Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.

Moms of multiples! When did you move your first to a big kid bed?

My son will be 2 years and 1 month when this baby is born so I’d like to move him into a big boy bed so baby can have that crib, etc. Did you skip toddler bed and go straight to a twin or full? Did you do a regular bed with removable rails or a floor bed? I want something that will last him several years which is wh...


Overly Tired Toddler

Does anyone get so frustrated when their toddler is overly tired and so upset but will absolutely not go to sleep???


6 month old Sleep Regression?

Im a FTM and my baby just turned 6 months a week ago. I noticed increased drooling and fussiness. He used to sleep a little better but now only sleep for 3 hours and then every 2 for feedings. Any advice?


Sleep - or should I say no sleep!

I'm really struggling with my sons sleep at the moment and I'm not sure whether it's a sleep regression, a separation anxiety or whether he just doesn't like his bed. He's never been a great sleeper and didn't sleep through until he was about a year old, but even through regressions he'd still be asleep by 715pm. H...


Floor bed/toddler bed

So I’m thinking about moving to a ‘big boy’ bed for my little one, has anyone done this yet? How has it gone? I’ve added a photo of the one we are looking at!


Cot to bed transition?

Has anyone taken the sides off their cots yet? I'm thinking we will maybe attempt when our LB turns 2 but we feel like he will literally get out of bed and walk around his room for hours 😂 We will probably but a bed guard on it to begin with but still not sure how to navigate it? At the moment we put him to bed…


Sleeping on me

Should I stop my baby sleeping on me? During the day she will sleep while carried on our shoulder or held sideway. Through the night she sleeps on my chest while I sleep, there is no other way currently she will fuss and scream in the cot even thought she’s slept on it before, and even on the bed next to me she just...


Night out - bed time

So, I breastfeed my baby to sleep and I’ve never ventured to go out and let my partner put my baby to sleep. I wouldn’t even know where to start? Is there any other mum who feeds her baby to sleep and let her partner do bed time? I’ll go out with some friends and I’m so worried and feel guilty I’ll leave my baby home.


Baby love to fidget/touch things to sleep

Hello! My baby used to be rocked to sleep and she’s somehow now decided she doesn’t want that anymore 😂 I’ve discovered lately she loves to fidget and touch things like my clothes, face, her hands etc and it seems to settle her. Are any other babies like this and also, is there anything safe I can give her for…


7.5 month old still waking in the night

My boy is still waking 4/5 times each night. I have unfortunately got into the habit of him falling asleep on the breast in order to get him to sleep. So I think he’s waking because he’s stirring and realising he’s no longer on the breast! He is breastfed/formula fed during the day as well as having 2/3 meals of sol...


Milk and teeth brush

If your baby is still feeding in the night which they could be so don’t judge, how do u brush there teeth? I do it in the bath before bed But then she has 2 bottles through the night? Do we brush in morning too I’m confused if it’s bad for her teeth Thanks


How does your baby go to sleep?

Vote or write in the comments.


Sleeping bag

What age are others starting sleeping bags for their baby? I’ve got a 0-6 month sleeveless one. With my first I waited until 3 months but can’t seem to find a straight answer on google! So just wondering what others did. I’m layering him up and using 2 cellular blankets at the moment. He’s quite a chilly baby, so li...


Crying before bedtime

Does anyone else experience an almighty kick off before bedtime? 12 weeks old and without fail every night before bed he just screams, like a witching hour but I thought he’d grow out of that by now! Help


Baby fighting every nap

My baby is 5 months and fights every single nap. Arches her back, throws herself around, cries and screams even though she’s tired and it just doesn’t matter what I do she won’t go to sleep. Hushing, rocking, singing, music, patting her bum, stroking her hair, dummy, nothing. She just cries until she’s so exhausted ...


What time do you put your kindergarteners to bed?

I normally try to have mine in bed by 8-830 but it’s almost impossible to get to him to bed on time with 3 kids, he normally gets to bed by 9-930 is that too late? He gets up about 7


Not drinking

My 5 month old has only had about 2 bottles of 6 ounce milk in 24 hours he seems well no temp but is more sleepy then often and still having wet nappies any adviced I’ve tried puree and boiled water he is just refusing it and getting worried


Transitioning out of the love to dream swaddle bag

Any tips on how to transition my LG who is 7 weeks old from the love to dream swaddle bag please. The transition bag with the arms that can be zipped off is from 6kg so it’s too big for her as she’s only 4.5kg. TIA


Toddler & naps

My 21-month-old has refused to nap for two days in a row, and I have no idea what to do. He started sleeping on his own at 6 months. We’ve followed the same sleep routine, used the same sound machine, and kept everything consistent since then, with only minor schedule changes as he’s grown. He usually wakes up at 7 ...


To nest or nap, that is the question



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