Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

5 weeks and 2 days no blood test

Good morning all , is this normal shouldn’t at least get an appointment from my GP ? My first scan is all the way at 9 weeks


HG - extra scans?

Morning! Has anyone in this group got/had HG and been booked in for extra growth scans? I’ve got low PAPP-A so I have extra scans from 32 weeks anyway, but I’ve already had two private scans due to worrying how the HG is affecting the baby and it seems like 12 weeks is ages to wait for my next scan with both conditi...



Just found out I'm pregnant and not really sure what to do as this is all new to me lol. I heard your doctors don't really deal with pregnancies anymore... Can anyone help me do I just wait for a midwife to contact me. How is your pregnancy confirmed, scans etc


Umbilical Granuloma

Has anyone had a baby with this? I have doctor appointment October 2nd but I want to see if it’s something to push a closer appointment?😭😭



How do y’all get us photos at 11-14 weeks..? All my OBs say one at 7-9 for gestation and one at 20 for anatomy… they won’t do any others…


Any guesses? 🩷💙🩷💙

Scan taken at 13+3


20 week scan - gender reveal

I have my 20 week scan at the JR this week and was wondering when it comes to finding out the gender, are they willing to write it down on a piece of paper as we want to do a surprise gender reveal? Has anyone had their 20 week scan yet?


Vague sex given from sonography

We opted to find out the sex of our baby. The sonogrpaher said she “thinks it’s a boy but can’t be 100% sure” and that we should have a blood test to be sure. Wondering if that is what they all have to say (as there’s a small chance it might be incorrect?) Or does anyone else have confident sex confirmation from the...


Growth scan and reduced movements

Hi, just looking for a bit of reassurance! I had a second instance of reduced movement today, was monitored and everything seemed to be okay as I was allowed home, but I was referred for a growth scan for in a couple of weeks and potentially another for 38 weeks. Is this normal following reduced movements or coul...


20 week scan

What was the length of your baby in cm?


Would you call this a form of malpractice?

I couldn't get prenatal care until I was into second trimester. I was scheduled for my first ultrasound with this office, they knew the date of my last period and knew I was measuring around 14 weeks pregnant from a free clinic. For some reason the ultrasound technician was not informed of how far along I was and sh...


Tracking HRV during pregnancy

Has anyone been following the research done by woop on HRV during pregnancy, and been tracking your own stats on Garmin, Woop or other HRV-tracking devices? About 49 days/7 weeks before birth the HRV starts increasing. If you track HRV, did t...



Hello, we have our 20 week scan in a couple of weeks and are wanting them to write down the gender so that we can do a private reveal. I have read though, that NHS aren’t happy to do this. Has anyone been to pinderfields Wakefield for their 20 week scan and had them write down the gender ? Thanks ! X


Peekaboo or Sneak Peek Gender tests?

Has anyone had either of these done before? How accurate was it? I won't be able to have my next scan until 20 weeks but that's too long of a wait lol.


Telling close family

I am 8 weeks gestation tomorrow (although scans show baby only as 7 weeks but with a healthy heartbeat). I am dying to tell my family but don’t want to get their hopes up in case something goes wrong. Is everyone waiting for the 12 week mark? 🙈


Early Viability Scan

We had our scan today at Window to the Womb. Was a fab experience and the staff make it feel so special. Baby is showing a little bigger than 7w+2 which is what we’ve calculated but only by 4 days. So I’m 8weeks according to measurements All such a relief and I’m personally so glad that we paid for it instead of ...


Baby measurements

Hi everyone, I had a growth scan yesterday and my little one is measuring at the 96th percentile at 28+5 so I’ve been booked in for a GDT test. Just wondering if anyone else has had the same and if your baby has measured this big has it then gone on to effect your birth plan? Thanks



The nhs are an absolute joke I said I don’t want to know the gender saw what he is he’s a boy and then purposely said he’s got a penis when I clearly stated we don’t want to know the gender about 3 times during the whole app why did they do this?? How the fuck are they supposed to say the gender when we didn’t want...


6 week scan - help

Viability scan next week at 6+4 after 2 missed miscarriages. Please share your 6+4 scan (or there abouts) and if you see a heartbeat 💓 Xxxx


Finding out the gender?

Hi everyone, for those that are finding out the gender, are you waiting for your 20 week scan or are you booking in a private one? We know we want to know but I can't decide how best to do it. 17 weeks today. 🥰✨


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