Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Very early labour /TMI

I know I’ve made a couple of posts about early labour in the last few days. But I’ve been keeping sort of track of things in the last 3 days especially, and I noticed this : Loose stools but not diarrhoea Light period like cramps Light back aches Sort of pressure type pain in my bum Went from waking up every ho...


Postpartum blood/6weeks

Is normal to experience bleeding with tiny colt ? Sometimes the blood is brown or pink or red !



My sickness has been uncontrollable to the point I can’t do normal activities… I’ve been and bought these bands today from boots and so far they are working!!


Period cramping

I’ve been having period cramping since afternoon , is it braxton hicks or I should go to labour ward triage ? Cos at at this evening it’s still hurting me My abdomen is still hurting me and I don’t know what to do Pelase advice I’m 35 weeks tho


Heart burn question

Has anyone been given any good advice (from a professional) about what we can take for heart burn? Mines so bad that I’m vomiting up stomach acid daily and it’s horrendous. The midwife told me to check with the pharmacist and the pharmacist I went to after work today didn’t have a clue! I can try a different one i...


Small bump

Has anyone still got a small bump at almost 28 weeks? People are constantly commenting that I don’t look pregnant etc. 🥴 Curious to have it measured at my next midwife appt now to see how I come up on the line!


Round ligament pain

I’m 21 weeks today and starting to feel uncomfortable this evening and low abdomen is tender. Has anyone else had this yet? I know it’s normal but first time here! 🙋🏼‍♀️


Is this normal?

I'm currently just over 4 months pregnant, and I've been having what feels like uterine pain while I go #1 Is that normal? Just part of my uterus expanding into my bladder?


Tailbone/ coccyx

Hi, Is anyone else experiencing terrible pain in their tailbone/coccyx?. Twice recently, I've been in agonising pain when sitting or bending down. Gave birth 15 weeks ago.


Baby kicks during night

Do you all change positions when your baby constantly kicks on the side you’re laying at? I feel whichever side I turn to he starts kicking there and thinking he might be uncomfortable I switch but this continues on each side. Should I let him kick or is he uncomfortable? I end up finding a weird position where I’m ...


Back pain

Anyone else got lower and upper back pain from carrying around very heavy toddlers? 😩


Ectopic Signs

I had an early miscarriage the end of July and have recently found out I’m pregnant again (5.5 weeks). For the last couple of days I have had mild pain/aching in my lower left abdomen which feels like it’s ovary pain. It’s exactly the same place and although mild, doesn’t really go away. I have no other symptoms b...



I’m 14+5 and still exhausted to the point I’m struggling to function. Can someone please reassure me it will get better?!



I’m 10wks along and just got hit with some MAJOR cramps. Like buckled over on the ground crying type of cramps. Lasted about 5 minutes and subsided. Should I be worried ?? This is my first pregnancy.


Advice please

I am 7 weeks pregnant and just managed to give myself an electric shock on my right hand from our electric clothes dryer, I have no marks on me and I feel fine. I’m now just a little anxious on if this can affect the baby and if anyone else has done anything like this whilst pregnant ? Thank you


Stomach pains - normal or not?

Hi everyone, I’ve found out I’m pregnant quite early. Period isn’t due for another few days, but I usually do a test the week before. I was expecting it to be negative, but it’s gotten darker for the past week, and yesterday did a clear blue digital one, that confirmed 1-2 weeks. Since Monday ish, I’ve had quite...


Has anyone else experienced reoccurring nightmares of pregnancy loss?

Im 17 weeks and for the past 3 nights, I keep having different nightmares of losing my baby. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm letting myself get too stressed during the day? My mental health feels fine.


Less movements at 39 weeks?

I’m 39 weeks today and I’m not sure if I’m experiencing reduced movements or if the baby’s movements are restricted by her size. Has anyone else experienced this as well??


Groin/side stomach pains?!

I’m 6+5 and today I’ve been having this weird pain on my left side by my groin/side of my stomach. Its not a cramp as it feels like a muscle pull and only happens when I move around… has anyone else experienced this?


Sickness remedies

Can anyone recommend nausea remedies or foods that help with sickness?


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