Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.

Baby fighting every nap

My baby is 5 months and fights every single nap. Arches her back, throws herself around, cries and screams even though she’s tired and it just doesn’t matter what I do she won’t go to sleep. Hushing, rocking, singing, music, patting her bum, stroking her hair, dummy, nothing. She just cries until she’s so exhausted ...


What time do you put your kindergarteners to bed?

I normally try to have mine in bed by 8-830 but it’s almost impossible to get to him to bed on time with 3 kids, he normally gets to bed by 9-930 is that too late? He gets up about 7


Not drinking

My 5 month old has only had about 2 bottles of 6 ounce milk in 24 hours he seems well no temp but is more sleepy then often and still having wet nappies any adviced I’ve tried puree and boiled water he is just refusing it and getting worried


Transitioning out of the love to dream swaddle bag

Any tips on how to transition my LG who is 7 weeks old from the love to dream swaddle bag please. The transition bag with the arms that can be zipped off is from 6kg so it’s too big for her as she’s only 4.5kg. TIA


Toddler & naps

My 21-month-old has refused to nap for two days in a row, and I have no idea what to do. He started sleeping on his own at 6 months. We’ve followed the same sleep routine, used the same sound machine, and kept everything consistent since then, with only minor schedule changes as he’s grown. He usually wakes up at 7 ...


To nest or nap, that is the question




So I have a 3 year old and a May baby, struggling a bit with bedtimes. My 3 year old has always gone to bed around 6:30-7:30 on the odd occasions later, but she’ll always get 12 hours and I’m fine with waking up around 7am. Obviously she doesn’t nap in the day anymore, but I’m struggling with my youngest. She’s some...


Five week old now only sleeping for minutes at a time in the day! Anyone else?

My baby boy has napped well in the day so far but is now only fallen asleep for a few minutes and then waking again! On the plus side he is now sleeping longer at night!


Sleep tips (nap time)

Has anyone got any tips when it comes to naps? He’s 14 +4 weeks and he’s been napping on us since about 7/8 weeks. I have tried so many times to get him to sleep in his next to me but simply refuses or wakes up 5 minutes later. The most I’ve managed to get is 40 minutes. I’ve tried putting him down sleepy but a...


Baby will only breastfeed to sleep!

Hey, mama in need of a bit of support or validation and to see if anyone has been through or going through the same thing. I’m at a loss at the moment as my 10 month old will not nap at all without being fed to sleep and it’s the only thing that will resettle her when she stirs. She won’t even sleep in the pram o...


4 month sleep regression

Anyone else struggling with the sleep regression? It started about a week ago. Before this, baby sleep for 4-6 hours a night with no waking up. Now it's every hour- 2 hours waking up crying. He's breastfed so I offer food at each waking, but last night it wasn't even an hour sometimes before he'd wake up. Any tips ?...


How many naps does your 15 month old have?

If you could write the hours, it would be helpful as well please 🤍



Had to scream and cry into a pillow today. Sleep regression, teething and a cold. So tired and feel helpless 😔


Sleep regression

My little boy has went from sleeping 8pm - 4am (wake 1), then 4:30am - 6:00am (wake for the day) to now waking 6 - 8 times a night. I know there is a 6 month sleep regression but it’s been going on for nearly 4 weeks. Should I be doing something to get him back to his normal sleep routine? Has anyone successfully go...


Not sleeping at night?

Anyone else's newborn do awesome sleeping during the day and then as soon as the sun sets they just dont want to sleep? My boys are 8 days old. Just wanting to nap like 30 mins and then eat all night... During the day they will eat and then sleep for 2-3 hours..


Feeding to sleep

My LO is almost 11 months and we have always fed to sleep (he’s breastfed) naps and night time and for night wakes as it just works and always has been the quickest way! Only other way he sleeps is in the car. I am happy feeding to sleep although worry I’m creating a problem and he will never be able to sleep withou...



Hi, for anyone co-sleeping, how do you do it?


Partner stay over night

If you have your c-section in the morning list and theoretically aren’t discharged for 24 hours does anyone know if your partner can stay over night?


Sleep training

Does anyone have any tips?? I am struggling on how to start sleep training my 4 month old baby. She does pretty well at night. Once she’s down she stays down except for a 2-3 am bottle. We cosleep as of now but I want her to start to sleeping in her crib. Any tips would be helpful!!


Anyone else 11 month old trying to drop to 1 nap already?

He’s 11 months now and honestly is awful trying to put him down for his naps in the morning and late afternoon. He just doesn’t seem tired at all!! So he was up at 7.30 this week and hasn’t gone down for a nap till 12 after his lunch and is still asleep at almost 3pm and then he’s awake till 7pm which would make his...


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