Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.


So I’ve already been for a growth scan before, I’ve had a midwife appointment today and she said she might need to send me for another growth scan after the next appointment. For context, I don’t understand how when they measure your bump with a god damn tape that this is accurate. My last growth scan baby was 2lb 1...


Low lying placenta

24 weeks - low lying placenta. Haven’t had any issues, booked in for another scan at 34 weeks. Question is - conflicting info on if sex is ok? I haven’t been told it isn’t by midwives or doctors BUT my friend 2 weeks ahead of me has been advised not to have sex until the scan at 34 weeks, purely because of the lo...


20 week scan

UK mums, am I likely to have a blood test at the 20 week scan? I really don’t like needles so need to prepare myself mentally for a blood test. I had the standard one at the 12 week scan but they haven’t said anything about a blood test this time around. I’m low risk fyi


Matb1 certificate

I’m 22 weeks pregnant and my employer is requesting the matb1 form. I know you can get it from 20 weeks but where do I get it from?😅


4D/5D ultrasound

How far along where/are you when u did a 4D/5D ultrasound? Im 33w + 5d


20w Scan!

Scan picture was a bit rubbish, she looks like she has no neck! 🤣 but thankfully all is well! My tech spoke in detail the whole way through (as there was a student in the room with us) so she pointed out everything, why it’s measured and that all of it was a good size etc. We did have to have a walk round for 20…



In first pregnancy, do you have anymore scans after 20 weeks?


12 week scan

EDD. 30th March Anyone else? 🥹🥰


Guesses 💙🩷

Have a private scan booked in 2 weeks time. Any guesses what we think!


Babies weight at 38 weeks

Just had a scan, I’m 38 + 3 today my baby is weighing around 7lb 6oz, does this mean he’s going to be a massive baby? Of course I’ll be happy with any weight as long as he is healthy but I will be a little sad if I miss out on the little newborn phase


Swollen lymph node

Anyone had experience with a swollen lymph node in the neck/under jaw? Awaiting an ultrasound appointment letter and trying my best to avoid googling answers I’m looking for in the meantime lol I feel so tired dizzy etc and am on antibiotics for it Only have one side swollen that keeps going down and up in size r...


Growth Scan

Hello! I’m 37 weeks and have a growth scan later as my bump is ‘too big’ (like everything about me 😂) just wondering for those who have had this, what happens afterwards? Do you get the results instantly? Midwife said if she’s measuring big they’ll want to induce and make me do bloods for GD in case I have…


Any guesses?

Hi all, I had my 20 week scan this week and we didn’t find out the gender, but for a bit of fun what do you think? 🩷💙 x


12+4 guesses?🩷💙

Had my first NHS scan this morning, not sure how visible nub is because I’m by no means an expert, but just for fun wondered if anyone has any guesses on baby’s sex🩷💙


Bump size fluctuations

I have (for some unknown reason) a tiny bump, I’ve had 2 growth scans and in both scans I’m measuring in the 12th percentile. But my bump is significantly small! Sometimes it feels big and other times like this morning I’ve woken up and my bump has almost disappeared! In my clothes I don’t look pregnant! Has anybody...


Babys head measuring small

I had a scan last week and as it was 4.45, i guess i had my scan and then it was closing time so i didnt speak with a doctor or anything. Although the sonographer came to give me the results and told me everythings fine, babies fine and has actually grown tovthe point they arent concerned at all anymore. Now i have...


Position of the placenta

Hello, ladies. So glad I had a positive 20 week scan and baby girl is well 💖💕🩷 However, my placenta is located low back and over the cervix. Anyone else with similar experiences? Xx


Ultrasounds after 34 weeks?

Do you get anymore ultrasounds after 34 weeks if you aren’t having high risk pregnancy? Just wondering


Measuring wrong?

I’m supposed to be 32+3 weeks. I just had my OB appointment and got told that I am measuring at 35-36 weeks. Could the dating scan have been wrong? I have never heard of this happening. Has anyone else experienced this?



Does anyone else think their due date is wrong. At my 12 week scan I was dated 13+3 which I believe is a week and a bit forward. I’ve counted back to my last period and used the NHS website to calculate it. The website is saying the 29th and the scan is saying the 22nd. Anyway, I’ve declined my sweep today as it co...


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