Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.


So the pains you get before you come into your period usually are mild cramps, back ache and belly ache. Has anyone experienced cramps like these yet? I’m 12 weeks and although im not wiping blood the cramps are quite worrying as I’ve only had sharp pains and pulling pains. I know on the NHS app it says cramps like ...


Night terrors

Does anyone else’s little get night terrors? My boys been getting them and it breaks my heart. Online says that they won’t recognize you and to let them be and not wake them.


Calf cramps???

Anyone else’s calves just INSANELY sore?? I feel like I can’t get a good stretch anymore without a big Charley Horse coming on, and it’s made my calves soooo tight and sore. If you’re experiencing this too, what has helped? This momma is OVER IT lol!!


Just a post

My husband went to go get my special craving in his pajamas . I’m very much grateful. I will be extra special to him and not a hormonal crazy lady😅💜🙌🏾


Insomnia! Do magnesium supplements work?

Writing this at 4.30am after being awake since 2am. I have struggled with sleep this whole pregnancy, if it’s not heartburn or backache it’s insomnia. I am so exhausted and would just like to sleep at least 6 hours a night, atm it can be anything from 3-4 hours or sometimes less. What magnesium supplements are safe ...


I am so miserable

I have a c-section scheduled in a month but I don’t know how I’m gonna make it. Everything hurts. I’m always nauseous, having constant headaches and I’m always out of breath. I’m exhausted and soooo over being pregnant. I really want my twins to cook in there as long as needed but everyday is such a struggle. Omg



Is it normal for your baby to still be coughing after everytime they drink water? Are you guys babies still learning or have they mostly mastered drinking water out of a sippy cup or straw (anything other than a bottle). We’ve tried multiple different cups and he doesn’t understand needing to tilt sippy cups upwards...



I’m having some pretty persistent left side abdominal pain. I’m not sure if it’s just baby boy’s foot in my ribs or something else. I’d take Tylenol but I wanna be able to tell if/when it stops in case it’s something serious. Feeling mildly nauseated and a mini headache that did go away a few minutes ago. Edit: deep...


My 1 month old baby is sneazing

My baby is sneazing. Should I be worried ?? Also my nose just got a but snuffly. Should I not handle my baby ? Thanks


Back pain?

Anyone experiencing lower back pain… should I be concerned? 6 weeks and 2 days today!


Post-partum pains

Had a vaginal birth on Tuesday, quite straight forward. I have been suffering with some discomfort / light pains on my legs, back and head since giving birth. My legs and feet were also quite swollen but they seem to be doing better today. I was losing small clots of blood the day or 2 after giving birth (doctors we...


Morning sickness

I wanna cry. So I’m 12 weeks and I’ve been sick since 4 weeks. I can’t eat anything or I throw it up. I’m able to keep down my prenatal and any drinks but any food is thrown up in under 30 minutes. I’ve tried everything and the doctors are no help.


Let's talk about weird food cravings

I'm curious about what everyones weird cravings have been so far! Mostly to make myself feel better about the weird cravings i've had this pregnancy 🤷‍♀️🤣 i'll start. For Dinner tonight i wanted grilled Cheese but amped it up with tomatos, jalapenos and a side of gravy. Thank goodness my fiance is a chef and…


Painful sex

I’m currently 8 weeks pp and me and my partner have tried having sex twice now and it’s is SO painful. Is anyone else experiencing this? 😩


Dreaming of her

I had a nap on the sofa today and dreamed I was still pregnant with my baby girl. I think I woke up smiling. I hate life without her.


After some advice

So I’m 9+2 days pregnant with my first baby and keep getting cramps around my lower stomach more to the middle and I was wondering if it’s normal I have been very paranoid with this pregnancy as I got told I couldn’t have kids so to find out I am was a surprise in its self any help or advice would be greatly appreci...



Anyone any tips? I cannot get any sleep I have heartburn every night 🙈


Rolling and sitting

Can anyone else’s baby still not roll or sit unsupported? I’m not worried but a few people have said he should be able to at least roll by now.



Anyone else suffering with sore backache currently 36+3 first time mum no idea why this is happening


Pelvic pain

Hi I’ve been for a walk this afternoon and now when I’m standing I’m getting sharp pressure in my pubic bone is this normal? I’m 33 weeks today.


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