Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Hospital ??

I have been cramping literally all day . I can’t even sleep or lay down . It literally won’t go away , tried to lay down and rest but I can’t even lay down without getting up and sitting up . I just don’t want to go for nothing . My girl is moving perfectly fine ( matter fact a little too much )


Back pain

Anyone else had an epidural and still has back pain weeks later from delivery? I had the epidural 6 weeks ago and still have a very tender/ painful area in my spine they did the epidural


Postpartum anxiety and insomnia

Has anyone experienced this and come out the other side? It’s really affecting my sleep and I just want to know if or how I can get better. I’m laying wide awake for hours at night desperate to sleep. I don’t actually feel like I’m particularly worrying about anything specific, but I just can’t switch off. Is there ...


Baby Movement

I'm 22 weeks with my first baby and not got movement yet. I potentially have flutters but not sure if they are in my head. I think they say to contact midwife if you've not felt movement by 24 weeks but I'm worrying. My placenta is posterior. Is anyone else the same?


Uncomfortable cramping

Sorry to bother ladies, I woke up just now to have a wee and I’m feeling uncomfortable cramping in my abdomen I’ve lied on my left side in bed and I feel really really hot like I need air , what could be happening to me? I’m 35+5 days today😭


Nausea coming in the last weeks of pregnancy

Question for all the moms did you get nauseous before you had your baby ? I’m thinking I will have my son in a week or two because I’ve gotten nauseous out of no where this is new to me , I didn’t even experience morning sickness…..


Heart burn

Anyone have any good remedies for heart burn? I be been living off tums but don’t want to take too many. Just tried Pepcid but that did nothing


Aching bones?

I’m not sure if this is related to my pregnancy or C section but I feel as my bones and joins ache and are super stiff; it’s painful. I’m 6 weeks PP and making me want to go for walks or do anything a challenge. Like an old lady: hips, knees, ankles, neck and shoulders. I literally struggle getting up off the sofa...


Still peeing...?!

Ugh... My babe is 14 months old, but still, when I sneeze or cough, I pee a little! It's so annoying... Anyone else!? 😬


Have you been working out/ being active lately?

I feel like the only thing I’ve done is walk a lot sometimes and it’s when I have to… I feel like I should be doing yoga and preparing my body to give birth 😬


Ovulation cramps worsened post pregnancy

Hi moms Has anyone else experience increased cramping and pain during/ after ovulation and before periods post pregnancy? I feel the mood swings are terrible between ovulation and just before periods also Basic medications like ibuprofen, advil 800 mg does not help with pain 🙈 I just cannot function or…


Lobster bisque

I have been CRAVING lobster bisque for the last few days. I went to the store and bought everything I needed to make it. I ate one bowl and got sick from it. Sigh.


Baby’s movement

Update: went into the maternity ward where they checked for baby, had a major heart attack when the midwife looked over and said “ we aren’t seeing anything”, big doctor came in and after 30mins of looking they found her and the heart beat as mine was going extremely fast. Little one was folded up and tucked all th...


35 weeks!

35 weeks +1 day… I’ve been in the ER once at 27 weeks with contractions. I’ve been having constant Braxton hicks but I literally can’t do anything without being out of breath. Back pain. Lower abdomen pain. Swollen feet. Swollen hands. How many times is to much to the ER? My C-section is scheduled for nov 11. My boy...



I’ve hit 28 weeks + 2. Second trimester, a breeze. Get to third trimester, and I think I’ve been hit with indigestion esp @ night time. Often find it’s worst when I’m trying to sleep too. Anyone else experiencing similar? if so, what are you taking to try and ease it…?


Early pregnancy

Hi I really need peoples help I have pain in my shoulder I don’t know if it’s because I’ve slept funny and that’s the cause, I’m having no pain in my belly no abnormal discharge or bleeding just the pain in my shoulder neck and top of my back, I’ve been getting a few belly pains but not bad and obviously pain can be...


Early pregnancy

Please can someone help me out I found out I was pregnant yesterday but I am a week late on my period I don’t know if I’ve slept funny but my shoulder neck and top of my back is hurting I’m freaking out I’m having ectopic I’m not bleeding or have bad stomach pain I obviously have stomach pain as everything is moving...


Where have you been feeling baby's movements at 39 weeks?

Mine are super low, sometimes pain and im just trying to reassure myself she hasn't turned breech again😅


Assisted sitting

My baby hates being on her back when she’s awake. She’s so curious about looking around she’s 3.5 months, we prop her up w the boppy behind her and she likes being there but my mom says it’s bad for her spine and she shouldn’t be sitting yet. Thoughts?


Pelvic pain

So I’m pregnant with my second and I’ve got really bad pelvic pain! I had it with my first but not this early on and not this bad! I’ve got physio next week for it so hopefully it helps a bit… but do the support bands help? If so what one? I’ve looked on Amazon and there’s to many! I’m overwhelmed 😅


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