Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.


My baby boys anatomy is complete after 4 visits. Lol it was nice to see his face for the grand finale 💙



My OB is not doing any scans ( last 2 visits) and only checking heartbeat and if needed blood work. I am 31 weeks along, when is the next scan usually?


Anatomy scan

Had my first ultrasound at what kind of thought was 19w5d but turns out I am actually 20w4d. That changes my due date a whole week! He is healthy and active but I don’t feel him. Is it normal to not feel them even tho they are healthy?


Early pregnancy scan tomorrow

Went in to a&e tonight as I’m now bleeding properly, red blood with no other symptoms but that. I’m just over 6 weeks and got my scan tomorrow. Unsure of what to expect as my mind is in over drive at the minute. She said bleeding in early pregnancy can be normal for some but can be sign of early miscariage. So scare...


Humour me

Going for my 20 week scan tomorrow and doing a private gender reveal with just my partner on Saturday. Humour me with nub theory guesses… This was our 12 week scan


Pessaries and scan?

Does anyone know if it’s ok to have the internal scan after doing a pessary? I have a scan booked in on Monday morning and I’m not sure whether to wait until after the scan to do my morning pessary but then that will mess up the timings…? If I do my pessary at 7am and my scan is at 10.45am is that ok? Thanks 😊


First Ultrasound 🧡

Finally had my first ultrasound! I had to wait until 9 weeks since my husband was traveling for work last week. It feels like such a big relief to find out the baby is doing well and hear its heartbeat. I know it’s just the beginning and we still have a long way to go but as someone with a lot of pregnancy anxiety i...


Has anyone else had a scan around 5 weeks?

I had a chemical back in July, and have been having pain in my right side since becoming pregnant. The early pregnancy unit took my bloods to check my HCG levels (sitting at 4000 odd) and they were happy to scan me. I didn't think I could be scanned this early. There is dubiety around the placement of the embryo, it...


20 week scan

So yesterday I had my 20 week scan found out my baby head only I the 10th centile but all other measurements are perfect. Me beinv me I've googled it and im absolutely shatting myself don't no why I do this to myself. Had anyone experienced this in previous pregnancies and if so what wax the outcome. I'm sure everyt...


Baby’s weight

I am currently 33 weeks pregnant but my baby has been measuring 5cm higher than the normal measurement since 28 weeks. I got sent for a growth scan and the sonographer said there were no issues. I am seeing people talking about the weight of their babies and I’m wondering cause the midwife has never told me anythin...


12 week scan!

Had my 12 week scan today, measuring 12+3. Any ideas on the gender? I’m so excited to find out! Already booked a gender scan! 💙🩷 TIA ☺️


Measuring big?

So I had my 20 week scan today (at exactly 21 weeks) but I feel like baby is measuring pretty big. Estimated fetal weight is 487g… should I be worried?


Doubting gender scan!

We had a gender scan which we were told we were having a girl, but we had to go for two walks and she was in a very difficult position but they managed to say girl. Since we have had two NHS scans who both said they couldn’t tell what the gender was because she was again in an awkward position. Has anyone else exper...


Liver scan

Has anyone had to go in for a liver scan and if so what was the outcome? I went in to the maternity assessment unit on Saturday as I’ve been suffering with extreme itching on my legs and stomach the midwife assured me it was just stretch marks but took bloods to rule out anything else and I’ve been booked in for a l...


Can I have a reassurance scan through the NHS?

I have previously had a MC where my bleeding began after a private transvaginal scan (more than likely just a huge coincidence) I am now 6+6 and have a private scan booked for the day I will be exactly 8 weeks, however I feel so anxious that’s it’s not with medical professionals/ the NHS and that what happened last ...


Private scan

Hey! Just wondered if anyone has had an early scan with “miracle within” in Huddersfield? Were they good? 😊


Private scan

Had an early scan last week and saw a little bean and heartbeat which after a loss in April was a dream come true. But this week my anxiety has gone through the roof so booked a private scan for next week when I will be almost 9 weeks, and we've never made it past 8 weeks before. What's everyone's experience with pr...



We had our 12 week scan today, or should I say 13, baby’s due date has now changed AGAIN and is officially 28th March ❤️ Any guesses on gender? I’m thinking BOY


Anaemic!? 3 month old baby

Just found out that my three month old baby is anaemic! He had some lumps on the back of his neck/base of his head so we got a blood test. And the blood test results came today said he is anaemic! Has this happened to anyone else? I’m really concerned waiting for an appointment with the paediatrician


Just for fun..

Any guesses on my scan- taken at 12+5


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