Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

Help I’m trying to potty train my daughter but any time I put her on the potty she screams like it hurting her and I’ve tried everything I bought a little toilet I got the little seat that goes on the big potty I’ve tried stickers I’ve even put on videos for her. She starts pre-school at the end of the month and I’m...


Ashton teething powder

Has anyone used this and if so do you recommend?


Potty for 13 month old

How/when do you introduce a potty? Actually feel abit silly actually posting this 🤣🫣 but literally have no what so ever 🫣 x


Anyone else’s April baby teething?

I’m 99% sure my baby is teething at nearly 4 months old but I’m a first time mum so I have no idea if my instinct is correct 😂 can anyone advise please? Symptoms : - fussy on bottle, takes 30-40 mins to finish 5oz - hands are constantly in her mouth - dribbling so much and constantly dropping out of her mouth -…


Potty training

How do u start potty training?


Toilet training help!

My little boy is 4 and starting school in September! He is fully potty trained day and night for wees and he took to that immediately he decided one day at nursery he was using the toilet and that was that! Never had any accidents! However poops he just will not do on the toilet! He used to do a poo face but now he...


Potty regression

My daughter has been potty trained both day & night now for about a year but recently she has started wetting herself & then saying she needs a wee. I’ve cut out squash so she only drinks water or milk. Has anyone been through a similar thing? Will it pass on its own or should I contact a dr?


Potty training

How/ where to start?! Any tips / books / methods?


Nurseries not allowing pottys!?

My son is on day 7 of potty training and has been doing really well at both wees and poos. Only 1 accident at home since day 2. At nursery on the other hand, he hasn't managed ANY on the potty/toilet (he's only been to nursery twice since we started training). I just assumed they'd use pottys as I've no experience ...



Hi guys, Since yesterday my LO who is 10 weeks 6 days now he’s been drooling, hands to the mouth, crying a lot, he’s been chewing his teet a lot and moving it around his mouth. Does this sound like teething? If we give him a teething ring he tries to angle it to where the pain is. He’s quite hot aswell.


Potty training

Is it too early to start potty training? I'm alone atleast 4 days a week 7 till 7 with my 10 month old who screams when I leave to room which makes an issue for me going to the toilet without him screaming. I thought about getting him a potty and putting him on that when I use the bathroom. So not fully potty train...


Daycare and potty training

So my daughter just turned 2 and we spent the past 2 weeks at home potty training her. Before doing so, I spoke to the director of her daycare to make sure it was ok and she said it was (although she did say that she thought 2 was young and she’s never seen a 2 year old be potty trained, which I thought was strange,...


Potty training

Currently potty training my little boy. We have 0 accidents when he is running around with nothing on and he’s really good at telling us he needs to go. But as soon as I put pants on is almost like he feels he has a nappy on so it’s ok to wee in them, which is making it extra difficult to find the confidence to take...


Is my baby teething?

My baby is 12 weeks old today and he won’t stop drooling. He also sucks on his hands all the time. I can go through about 3/4 bibs a day cause he drools that much, sometimes I’m having to change his clothes as well as it soaks through the bibs. Anyone else experiencing this and got any advice?


FTM, baby teething, please help

Hey mamas, I'm a FTM. My little girl is 6 months, she's been super grumpy, dribbly, pulling at her ear, and biting down on my boob and her toys very hard. She's also been up every hour during the night, I had a feel and look inside her mouth and where her two bottom teeth will be, there is a cut/opening where the le...


Fishy breath

Hi everyone! Please help me out with this! My son is 10 months old and he’s got 8 teeth 4 new ones at the top and 2 new ones at the bottom with his two middle ones out for a while now. I brush his teeth once a day for sure but usually the bedtime brushing gets him far too excited and he just doesnt feel sleepy af...


Diaper size

My boy is about to be a month old on August 9. He’s been wearing newborn diapers. Any time he poops it comes out by his leg. When I put the diapers on I make sure I fluff them out to prevent blowouts. The recent diaper change I put a size 1 on him to try it out and see how it works. How can I tell if I need to siz...


Potty training

Has anyone started potty training yet? Or introduced the potty yet? If so how did you start?


Teething symptoms

Any mom’s experienced their LOs eyes being swollen while teething? She has one swollen eye and idk if it’s one of the symptoms of teething or she got bit by something because we were in the backyard yesterday.


Please any tips to get little one to poop in potty or toilet

She’ll do a wee nut refuses to poop in potty or toilet 😩


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