wrong way…and things that involve kids, I seen a post the other day about her 4yr old kisses another child is school and she’s worrying?! Like wtf why is that even interpreted in any other…


Those no screen time mums, HOW DO YOU DO IT? 🤦🏻‍♀️

I’m not a no screen time mum but just wondering how you lot are actually do it pls? How are you entertaining your child in between showering, cooking, cleaning, you know.. the necessary everyday things that needs to get done on a daily basis? I always try and rush and do things as quickly as possible to attend to my...


Mother-in-law’s are beyond toxic

Why do mothers in-laws think they are so entitled to your children? If they don’t have respect for the mother, you cannot hate the roots that created the apple in my experience. I used to be close to my mother-in-law until guy actually opened up my eyes to see the real true colors of her she plays the victim in the ...


How's everyone with 2 under 2 managing?

I have a 18m old and my daughter is 3 weeks. And goodness me the mum guilt is real. My 18m old is into everything, climbing, opening doors etc, so when I'm feeding the baby he has to be strapped in his high chair for his own safety, cos while feeding her im not able to jump up as quick if needed. I'm at home alone...


Dance teacher closes door

My 3 year old’s dance teacher (who is still kind of a stranger to her and us), closes the door during class. Granted, it’s tap so it’s very loud. Still, she’s not in daycare so I’m not used to putting her in a room without me. I’m good at letting her practice her independence, but even still, if I’m waiting there I ...



70% of me wants to take my daughter out of daycare so bad 😣 every time I pick her up she’s crying, and her voice sounds raspy so I know she’s been crying for a while, the teacher today seemed okay I don’t like her as much as the other teacher but the other teacher is off Fridays and I have to put her in daycare…



Has anybody else been in the position where BM is expecting you as a stepmum to pay her money as maintenance? For context my partner has recently lost his job and therefore has had to let BM know he cannot afford maintenance until he finds a new one. Thankfully we are in the fortunate position that my job pays ver...


Single life

Hi everyone, Last night my husband just told me he knows that our relationship has come to an end. I caught him cheating several times even was I was pregnant. Now his excuse to get divorce is that I am not interested anymore in having any sex or even conversation with him, which is true as he never has made an effo...


How do you share Parental responsibilities with your partner

How much are you responsible for your baby and how much of their primary care do you do? Interested to hear other perspectives. My partner works long hours sometimes 6 days/week and so by default most of the parenting is on me. I EBF too which doesn't help with sharing feeding responsibilities and I'm considerin...



My lo is 2.5 years old and literally overnight went from a really well behaved mild mannered toddler to a little girl that constantly hits me in the face, screams and tantrums to the next level when things dont go her way and doesnt share a single toy with anyone, ive had to leave puplic places too many times now b...


Nervous husband when SC comes around

As the weekend approaches, and SS is about to come staying with us, so does my husband’s anxiety. He's just nervous, starts being nervous on Wednesday, goes shopping to make sure SC who is only 10 has 3000 games, candy, cloths (he already has all of the above) and then ends up spending almost 500 or 1000 dollars eve...


Sell feet pics?lol

Hi girls so sorry for weird question but I'm feeling desperate. I'm educated to masters level but I dont want to go into that field and I want the freedom of looking after my children on my terms not my employers lol so I haven't worked for a while for various legitimate reasons (hyperemesis then baby and house mov...


No offence is meant by this

But since becoming a parent, and maybe even before becoming a parent all I hear is negative things about being a parent. How people cannot wait to go to work and dread the weekends with their children. Since becoming a parent 3 years ago I couldn’t disagree more with this, I would much rather spend my week with my c...


Is it bad that I'm kind of happy my fiance failed?

So for context, I've been bed-sharing and mostly contact-napping since my daughter, now 3 months, was about 2 weeks old. My fiance has been against it since before our daughter was born, and until I started doing it out of necessity, I also swore to myself I would never bed-share because that's how I lost my brother...



I've been with my partner 5 years. We have a 3 year old and a 14 month old. My 14 month old doesn't nap, and wakes up every 2-3hrs at night, she's just started with separation anxiety and I'm so drained. No one has her, no one has ever had her Im always and always have been with her 24/7 since the day she was born. ...


Feeling down

Feeling quite down today as I can’t shake the feeling that I’m letting my baby down. We don’t have that much money which makes me feel sad that I won’t be able to take her on many trips or activities as she gets older. I’m not bothered about her having lots of toys as you can get those things second hand anyway, but...


Baby fell out of the bed… again. Help!

I feel absolutely horrible i already called the nurse and im waiting for a call back. But my baby fell out of the bed last month we took him to the ER everything was fine. Then two days ago my bf decided it was a great idea while I was knocked out cold to put him next to me on the bed and say “watch him” when I wasn...


Splitting with BD

To my single or separated moms.. how did you deal with separating from your BD? our LO is 10 months old and tonight he’s confirmed he also thinks things are just phasing out, is there anything you’d try or would you just call it a day? i feel like i’ve failed my baby


BF went clubbing

Hi, I’m wide awake as my LO doesn’t want to sleep but somethings happened tonight and I’m not sure how I feel. My partner doesn’t currently work as I have a health condition that affects my motor function and he looks after our baby. I am self employed and some months earn enough to pay for bills, fun and school f...


Fight with husband over rest

I told my husband I wasn’t going to do the dishes tonight so I can just have some me time. He said he guessed he would do it. Then he comes back and says we had a deal that I would do the need to haves. And just started berating me and I’m like you’re making this worse. Its literally dishes and I had a full day of w...


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