Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Braxton Hicks

Is there ever a time where you should go get checked out for BH? This is my 2nd pregnancy, but I never had BH with my 1st. I know these arenā€™t true contractions, but my BH just seem like they are happening more.



Iā€™m almost 27 weeks and the nausea is creeping backā€¦ I feel so bloated I can barely eat. Anything I eat makes me nauseous and bloated. Just a yucky feeling. Iā€™m not happy about thissssšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Pressure in belly

Anyone else dealing with pretty intense pressure in their abdomen? Iā€™m currently 28 weeks 3 days and the last couple days have been rough because of the constant pressure!



Is it possible to feel kicks around wear your underwear line is? I swear thatā€™s where Iā€™ve felt intermittent kicks but didnā€™t know if that was too low.


How do you mentally get through each day?

Iā€™ve had HG now for a month. My current medications have stopped the vomiting, but I am still very nauseous and fatigued to the point where I have to lay down most of the day. Itā€™s taking a toll and Iā€™m starting to feel very down due to the loneliness and the nonstop symptoms. Anyone else? Mantras that have helped y...


Feeling the baby

I just want to know if it's normal to feel like little baby kicks at 16 weeks is that normal or should I call my OB



Hi im a FTM expecting in November. I was wondering does the baby stop moving as much/kicking as much in the days leading up to labor? I feel I heard that before but wanted to be sure. Also any other signs that you look back on now and go ā€œoh yeah, labor was nearā€? Thank you in advance.


I hate my belly button!!!!!!

Does anyone else hate their new belly button or did all of yours go back to normal? After I had my baby a year ago it still looks ugly and wide omfg. I hate it so bad. Especially if you look at it from the bottom up holy sh**. Iā€™ve accepted my new mom bod but I just canā€™t with my belly buttonšŸ˜©šŸ˜‚ just venting thatā€™sā€¦



33w tomorrow, last night realized I wasnā€™t having alot of rib pain and such just TERRIBLE pain downstairs, looked at my belly and thought it looked different lol. Do yall think baby girl dropped?! Or are my eyes deceiving mešŸ˜­


Peeing/wet diapers

I recently noticed my 2 1/2 year old daughter isnā€™t wetting diapers as much anymore. She drinks a lot of water and is eating. But sheā€™s had a cold for about almost a week. She will wake up from sleeping overnight and her diaper is dry. Should I be concerned??


New Movements

Anyoneā€™s baby pushing into their hips? I was getting used to the rib jabs but this is a whole new pain šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Acid Reflux

Has anyone else suffered from acid reflux ?


13 weeks an 4 days

Iā€™ll be 14 weeks tues baby girl I been having ligament pain on my right lower of my tummy I swear I be feeling her kick me this my 4th pregnancy


Feelings kicks?

To everyone whose had multiple kids (or felt babies movements early) when did you start feeling babies flutters then kicks?



Has anyone started showing yet?? This is my first baby and Iā€™ve suddenly just popped. Iā€™m 18 weeksšŸ©·


12 weeks and no bump

Is anyone not showing yet? This is my 4th pregnancy and I'm just looking a little chubby. I've had a couple of people say I might be having a girl.


Period like cramps

Iā€™m 33 weeks and Iā€™m having sever period like cramps itā€™s making me think Iā€™m bleeding but Iā€™m not. Brought it up to the midwife she said because my pregnancies are so close together that my body already knows what to do because it just did it. These cramps are making me think I could go into labor or have my water ...


Baby with stuffy nose

Does anyone elseā€™s babies have congestion? My LO has had a stuffy nose for 3/4 weeks now. Heā€™s fine in the day but before bed we need to stick saline spray up his nose and then suck the snot out. Just feel like itā€™s been going on for ages now ! Is it normal?


Ovarian cyst

Has anyone ever have one erupt. I get cysts sometimes that are painful but never had one erupt. Just curious what it feels like. I havenā€™t had a cyst in a long time I feel like I have one now and itā€™s def painful but not sure what it feels like when if erupts and what you do when it does?


Very early labour /TMI

I know Iā€™ve made a couple of posts about early labour in the last few days. But Iā€™ve been keeping sort of track of things in the last 3 days especially, and I noticed this : Loose stools but not diarrhoea Light period like cramps Light back aches Sort of pressure type pain in my bum Went from waking up every ho...


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