Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Low lying placenta

Just did my 20weeks scan and I got told my placenta is lying low, and so I got booked for a 36 weeks scan. Online it says by 32 weeks it should be checked again. So I have two concerns here.. for those who went through this.. 1. Did you have to wait until 36wks for your next scan? 2. Did you end up having vagin...


12+6 Any guesses?

Boy or girl? What do you think? Sonographer has said what they think. Private gender scan booked for a few weeks but interested to know your thoughts.


Baby #2! 8 weeks today

Just had my first ultrasound with baby #2, due May 27th. I swear this pregnancy everything is showing up so early. All the pregnancy symptoms, especially being tired and nauseous. I’m also showing already which is wild. When was the earliest you announced? Thinking I have to announce soon with how much I’m alrea...


Baby measuring small

I went for a growth scan today (32+5 weeks) and it turns out baby is measuring incredibly small- about 6th percentile. They aren’t sure why and they’ve booked me in for further growth scans and are mentioning an induction of baby fails to make improvements in growth. I’m really quite worried even though they told me...


Growth Scan - advice please

Had a growth scan this evening due to reduced movements, I am 30+3 and my baby weighs 3lb 4oz and is on the 13th percentile. His head and abdomen are on the normal line but his femur length is the lower side of normal. My husband is now so anxious there’s something wrong but they did say his arms and legs were stra...


Private Gender Scan 🤍

Does anyone have any recommendations for where to go for a private Gender scan? Don’t mind travelling a little way but just want to make sure it’s a more positive experience than last time. Thanks in advance 🥰


Anyone who’s had a 30 week scan what is your baby currently weighing?

Baby boy currently 3lbs 11oz


Measuring small

I had my 28 week midwife appointment today and im measuring small on the growth chart. Has this happened to anyone else ? I have to go for a growth scan


20 week scan

When is everyone's 20 week scan?


8/9 week scan

Booked myself an early private scan for Sunday and I’ll be 9 weeks spot on. Was wondering if you girls could show me your scans so I know what I’ll be able to see x


First world problems, scan not until 13.5 weeks

I know this is something so trivial but we are waiting for the scan before we tell anyone, I’m 12+2 now and I know we could have had our scan but it’s not been scheduled until I’m 13.5weeks. Deffo first world problems but just wishing I could see my baby and see if everything is okay


Early scan help!

Hello! I just got booked for a scan with the NHS, which won't be before December. I would like to book an early scan before then as I'm both impatient and worried. How do I go about it? I'm based in South East London and am ensured on my husband's Vitality insurance. I have no idea how to book this! Thanks!


Growth Scan

I had a midwife appointment today I am 31 weeks pregnant after measuring my belly, I was over the normal range (31cm) the last time they measured I was 29 cm, she booked me for a growth scan, anyone experienced this? Is it normal?


Can partner come with you to a growth scan

I have a scan at bitterne health centre Thursday. Is my partner or mum allowed in with me?


12 week scan guesses 🩵🩷

Girl or boy ??🩵🩷


12 week scan guesses 🩵🩷

Girl or boy what we thinking ?🥰


Mat B1 Form

Has any one received there Mat B1 form yet? If so how many weeks was you. I’ve just had my 20 week scan and it wasn’t given to me. Thanks!! X


Growth Scan!

Hi everyone! Have just had my 34-week midwife appointment, and she's referred me to have a growth scan done on baby as my bump is measuring slightly smaller than should be (currently measuring at around 32cm) Just looking for a bit of reassurance / insight into the growth scans as everything so far up to this point ...


36 week scan

Had my scan today Little one is measuring 6lb 4oz .. Tbf I'm expecting a big baby because my first was 9lbs 3oz. But can't believe how soon it is until he is here with us.(tbh wish he was here sooner than later, selfish I know 😂 but I can't wait!) Then our family will be complete 🥰 ' xx Hurry up little one;…


No heartbeat at 7 week

Had a 7 week scan and there was sac and yolk but no visible embryo or heartbeat. Going back in a few days. Did anyone else experience this and had a positive follow up scan? Pregnancy test strips still showing dye stealers


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