Vague sex given from sonography

We opted to find out the sex of our baby. The sonogrpaher said she “thinks it’s a boy but can’t be 100% sure” and that we should have a blood test to be sure. Wondering if that is what they all have to say (as there’s a small chance it might be incorrect?) Or does anyone else have confident sex confirmation from their sonography? Wondering whether to have the blood test to confirm :) thanks guys!
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If it’s an NHS scan they always say they can’t be 100% sure. Ours didn’t suggest we have a blood test tho. Did she manage to look between the legs?

They’ll never say they’re 100% due to the minor room for error

To be honest - she didn’t say very much. She was a bit frustrated at the placement of my placenta and baby was being shy.

I had this happen to me 3 times and on the 4th time I found out we’re having a boy for sure! Every ultrasound before the 4th time I was told a different gender so I had no idea what to believe and we could never tell in pictures or on the ultrasound until the 4th time

Mine asked if we want to know, I said yes and she said “there aren’t any boy parts so you’re having a girl”

The purpose of the scan isn’t to check the gender, it’s assessing the the wellbeing of the baby, so it might be that they weren’t in a position where they could be sure of gender… not that they ever say with 100% certainty. But seen as they mentioned a blood test it’s more likely they weren’t in a good position

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