Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

Post Partum high blood pressure

Any moms 6 weeks PP and still dealing with high blood pressure from preeclampsia or gestational high blood pressure? Wondering when my numbers will finally get back to normal. :/ feeling discouraged because im still getting 130s over 90s every once in a blue moon ill get a 120 over 80 something. Hows your doctor dea...


NIPT fetal fraction

For everyone that’s gotten your NIPT results, how far along were you when you got it done? & what was the fetal fraction?



Just feeling so discouraged. I keep seeing all these posts about babies coming early, being at least 1cm dilated or effaced or something and my body is just doing nothing. I'm 39 weeks today and cried when my OB told me nothing was going on down there for me 😭 I'm literally so miserable and as much as I want baby…



Anyone know if theres a leap around week 12/13? Thanks


Doctors - manager kissed my baby!

I am fuming. I went to get my smear today and my baby was crying in the pram so the nurse got her manager to come in and hold my baby whilst I got it done. Anyways everything was fine she went to give my baby back to me and she KISSES my baby on her CHEEK!!! Not even back of head didn’t ask me if ok - she did it! ...



Been prescribed this for sickness. Has anyone else taken these when pregnant?


Third trimester - all the feels

Feel like I have been so calm with minimal anxiety all pregnancy and now I’m in the third trimester it all feels very real! I keep getting moments of terror thinking - shit, there’s actually going to be a baby here soon 😂 Anyone else? 🫣


Looks like baby could be coming sooner than I thought!

I’m 36 weeks and I was getting intense braxton hicks last night and I went to the toilet and I lost my plug in two bits and I’ve been having mild period-like cramps since. I called maternity triage because I was concerned because I’m 36 weeks but I was reassured and told it’s all normal at this point and I just nee...


NIPT fetal sex

has anyone gotten the baby's gender wrong on their nipt test? I'm just now coming around to they idea that I'm having a boy and getting excited but my test says accuracy 98%. I know it's pretty high but just curious if anyone has gotten theirs and was wrong?


Is it wrong for me to be scared and go to a hotel

My biggest fear is driving in the rain and hurricanes are pretty much making me feel like they're driving at us while we are standing still. Around my house is like 4 huge ahh piles of sticks so I wanted to leave the house last night thinking the storm was coming in by 8am this morning but now it's coming around 7pm...


Anyone still bleach their hair?

I know it’s safe after the first trimester but wondering how your experience went (was your scalp more sensitive, did your hair react differently, etc). I want to do something to my hair but will most likely have to bleach it first


Is NIPT test expensive?

So we didn't know that some insurance didn't cover the amount. We did the test as the doctor recommended and are waiting for the results now. I just got an email about the cost estimate that crosses 1k after insurance. It's ridiculous!


6 weeks and very anxious

Hi gals! This is my first pregnancy! I have anxiety anyways but I feel like pregnancy has sent it through the roof. I’ve paid for a reassurance scan on the 9/10 - was wondering if anyone else is feeling similar??? ♥️❤️⭐️


Question about first period after birth because of breastfeeding

So this is potentially a very silly question.. I've just today got my period back as I've been exclusively breastfeeding my little one. Can I use tampons or is it not advised? It's almost ridiculous timing as I'm due to fly to Croatia first thing Saturday 😞😞😞 and basically planned to be in the pool lots. I've not…


Nub theory

This is the bottom, any guesses?



My midwife just told me in 3/5 engaged. But I really don't understand it. I'm getting pressure really low down and in a bit of pain. Is this a good sign? Or is 3/5 normal? I'm 36+4


Weird cravings

Okay this is soooo random and I do not want judged for it hahahah. I’m 25 weeks + 4 days and the other day I just had this mad urge to bite a table , it won’t go away. Every time I sit down to have dinner I can’t take my mind off just biting the table. I have also been in the car or walking and thought like inedible...


Trying to work out baby’s month milestones

Do I count 4 weeks from his birth date 14.07.24 onwards or do I go by his birth date of every month so 14th of every month? It’s so confusing as the calender is saying he will be 12 month on the completely wrong date🤣 I think I’ve done his 1 month and 2 month birthday wrong🤣


How do I keep calm?

After trying for 4 years with no luck, we’re finally pregnant (4weeks 3days). I’m really scared something is going to go wrong, had 1 miscarriage 13 years ago. Got a beta on Tuesday and then 6 week scan on 13th October. How do I keep myself busy until then?!


After delivery

Hey, yall. So I was gbs positive. I did receive antibiotics in labor. Now my baby is 8 weeks old. I get sooooo scared every time I go to the bathroom, have to change a pad, even when I shower! My hands are literally raw from washing. I know it's mostly due to my PPA but I'm just so worried about giving her strep now...


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