Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.

Swaddle bags

Looking to get a couple swaddle sleepbags for baby boy. I didn’t use a sleeping bag for my first born til she was about 7 months. What do you prefer, tommee tippee or love to dream? Thank you! ☺️


One nap - sleep

Did your LO start sleeping better through the night when you transitioned to one nap instead of two?


Why won’t he sleep

The last two nights have been horrendous, he’s had us up every hour or two but as soon as I give up and bring him downstairs he crashes . I know at his age - 11 weeks its normal for him to be still waking up but usually he goes 2/3 hour stretches and goes straight back down without a screaming match we have had the...


Morning struggle

Every morning at 5.30am pretty much exactly my LO will start struggling to poo/pass wind where he starts scrunching his legs and kicking about and squirming and moaning but while falling asleep intermittently for a couple minutes here and there but this can go on for 1-2 hours until I get him up! But I try to leave ...


Early morning wake ups 💀

Any advice on how to make LO sleep longer in the mornings?? Or is this just my life now and is anyone in the same boat! Little man used to wake up around 7ish, but now consistently for the last month or so that has gotten earlier and earlier where most mornings are now 5:30am - or this morning, 4:30am 💀 - and…


Baby sleep

So my little girl is almost 4 and a half months old and last night she slept for 11 and a half hours! She is gaining weight perfectly never dropped (breast fed) Should I still be worried she slept that long? I think she also has a cold so maybe that’s why she slept so long in the night?


Fastening pillow case closed

My boy has a lovely soft brushed cotton toddler duvet set however the pillow case is so baggy and I worry he can slip his head in during his sleep. Any ideas on some toddler safe fastening ideas for someone who isn’t so crafty? I’m considering paying someone to pop a zip on it


Introducing formula for the nights

Those who were breastfeeding and have introduced formula particularly at night, have you noticed an improvement in babies sleep? Has it affected your supply for the daytimes?


7 week old who doesn’t sleep

Any mums out there who can share their own experience of sleep with their newborn. My 7 week old lg rarely sleeps longer than 1-2 hours at night mainly 1 hour. She used to do 3/4 hours but last 2 weeks it’s regressed. Does it go back to normal? Did anyone go through this? If so when did the regression end. Love one ...


Wet nappies

My 14 month old wets through his nappy every single night. This has been for a few months. We have made sure it’s the right size for him. We make sure everything is pointing in the right direction (boy). Not sure how much more washing of bedding/ sleeping bag/ pyjamas my washing machine can cope with. I guess my que...


Bedtime routine/sleeping through the night?

My twins are 3 months now and the perfectionist in me is getting extremely hung up on how I can get them to start sleeping through the night. Honestly my twins are really good. Last feed is around 6, then I play with them a bit, bath time (one at a time), and put them down by 7:30. feed them around 10:30/11 and the...


Can’t be out down

Hi all, 11 week old baby boy could always be put down in his cot at night, but the last 3 nights he’s woken up every time I put him down, straight away. I’m so tired from holding him 😩 anyone else? I don’t mind him waking up to feed at all, but I really need him to be in his bed again when he’s asleep 😣



Would you judge someone for taking a small baby out late at night? Took my 2 month old to the grocery store and the cashier made a comment making me feel she was judging me for having a small baby out late 🤷‍♀️ it was 10pm.


How much are your LO’s drinking?

FTM. My baby is 2 months old. I exclusively breastfeed and pump. My baby is having around 5/5.5oz with a bottle about 3-4x a day. Mostly in the evening and overnight. This helps him sleep for about 3-4hrs but it feels like a lot for a baby so small! He’s gaining weight fine. But he’s definitely got a LOT more clin...


Does your baby cry a lot during nappy changes?

Our LO is 7wks old but was 6wks early so adjusted age is 10days. In last few weeks he’s started crying uncontrollably at nappy changes. He does have a nasty rash we can’t seem to get rid of no matter what we do - which is a separate post - so i am wondering if it’s association of him being sore making him cry. I kno...



I need help!! So my son (one years old) has two naps a day but he is going to sleep at night by 10pm! And waking up by 6am/7am in the morning, what do we do!? He usually naps for 2 and a half hours in the morning and then one hour late afternoon, we have tried to drop the late afternoon one but he still stays up til...


Sound machine

Baby girl sleeps in our room and we play a white noise sound machine. It helps her sleep but sometimes it irritates the living soul out of me and then I can’t fall asleep.. How long do you let your sound machine play overnight?


Daytime naps - how many?

My May baby has just turned 5 months (4 months adjusted) and I keep reading she should be going down to 3 naps a day at some point but this just does not seem feasible. We average around 5 naps a day anywhere from 10 mins to 2 hours and her wake windows are around 1.5/2 hours. I’ve tried stretching but she is just s...


Baby waking early hours uncomfortable

My 8 and half month old has been waking any time between 3 and 4 in the morning like he is uncomfortable and has wind. We give him some infacol which helps for few minutes but then he’s crying again and rolling around. It continues on and off until 6am where he ends up just waking up. Anyone know how to help him w...


Newborn sleep

My baby is 5 weeks old and just slept 6 hours straight at night. She usually sleeps 4 hours max and I made her a bottle at the 4 hour mark for when she woke up but she didn’t and I fell asleep again. Then I startled awake at 6 hours and had to wake her to feed. On Google it says to feed every 3-4 hours… is 6 hours b...


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