Community Posts, Tips & Support on Toddler & Child

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Toddler & Child.

Would this petty... or justified? 😂

My husband has 2 younger brothers who are twins. They are 25 years old so they are grown men. This year only 1 of them acknowledged our daughters birthday and sent her a card. There birthday us fast approaching.. would I be petty if I only got and sent one 1 uncle card to the one who had the decency to acknowledge...


Primary Schools

Hey, as our babies are starting school next September, are you bringing them along to school tours? I’m not sure to keep him in nursery on the days I have the tours or to bring him with me! Not sure if he’ll be a distraction or if it’ll be good to gauge his reaction to the schools.


Not eating while teething

Anyone else's little one only want milk and porridge when they are teething? Seems like she's teething all the time recently.


Nursery and school

Hey mums, I was just looking for some advice if anyone has been through similar or just knows more of this matter. So we moved to Spain when my daughter was nearly 3, we had this in plan for a while so I didn’t send her to nursery in uk, as school here starts at 3 years old till 6 so she would have plenty of time t...


Dad guilt due to genetics

Baby has inherited eczema from dad, it was pretty likely to happen as dad has it fairly bad and struggles with confidence issues and the management of it. Keeps blaming himself , even saying I shouldnt have had a baby with him (crazy as he's my husband and I love him irrespective of his condition). The eczema i...



I was planning on giving my little girl her first solids today but I'm so confused! So she has a bottle at around 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm - so when do I give her some food?! I was planning around midday, but won't that be too close to a bottle? Thank you in advance ☺️


Kitchen helpers

Has anyone got one of these? They seem like a great idea and my boy is obsessed with watching me cook and prepare food but I’m worried it’s just not safe at their age yet? Or is now a good time to start teaching them safety? Thanks (won’t let me attach photo so one in comments but I’m sure you all know what I’m talk...


U know that saying once you say, My kid would never ! Here they come nevering like they nevered before ? I’m so serious when I teach my kid kindness and how to be polite and nice .

Well he went to school and acted like he had no home training , took his frustration out on a kid standing in his way and then bit another kid . The principal call me to tell me what happen and I’m in shock , he’s never bitten before and too old for that . And I’m like who the F is this kid? We did Recently move I...


TV shows

Since watching ‘Bing’, my 2 year old little girls behaviour has got worse. Bing comes across as very whiney, selfish and always moaning and this is exactly the behavioural traits my lg has started to display. I understand that those behaviours are all part of growing and learning boundaries etc but the tantrums are ...


LO lost appetite

Hi all, my lo is 1 year old and a few weeks ago they had their vaccinations. Since then I have noticed a really big change to his appetite and milk intake. He used to be such a foodie and now is very picky, starts whining and crying at the sight of some foods / spoon and is drinking significantly less milk. He pre...


1 year olds eating habits.

So my 1 year old LOVED anything I made him, now he’ll only eat grapes kiwis and strawberries from his high chair… everything else he throws off. And I take him out of the high chair because i won’t make him anything else. So he eats everything off the floor… I do vacuum his area 3 times a day, but is there a way to ...



Our 4 yr wedding anniversary is Friday and my husband says he has no money…. Yet Saturday he’s going out with his work grsnted it’s paid for .. but he will be spending money on drinks 🍺 and yeah that might be like $20/40 that’s still $ he can use on us to do something small or even flowers 💐 am I wrong for feeling…



Is anyone else feeling really nervous about sending their kids to daycare? I'm a first-time mom and I currently don’t have a support system or anyone to help watch my child at all. Obviously, I need to work. I work part-time but I need to start working full-time.


Daycare or not yet?

Just interested to hear how many mums in this group have returned to work and have their kiddos in daycare? I’m a SAHM but starting to crave going back to work/feeling guilty for not. But also feeling guilty for going back and putting Bub in daycare when I don’t really have to. Urgh mum guilt is wild! Love to hear y...


Out of town spouse

Any other mommas have a partner/spouse that works out of town so through the week you are basically a single parent?? I love him and I know it’s hard on him to be away from his family but he signs out once he gets back to his hotel. I’m on my own from Monday at 8AM-Friday at 3pm. And it’s exhausting and overwhelming...


Am I crazy?

So my baby daddy and I have made some adjustments. Like for example, he started to give the baby baths and feed her at night because he works during the day. We switch out bath and meal time. He tells me about how exhausted he is that he has to come home and do that. If he isnt doing those things 9/10 times he is on...


what is wrong with her !!!

my daughter is coming up on a month old and she’s a VERY messy eater. it goes all down her mouth. please tell me why my mil has told my boyfriend to put our daughter onto stage 2 formula???


Accidentally got my blue collar husband to eat veggies 🥇🏆

Made him hamburger helper (his favorite after a crap day) and made vegan Mac and cheese loaded with carrots, butternut squash, and chickpeas for me and toddler (who also won’t eat veggies). I asked him to put away the leftover cheese sauce from the blender while I nurse baby… Him- “I already used it all” Me- “huh? ...


Solids at 8 months

How have yall started solids? Every time I try and feed my LO solids (mashed potatoes, strawberries, avocados, etc) she spits up every time and then doesn’t act interested. I feel like she’s falling behind with solids. She eats baby food like a champ though.


18 m eating

Between teething and general toddlerness I feel like this kid will never eat again. It’s definitely frustrating 😭


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