Community Posts, Tips & Support on Mental Health

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Mental Health.

mom bod and aging

38yo mama of one, want another and really feeling my age and how much by body has changed. lost all the weight but everything looks different. i feel lonely in myself sometimes and wish i didn’t put so much stock in my appearance. especially i have an absolute MIRACLE golden healthy boy


Falling apart

I feel like my life is falling apart. I hate to rely on my boyfriend for everything (he’s nice about it tho!) but I just hate it for myself. My credit has gone down so bad because I didn’t mention anything about credit card payments at first when I stopped working. I honestly thought that after baby is like a month ...


Anyone burnout yet?

I have my regular breaks, try to keep myself busy with the baby but it just seems never ending now.. i don't have any friends or family nearby. Nowhere to go and just relax for a while. How are you all coping?


Feeling alone….

So I’ve had a bit of a mental breakdown today… stressing about finances and how me and my partner are going to actually afford this baby when I’m living paycheck to paycheck at the moment. I suffer with anxiety & am a massive overthinker anyway and I feel like my partner gets annoyed when I’m like this 😔 I also…



Anyone else feeling down & depressed? Being pregnant can be so lonely


Feel like I’m the only one doing this alone …

Honestly feel like I’m the only one having to do this with no partner , family’s turned their back on me.. so the only thing really keeping me going is my baby, and I know I’m not the only one and many people have done it all on their own and they have all done such a great job! But will I? I just feel so lonely it’...


Mum friends

Finding it so hard to meet other mums and its so lonely i don’t work don’t have friends near by as moved away from family


Where is my ‘village’?

Does anyone feel like this? I feel like I’ve had zero support from family and friends since I had my baby. I thought my mum would be amazing and want to be here helping out all the time but I barely see her. People talk about how you need a village to raise a child but it’s literally just been me and my partner.


No mum friends?

Does anyone else have literally no mum friends? Im worried its going to affect my little one as she gets very little interaction with other toddlers her age. I try do lots of classes etc with her but im always on my own and im starting to dread going.


Independence struggles

Using the monitor for the first time tonight so I can have a bit of time with the husband in the living room and I’m so upset about leaving my baby and coming out here for a little while before going back in to bed. I knew I’d feel weird but didn’t think I’d be this upset, where I’ve had actual tears!


anyone else?

Is anyone feeling really alone and bored in pregnancy? Like people have told me to enjoy it because a baby will be here soon but I’m not enjoying my pregnancy at all😫 it’s just making me feel like crap, i know I’ll feel different once my baby is here I’ll be constantly occupied but atm it’s just so hard🥲


Anyone else?

Does anyone else have a dislike for their partner/husband since having a baby? 😂 I still love him but sometimes I hate him at the same time haha!


Feeling alone

My wee girl is 10 months and I feel like everyday we spend time just the 2 of us don't get me wrong I absolutely love spending time with her but I just thought by now I'd have found some mum friends I went to all the baby classes and tried but still found I didn't seem to be getting anywhere. All my friends from bef...


Does anyone think that they failed in life?

I ve got nothing,I don't have a car,I live a flat form housing association,don't have a car..I work but I m limited to what I cab do due to childcare.. I ve got noone in my life...noone to celebrate birthdays with...I feel like an absolute zero...


Anyone else a ‘solo parent’

Anyone else have a partner in the army/oil rigs or generally works away from home for long periods?? My boyfriend works 3 weeks on and 1 week off and sometimes gets home at the weekend. He is the main provider for us and I am so so grateful for him,however sometimes definitely struggle considering I don’t have any ...


Friends post baby…

Does anyone else feel as though their friend life has been affected drastically since having your baby?? If so how do you manage cause me personally am struggling 💯 to the point where I’m just gonna give up


Feeling guilty

Does anyone else just feel tapped out and just want a break to reload i have two under two and like today i have already got a film on for them got them playing but I honestly just want to sit here their dad would rather work I don’t drive have no family near me friends are with their family i go out most days eithe...


Why is motherhood so lonely?

I just had my second baby almost 2 weeks ago and again I’ve been reminded how lonely postpartum and motherhood is. Although my family consists of females who are also mothers including my own mom, it seems as if they don’t remember how hard it is. Even though my husband saw me go through the labour pain, there seems...



Anyone else feeling so lonely at times? 5weeks PP and man it’s really hitting me tonight. Maybe because I’m so tired. I’ve started keeping baby Al night and day by myself since hubby is working so much lately. He’s in the hot sun all day so he’s so drained at night. We barely have time to talk. Of course there’s no ...


People suck

I’m really struggling with the fact that no one will help watch my kid so I can have some me time I mean there is one friend but she’s pretty far. I’m struggling with the fact that people said they would help me and now it’s like nope I can’t commit to that. It fucking stings. People keep saying I need new friends b...


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