Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.


What has helped you w/ heartburn BESIDES tums/smaller meals


Mom butt

Has anyone else lost their butt postpartum? I’m 5 months PP and finally returned to the gym, but I noticed pretty quickly that my butt completely disappeared and I’m lookin like Flat Stanley, even in tight workout leggings 🥲 has anyone else experienced this? 😂


Depression at 6w pregnant!

Anyone else struggling? I think it’s the constant fatigue that has me in bed all day which is so isolating. Tips?


Pelvic pain

Currently laying with a heating pad inbetween my legs because the pain is killing me😭 I’m so ready to not be pregnant anymore, I just want to sleep😭


Anyone relate

Anyone have high Bp ? 34w5d 141/94 Right side upper belly sore.


Any FTM 15 weeks without a baby bump?

Is this normal?? Starting to freak out.


A lot going on rn

I have a lot going on rn. My bf and I got into a fight over dinner and I did laundry and did dishes and when I sat down I realized I was bleeding. I went to the bathroom and TMI passed a clot.. I had bleeding at 6 weeks as well, I messaged my doctor and will call again in the morning… I’m 12 weeks along… I’m terrifi...


Braxton hicks 35 weeks 3 days

I think I’m starting to experience Braxton hicks! I’ve gotten so many today it just feels like my stomach keeps tightening up like when a cramp in your leg is about to start lol (idk how else to describe it) but there’s no pain it lasts a few seconds and goes away. I keep getting them sometimes multiple in the hour ...


Guess who is awake ? Me ! And of course baby lol 😂

Yo yo ! Regression ! Wish I could sleep but my lord his regression has given me insomnia. Anyone awake 😅



6 weeks and 2 days today and I am getting sicker and sicker by the day. Any other mummas spewing multiple times a day



Hey ladies, just looking for advice I’m struggling to sleep, feel extremely sick and have quite the headache. I haven’t really felt my boy move today. He’s moved, but not as often as I’m used to. Do I ring MAU? Or do I monitor and see? Diagnosed with GD at 28 weeks and meant to be going in for my induction on We...


5 cm and no active labor

I am 5 cm and not in active labor. My tummy just is contently in a campt state. Got sent home so I am just waiting for my action. I am so ready to have this baby and think it is crazy I am 5 cm and not having real contractions.


Bones cracking

Am I the only one who experience cracky pelvis bones …. Everytime I’m laying down or try to switch sleeping positions…. It doesn’t hurt just feels funny.


pp pelvic pain

1 week postpartum vaginal delivery no stitches but i’m experiencing pain around clit soz if that’s tmi and front of my pelvis. Im still bleeding quite abit and i keep feeling it come out reminds me of how my waters felt, any tips how to get rid of it i struggle to lift my legs to put socks, underwear or bottoms on b...



I swear this heartburn is going to be the death of me I can’t even sleep 😭 HELP ME


Potential prolapse

*TMI* So I have something hanging out of the opening of my vaginal canal, I’m not sure if it’s a prolapse or a hymenal tag or what. I called a gynecologist and they won’t see me and said I need to call my gyno who I delivered with… their office shut down so I have no doctor. They then said to get a pcp which I don’...


Insomnia since having baby

I’ve developed insomnia since having baby and have such bad anxiety at bedtime. Lo is a great sleeper at night but I just cannot sleep! Have resorted to sleeping tablets … tried tonight to not taking one and my heart is racing!! Has anyone got any suggestions? We go outside each day for a walk , I try not to use my ...


Kickboxing during pregnancy

Hey Fitness Mamas and Mamas to be I have a particular question 😊 I have been doing Muay Thai kickboxing for a year and a half now and love it. I am currently a few weeks pregnant (first one 😊) and I’m still continuing to do my routine in a safe way, no sparring. I have informed my instructor and she has been…


Hip pain

My baby loves to be rocked in the rocking chair but ever since I was on maternity leave and rocking her mt hip burns and hurts so bad


Bleeding after sex

Anyone else bled after sex? Dotting and not consistent just after wiping should I still get in touch with midwife? Thanks 💕


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