Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Finally got my bump!!!!

Almost 33 weeks due Dec 7 but hoping to be induced Nov 30.


Dull period cramps

Last night around 3am I started having period like cramps that I felt in my leg & booty a little. I tried to sleep it off & woke up & still had slight cramps. Called my on call doctor this morning and she told me to drink water & take a Tylenol!! Lol. If it continues call back. I’m 33 weeks pregnant. Are you guys ge...


Disappearing nausea

Disappearing nausea at 9+4 normal or no only started at 8 weeks so starting to think it was a stomach bug not pregnancy related be I’ve been I’ll for about 2 weeks



What’s everyone’s weird cravings they’ve have/had when pregnant? The last few days all I’ve wanted is raw seafood including raw crab! 🦀😂 tell me yours!


Heart burn and gastritis

Is there any other OTC medicine other than Gaviscon for severe heartburn and gastritis?? I am experiencing severe stomach pain due to gastritis and have taken Gaviscon (20ml) but it doesn't seem like working that efficiently. Do they provide any pantop/pan-D IV in hospital if it's severe ?? Has anyone got them ?? I ...


Still bleeding 6 weeks pp

Is it normal to still be bleeding 6 weeks pp? I had a vaginal delivery and bleeding seemed to stop/slow down and was more of a brown discharge, however the last few days I’ve been bleeding fresh blood. It’s not heavy enough to be a period so not sure why this is happening I’ve had 2 other children and only bled for ...


Still feeling rough - 13 weeks

My nausea has deffo reduced and I’m Not being sick, but I still feel totally rough - like this constant hangover feeling, dry mouth, sicky feeling, fatigue, no energy. Anyone else?


Co sleeping nightmare

I just want to vent because im horrified Yesterday I was sleeping with my 6 month old daughter and she rolled during the night and ended up hitting her head on floor I heard a loud bang and freaked out went to hospital thankfully she’s fine but I feel like the worse mom ever 😔😔😔😔 anyone else experience this ? I’m…


Tiny bump for 32w

Anybody else have a small bump for their second? Everyone keeps telling me he’s bigger than my first but I can’t see it and it’s worrying me😅I do have a growth scan tomorrow though.


Hip/leg/pelvis pain

Hi ladies. Im 24 +4 and for the last couple of weeks ive been in pain with my legs hips and believe pelvis. I called the doctor 2 weeks ago and he prescribed me dihydrocodeine, which i have taken when i have been desperate. I also have a pelvic belt which i have worn for shopping walking etc. However the last cou...


Is this a normal size

I’m 16+3 is this bump a normal size or is it small?


Having alot of lower pains

I'm 33 weeks and last night and today, I had lower pain that are very strong and painful, got headache and lower back pain feel like sick aswel, should I worry?


Decrease in symptoms

I’m 9+4. I felt pretty rough on Saturday but yesterday and today have been absolutely fine. Is it ok for symptoms to come and go? I feel like it’s too early for first trimester symptoms to disappear and it’s worrying me.



Has anyone wake up literally more than 7 times a night or more often at 36 weeks to use the bathroom? It’s causing me where I can’t get sleep….


Hungry in the night

Does anyone else wake up hungry like really hungry in the middle of the night? I've had GD for approx 4 weeks and currently manage it ok with diet and 1000g of Metformin in the evening however I keep waking up in the middle of the night like 3/4am starving! Should I/can I eat? Thanks in advance


Baby movement

I am 24 weeks pregnant, is it normal to not feel my baby move often/ regular pattern. The movement that I do feel isn’t very strong; and not everyday. Should I be worried?


Does anyone get headaches due to sleep deprivation?

I get headaches due to sleep deprivation and have to take lots of paracetamol otherwise soon it will become migraine for me. Anyone gets headache due to sleep deprivation?


Morning sickness/nausea

Hi, morning sickness/nausea is kicking my ass at present!! Does anyone have any tips or tricks that helped them?! Thankyou in advance 🫶


Still sick 12+ weeks

I’m loosing my mind now I can’t stop being sick my tablets have stopped working and my headaches are unbearable I’m waiting to speak to a doctor today but does anyone have any stories of them feeling better after feeling really bad at 12 weeks 🥲



So the pains you get before you come into your period usually are mild cramps, back ache and belly ache. Has anyone experienced cramps like these yet? I’m 12 weeks and although im not wiping blood the cramps are quite worrying as I’ve only had sharp pains and pulling pains. I know on the NHS app it says cramps like ...


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