Community Posts, Tips & Support on Toddler & Child

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Toddler & Child.


Is anyone else feeling really nervous about sending their kids to daycare? I'm a first-time mom and I currently don’t have a support system or anyone to help watch my child at all. Obviously, I need to work. I work part-time but I need to start working full-time.



I am a teacher and send my daughter to an in home daycare that only takes teachers’ kids. They have changed their policies and want us to pay 50% for days the school is closed, such as winter break, is this typical for other daycares?


Daycare or not yet?

Just interested to hear how many mums in this group have returned to work and have their kiddos in daycare? I’m a SAHM but starting to crave going back to work/feeling guilty for not. But also feeling guilty for going back and putting Bub in daycare when I don’t really have to. Urgh mum guilt is wild! Love to hear y...


Out of town spouse

Any other mommas have a partner/spouse that works out of town so through the week you are basically a single parent?? I love him and I know it’s hard on him to be away from his family but he signs out once he gets back to his hotel. I’m on my own from Monday at 8AM-Friday at 3pm. And it’s exhausting and overwhelming...


Am I crazy?

So my baby daddy and I have made some adjustments. Like for example, he started to give the baby baths and feed her at night because he works during the day. We switch out bath and meal time. He tells me about how exhausted he is that he has to come home and do that. If he isnt doing those things 9/10 times he is on...


what is wrong with her !!!

my daughter is coming up on a month old and she’s a VERY messy eater. it goes all down her mouth. please tell me why my mil has told my boyfriend to put our daughter onto stage 2 formula???


Accidentally got my blue collar husband to eat veggies 🥇🏆

Made him hamburger helper (his favorite after a crap day) and made vegan Mac and cheese loaded with carrots, butternut squash, and chickpeas for me and toddler (who also won’t eat veggies). I asked him to put away the leftover cheese sauce from the blender while I nurse baby… Him- “I already used it all” Me- “huh? ...


Solids at 8 months

How have yall started solids? Every time I try and feed my LO solids (mashed potatoes, strawberries, avocados, etc) she spits up every time and then doesn’t act interested. I feel like she’s falling behind with solids. She eats baby food like a champ though.


18 m eating

Between teething and general toddlerness I feel like this kid will never eat again. It’s definitely frustrating 😭



Anyone else finding mum life overbearing. I’m so low in myself don’t want to talk to anyone, don’t want to do anything just feel so sad and down. I hate the way I look now and I try to think about what I’ve created but I can’t help but miss how I used to look. I can’t hang around people anymore. I was just at my par...


Has anyone else gone through this?

My 3 month old has gotten super fussy lately. Every time my husband tries to feed him or put him to sleep, he just starts crying nonstop. He was fine before but this started about two weeks ago. He’ll be happy with my husband for a little bit but as soon as he gives him the bottle, it’s like all hell breaks loose. I...


Struggle during week?

Anybody else struggle during the week feeling isolated but ok when partners are home on the weekend? We moved over a year ago and the community hasn’t been super warm so we have struggled to make friends. I have no family in a 1200 mile radius and our friends are about 45 mins away. What are other moms doing to com...


Picky eater

Hey guys, my 14mo refuses to even try new foods. I’m trying to get her to eat more veggies but I’m struggling to figure out how without forcing it in her mouth. Has anyone gone through this? What did you guys do? Plzzzz help😭 My dad said I should use his method, which was “pao pao” ..


Fun/ easy at home activities

I feel so guilty for not doing more with my son and taking him to parks, kids museums and stuff. I’m 26 weeks pregnant and just exhausted throughout the day. What are some fun/ easy things we can do at home?


Tips for Solid Refusal @ 8 Months?

At my son’s various growth spurts, he’s been more prone to refusing food. This current growth spurt right at the 8 month mark is definitely the worst. He usually has a big appetite but now he’s refusing milk at times and almost all solids. Before I could feed him about an average of 6 oz of solids daily. Now, he’s o...


Primary school

Currently looking for a primary school and booking onto tours etc. What were your main points to look for in a good school? Did you have a list? This is brand new to me and I’m lost with what I’m looking for 😳


Appreciation post for the hubs.

This man is phenomenal. He is tad annoying at times lol most times, but he is soft, tender, and very giving. He made a stay at mom since the beginning of my pregnancy, being that we had a miscarriage a few years back because of the stress at surrounding work. Since that time, I've not lacked anything. My wants ,n...


Mums who drive- do any of you drive with baby in the front seat?

I’ve recently started driving again and nervous about it anyway but to top it off my little boy HATES being in the car, especially in the back by himself. Usually it’s my husband driving so when he starts playing up I just jump in the back. I’ve only done short journeys driving on my own with him so it’s not been t...


Please.. AITA

Many, many people are shocked at how well I usually keep the house with 2.5 kids - 9, 4 and 1. I have a part time SE job myself. I do EVERYTHING CARE WISE with the kids. He does absolutely nothing but play fight with them here and there, offer treats and days out etc. occasionally plays instruments with them. Gets u...


Homemade snacks

Having spent a bit of a fortune on snacks…. please give me any ideas of enjoyable toddler homemade snacks that I can start to make - ideally including ones that I can easily take out and about. It’ll be hard to leave the commercial ones behind…. but I need to try!


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