Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Cervical stitch

My cervix was measuring 41mm at 15 weeks, I just had my 20 week scan and it’s shortened by 17mm and is now measuring 24mm. I’m having the stitch tomorrow. Any positive stories? I lost my firstborn at 23 weeks and I believe it was due to my cervix shortening.


Baby no2?

So i posted yesterday that i had a positive pregnancy test, I’ve had two positive tests. Im a worrier so i booked an early reassurance scan today. They couldn’t see anything in or out of my uterus. They have rebooked me for two weeks time. Has this ever happened to anyone else? The sonographer did say that it co...


The wait is killing me

can’t wait to see if all is well after my last miscarriage/ bleeding at the beginning my early scan 5 weeks &5 days roll on in a few weeks time for my 12 week scan 🙈 currently 9 weeks 1 day


4D private scan?

So me and my partner were planning to do a 4D scan for little one since we’ve just had our 20 weeks and really want to get a better image of little man and just have that extra reassurance since our baby’s healthy (thankfully) we don’t need anymore scans unless there’s a concern in the future but was wondering when ...



Hi all, had a consultant appt today at 36+6 and have been advised to go for a membrane sweep at 38w and have been provisionally being booked in for an induction at 40w if sweep is unsuccessful this has all been advised due to baby being ‘big’, I am not diabetic but both myself and baby dad are 6ft so I’m not surpri...


32 week growth scan baby measuring big

Had my 32 +1 week growth scan today and baby is measuring 4lbs 14oz so they want to rescan me in 2 weeks time. This has come as a shock. Recently tested for gestational diabetes and I don't have it. Anyone else in a similar boat?


early scan measuring 5.5weeks when i thought i had calculated 6+1. No fetal pole. Anyone else?

Anyone else had an early scan and thought they were further along? was told there is sac and yolk no fetal pole. If im actually 6weeks and measuring 5.5 weeks, pregnancy couldve stopped progressing (early misscarriage) OR i could be 5.5 weeks and calculation ahead. Going off my last period i am 6+1😔 rebooked for…


Growth scans!

Went in for our 34 week growth scan, growing well, fell in the 42nd percentile. We got the cutest pictures, but she is totally going to be trouble! Has her tongue out already! Share your fun images!


Any guesses

Gender scan tomorrow finally! Any guesses for fun 🥰 last scan was 11weeks and 3 days below


Baby moving on scan

I’m probably just overthinking, had scan at 12 weeks and then just after 13 and the baby did move but not a lot on the scan just once or twice, but keep seeing videos of other scans where the babies move constantly, should I be worried??


Nub theory?

Can anyone guess what it is based on the 12w 3d scan? 💙🩷


NT Scan!

I am 13+1 day pregnant, I had my screening test today and the results came back with 6.10mm which is a lot higher than the normal amount. I am going for another more in-depth scan tomorrow, I am very shocked with this news and don’t really know how to feel! If anyone has gone through this I would really appreciate a...


Gender scan wrong gender

Has anyone been for a gender scan at 14 weeks exactly and it be incorrect at 20?


Scan help!

I have no idea how far along I am. I have irregular periods anyway, and can sometimes go months without. I haven’t had one since beginning of July (normal for me). I spoke to the hospital when I found out I was pregnant a week ago and they said ‘well you could be 12 weeks, or you could be 5 weeks, we don’t know, but...


Early scan 😍

My little bean on Thursday 🥹🥹 6+3 saw their little heart beat and everything! Was amazing to see after my first scan a couple weeks back was an empty sac❤️


12 week scan guesses… Just for fun 🤩

I know it’s not a great scan pic, baby wouldn’t stay still - any guesses?


Early scan - pregnancy after miscarriage, should be 7 weeks but showing 5

I had an early scan today where I thought I was going to be 7 weeks but all they could see if a sac full of fluid measuring 5 weeks. I'm back in 2 weeks for a rescan This is my 2nd pregnancy after my 1st miscarriage in July and we have now concieved in my 1st cycle, i got my positive test on day 31. Really confuse...


20 week scan - duplex kidney

Hi all, I have just had my 20 week scan and have been booked in for more growth scans as they believe baby has a duplex right kidney. Has anyone else had this or have more info on it? Xx


7 week scan - how was it?

Hey. I am 7 weeks today and have a private scan on Wednesday. Has anyone had one and how did you find it? I’m very excited but also nervous. Did you get to hear your little beans heart beat? Also do you have a scan I can see? :)


Something fount on my scan?

hey girls, I’ve just been for a scan I’ve measured at 8w 5d instead of 10w 6d, baby’s heart beat is completely fine and measured perfect. However, in my scan they had to get someone else in to come have a look. I don’t have a clear picture on what they mean but they said I should find out more in my next scan. Th...


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