Growth Scan

Hello! I’m 37 weeks and have a growth scan later as my bump is ‘too big’ (like everything about me 😂) just wondering for those who have had this, what happens afterwards? Do you get the results instantly? Midwife said if she’s measuring big they’ll want to induce and make me do bloods for GD in case I have developed it since passing the last test. I was just wondering when that is all likely to happen. I imagine she will be big as they run in my family and I was just under 10lbs so I’m not surprised at all!
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I would be very wary about what they say regarding induction. My bump has been big the whole time, baby has been measuring big the whole time. I was 9lb 4 and I'm 5ft 8, husband was 10lb 11 and is 6ft 3 so it's not surprising we've got a larger baby. The NICE guidelines specifically say not to induce just for predicted big baby where there's no other risk factors. You could have the diabetes test and if it's negative then there is no reason for an induction. It its positive then you may consider induction because babies of diabetic mothers carry their fat and weight around neck and shoulders which can lead to more problems. The other thing to note is that the bump measurements are wildly inaccurate, even the same midwife doing them every time could get a different number. The scans can also be 15% wrong in either direction and are less accurate the further along you get! So all this to say.....take it with a pinch of salt, and if you're both healthy, trust that your body is designed to birth your baby.

I‘m in exactly the same position as you! Had my growth scan yesterday and it was absolutely fine. We found out straight away ☺️ Baby is big.. currently measuring 8ibs 🙈 but was told to always take it with a pinch of salt as they won’t know exactly how big baby is until they’re here! In terms of another GD test they just did bloods there and then as no need for the drink. Overall it was just lovely to see baby again as we hadn’t since 20 weeks 🥰 xx

I had one the other week as my bump was measuring around 95th centile and just had to wait around 5-10 minutes for the results/report. She measured on 61st centile so nothing further recommended for me. Hope all goes well xx

First of all, bump measurements are not representative of baby size so don’t stress about it too much. You’ll get your report there and then and they’ll likely tell you how much your baby weighs or what percentile they’re plotting on. Do you have a consultant appointment booked after or in the next few days? That’s likely when they’ll explain the results and talk about your options. If you don’t, they may request one at your scan. If baby is measuring big, they will make sure it’s not GD causing it. But just be aware that baby size is not a reason for early induction and it baffles me why it’s pushed on women. I’ve seen 10lb+ babies born vaginally with no complications or tears. So if you don’t want an induction, you have every right to decline. I’d also recommend you look well into the risks of induction. If baby is plotting normally, no further action will be taken x

I am in a very similar situation. Currently 38 weeks pregnant had my repeated GD test today as they said yesterday baby had gone from 3.5lbs at 31 weeks to 7lbs and if it is GD they’d look at inducing as it’s classed as acceleration growth

Just do all of your research! a lot of the time the growth scans are incredibly inaccurate and the fundal height measurement can be different day to day depending on how baby is laying. My first baby was scanned to be huge, and she was only 7lb 4oz after a horrific induction, as long as you’re well informed on the pros, cons and statistics whatever you chose I’m sure will be the right decision x

I had one yday and they tell you there and then if its okay or any concerns.

I had a growth scan this morning as my fundal measurement had dropped from the 70th centile to the 10th in 2 weeks. They concluded the scan by saying that my baby is actually marginally too big with marginally too much fluid and they want to induce me 🤦‍♀️ we agreed to repeat the scan in 2 weeks instead as my daughter is on the 97th centile and she was born with no problems at all. I would ask LOTS of questions and don’t panic.

I had this too, at my growth scan they said baby is measuring big but it was just his abdomen, and that he’s feeding well 🤣 the length of his femurs and head were no cause for concern on their end - they told me there and then and sent me on my way. Didn’t check for GD or say there’s any reason to be induced early or anything

Thanks for all the intel all! I’m not concerned in the slightest about the scan as I said, family history of big bubbas over here. I also highly doubt it’s GD as my bump has been large but following the usual trajectory since I past the last one so clearly it’s just me being bigger than average 😂 really not keen to prick my finger 4 times a day just because I’m above average though! I’m not keen on an induction at all so will not be doing that just because they think she’s on the larger sized. No appointments booked for after so I’m guessing they’ll arrange today that after today’s scan. Fingers crossed she’s within their ‘acceptable range’ (ridiculous) and I’ve just made a massive house for her 😂

I’m in the same situation, I went in for reduced movements at 30w and they wanted me to have a growth scan and picked up baby was measuring 88th percentile so had to have a GD test that came back negative and then have another scan at 36w that showed baby is now 95th percentile so I’m being referred to a consultant about a potential induction but at the end of the day it’s always your decision so don’t let anyone talk you into making one! I was a big baby so definitely doesn’t surprise me😂 x

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