Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Has anyone else experienced reoccurring nightmares of pregnancy loss?

Im 17 weeks and for the past 3 nights, I keep having different nightmares of losing my baby. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm letting myself get too stressed during the day? My mental health feels fine.


Less movements at 39 weeks?

I’m 39 weeks today and I’m not sure if I’m experiencing reduced movements or if the baby’s movements are restricted by her size. Has anyone else experienced this as well??


Groin/side stomach pains?!

I’m 6+5 and today I’ve been having this weird pain on my left side by my groin/side of my stomach. Its not a cramp as it feels like a muscle pull and only happens when I move around… has anyone else experienced this?


Sickness remedies

Can anyone recommend nausea remedies or foods that help with sickness?



Anyone pregnant with second baby felt movements like flutters n little kicks ect but then have it stop for a few days? I'm 17+5. No idea where my placenta is placed. I'm abit worried but I know I'm obviously still early to be feeling regular movements just yet. Anyone is sane boat? X


Bellyache during early pregnancy🫶🏻

Hello everyone is bellyache during early pregnancy common/normal please? It’s not cramps or sharp pains it’s just normal bellyache but it’s quite painful🤷🏻‍♀️🫶🏻


15 week bump size?!

I am 15 weeks 1 day and I feel like my bump really fluctuates in size. Having suffered with nausea since early on my appetite hasn’t been great so I think I have probably lost weight rather than gained a lot! Anyone else finding this? 🩷


Bellyache during early pregnancy😫

Hello everyone! Is bellyache (not cramps or pains) just bellyache normal and/or common during early pregnancy please? I’ve currently got it and it’s making me anxious😫🫶🏻


Stomach cramps

anyone else experienced stomach cramps in their pregnancy? I’ve had cramps for the last couple of days, and they’re not too bad, but making me feel a bit miserable and anxious that something could be wrong. I spoke to a midwife who said it can be a normal symptom, and didn’t seem to be concerned unless there was als...


Motivation to work needed!

Where do you get your motivation from? I’m 30 weeks now and just want to nap, look after my 16 month old and prepare for the new baby. Is anyone going on mat leave soon or winding down from work yet? xx


Epidural site pain months later 👋🏼

Had my little one in April with epidural as pain relief. The last few days the site where they put the epidural has started to really hurt/ feels really weak… mainly if I’m sitting & when I stand from the sitting position, when I’m standing the pain goes away. Up until now I’ve had no problems, just seems to have ...


Menstrual like cramps- early Labor?

For those of you with early labor cramps what did they feel like? Mine are inconsistent, but happening a lot since about 6 am. They don’t really hurt, just a little discomfort. They feel different from my usual Braxton hicks ?? They also are causing me to poop lol


Period-style cramps, boobs hurting and backaches

What is going on with my body today? I’m trying not to get my hopes up but is this early-ish labor? I woke up with period-like cramps and my boobs are killing me. The contractions I’ve had before this definitely didn’t feel like this. I’m assuming the backache is from the cramps and it feels like I have to poop but ...


Still not feeling pregnant?

Ill be 7 weeks tomorrow and I still barely feel pregnant, especially compared to my last two. It's starting to worry me. Is anyone else not really feeling symptoms yet?


Too dizzy to drive

Anyone else frequently too dizzy/spaced out to feel safe driving some days? My midwife didn't seem concerned, as my urine dip was clear. This can't be normal?!


Feel like I'm going to explode!

I'm 25 weeks today and every time I eat my lunch I feel like I'm literally going to explode I'm at work and struggling to even stay awake but also feel sooo uncomfortable! Please tell me I'm not the only one


Restless leg syndrome

I'm 30 weeks and have had the worst RLS at night before falling asleep since 28 weeks. At first compression socks helped! Now they don't at all :( I've tried every size/compression there is. Last night I tried a bath and heating pad and that failed too. Anyone else have this? What works for you?


Does anybody else rage when they’re pregnant and their snacks are eaten by little gremlins?

I’m temporarily living with my mother. I have three siblings who are under the age of 10 and two kids under the age of 7. I never know which child is eating the snacks because out of the 5 there’s 3 that would be the culprit. 1 being my daughter. My son would ask before ever taking. I’m pregnant and I have a strong ...



Grateful it’s just that t the moment but anything I can do to calm it down a bit? I wouldn’t mind so much but it’s making me do nothing but lay on the sofa for hours which isn’t ideal because I also have a job😂


Missing Symptoms

I'm 6 weeks tomorrow, but the only symptoms I've really had this week are sore boobs, bloating and headaches.... past 2 weeks I was super tired, but that's gone away this week... no sickness or food aversions yet. Anyone else been in a similar situation? It half makes me wonder if I'm actually pregnant 😂 I'll be…


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