Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.

Transition to one nap

Has anyone’s little ones transitioned to one nap yet? How and when did you know they were ready? How did you do the transition?


7 week old will only contact nap

My 7 week old daughter will only contact nap and refuse to sleep in her cot. Anyone else having this issue? What did you do to get through this?


Snuz Basket help please

Hiya, we were gifted a pre loved snuz basket and mattress from a family member. I would ideally like to replace the mattress with a new one, but the snuz basket mattresses are really pricey! Has anyone got/used a snuz basket with a different mattress that you could recommend, I’m sending my head round the bend with ...


Babies decide how they sleep…

It’s not up to us! And there’s no right or wrong! Before I had children, I hadn’t really thought through how sleep would go. Because I’m interested in psychological research, I knew a bit about sleep training and had made a casual decision never to do it, and my understanding was that it was all CIO. But I also st...


Sleeping positions

Hey lovelies I’m going to be a first time mum I’m currently 36w5d pregnant and having trouble sleeping through the night. I find it very uncomfortable to sleep on my left side and only get relief and a good sleep sleeping on my right side. I know it’s recommended to sleep on your left as much as possible, but is any...


Night struggles

My 8 month old suddenly started waking up during the night at some point.. will drink milk and will take ages to put back to sleep when she used to be so easy as just lying her in bed and she fall asleep but lately it justs takes like 1-2 hours. Is this sleep regression or teething (getting her first tooth at the mo...


Most absorbent nappies?

My little one is almost 3 months old and has started sleeping much longer stretches (slept through the night 3 times now!!) Please can someone recommend the best nappies for night time? Obviously if he’s asleep I’m not waking him for a nappy change (unless it’s dirty or he wakes and is uncomfortable) so need som...


Baby Screaming/Wailing after naps

EDIT: Seems like a lot of us are in the same boat could this be linked with sleep regression So baby is around 4 months. For day naps whether they are 20 minutes or an hour and a half she is waking up screaming. Usually she's had a nap pu change before hand and fed so we're not sure what the cause is but she soun...


Feeds 7-8 months

Is anyone doing an extra bottle still when they go to bed or is the last bottle before they sleep around 7ish lasting?


Cot bedding

Hi! My little girl is still in her cot, she’s too tall for sleeping bags suddenly, so please can you either suggest really long sleeping bags or whether you use a duvet in a cot? Suggestions say not to use duvet in a cot with the sides up and we still have the sides up xx


2yo not sleeping on their own

So since I moved my 2 year old into his toddler bed he won’t fall asleep unless he can touch me. The first few nights I stayed with him until he fell asleep because not only did he change beds but he changed rooms too I I knew it would be new and a bit scary. 2 months on and he will just scream and cry during nap ti...


Sleep regression

My baby use to sleep 8-9 hours without waking up now he is up every 2-3 hours sometimes even every hour. I get no sleep and I’m getting frustrated, started two weeks ago 🤯😫 He don’t sleep a lot during the day either He goes right back to sleep after I put him on my boobs so he is not staying up or doesn’t cry at…


4 month baby refusing to sleep

My 4month old is not getting enough sleep for the last couple days. He has roughly 2.5hours in the day and has been refusing to go sleep at night. It takes us over an hour or 2 to finally get him to drift off. When he wakes up at night for a feed he does the same and fights his sleep. Is this normal? I feel so bad f...


Sleep deprived

It seems as tho my LO has somewhat regressed in her sleep. She used to do 4 hour stretches a few times through the night. Unfortunately last night after the first 3h40 min stretch she kept waking up every 2 hours. There was one time she woke up after an hour. At 4am she woke up again and my partner let her sleep in ...


Nap time

Hello how are you keeping your little ones warm when having a nap? He’s rocked to sleep and can’t swaddle/blanket with him rolling around but at the same time if I transfer into sleep sack he’ll wake up🤦🏽‍♀️


What’s worse?

1. Baby 💩 as soon as they fall asleep 2. Hearing toddler wake up right after you finally doze off 3. Starting the day at 5am after sleeping in 30 minute increments


Late nap

Does anyone else’s LO have a later nap time in the day? My LG has her nap at 2-4 and bed 8pm which works for us!


How long do you leave between night feeds?

My baby eats at 11pm then 2am then 5am and it's not changed much since she was 3 months


First night in own room 🥲

Last night we moved our daughter into her own room, she slept really well with only 2 wake ups! Me on the other hand woke up loads to check the monitor 🙈


BF Babies Sleep

Hi everyone! My little boy is BF and all together I am only getting an hours sleep on a night, is this normal or should I be moving to bottles? He is constantly on me and I think its to settle himself to sleep more than hunger. I'm exhausted!


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