Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Period like pain - 28 weeks?

I had some mild period like cramps last night and having them again just now. It feels like a dull cramp in my lower tummy, its not painful but it's uncomfortable. Is this normal?



Hey! Anyone else not feeling much movement at all, if any? I’m not convinced I’ve actually felt my baby move! I’ve heard the heartbeat last week, so not worried, but just wanted to see what others experiences are! I’m 16+5 and second pregnancy…


Hip pain!!! 😖

I'm at the point where I'm definitely calling my OB tomorrow, but is anyone else experiencing sharp pain?? Or what should I do about it? It feels like it's at the joint of where my hips meet my thighs, and it hurts to go from sitting to standing. I had to hobble to get to the bathroom just now. I'm thinking I could ...


12 weeks today and still sick

I don’t know how much longer I can take being violently ill. I’ve been signed off work for over a month, on anti sickness and it’s not getting any better. Is anyone else in the same boat?


Short of breath

Anyone else feel really short of breath? I’m 33 + 2 and feel short of breath allot and sometimes feel like I can’t breathe or catch my breath sometimes it happens when I eat



I’ve got really bad pains all in my pelvis and low down. I slept really bad and my back is in bits. I keep finding myself waking up on my back but in the morning my bump is so sore


Rolling over

Is this my girl trying to roll over? She does this sometimes when she lays on her back and makes exactly the same noises every the time as well. We do plenty of time time and assisted rolling and exercises to help with rolling but I’m just not sure. She’s 4 months in just over a week for reference 😕


PP bleeding

Sorry for tmi, but i had an emergency c section 7weeks ago (not sure if that makes a difference) and had vaginal bleeding as normal.. was alot of fresh red blood then after a while it was less, then turned brown and has been brown for weeks. This is now my 7th week of bleeding and its more like fresh red blood again...


Baby back to back

I have the wonderful combination of a breech and back to back baby! I was wondering if anyone has been successful or has any advice about spinning them so they are facing your back? I know there are exercises for moving them from breech position but haven’t seen much for turning them around.


Shortness of breath

Anyone been treated for a possible blood clot when pregnant? I’m 17 weeks and got a high test result for a possible clot, as you can imagine I’ve been quite stressed hearing this. The a&e staff not sure on what scans I can have safely in pregnancy so back to see a consultant today. I’m young, fit and healthy so I’m ...


Diver 😂

Does anyone else have a baby that loves to suddenly launch themselves off you!? One minute he’ll just be sat on me totally normal then the next he dives his head into nowhere 🙈


My baby kicks all day! Anyone else baby this active?

Feb mamas, I started feeling my baby kick this week, how about y’all? I notice that he’s been so active every day! It’s like the moment I sit down - whether it’s morning, afternoon, or night he starts kicking like crazy. I’m glad he’s so happy in there, but is this much movement normal? 😅


6 wk pp appointment

I got sick the night before my 6wk check up and was unable to make it, the literal next day my period started back again (super heavy). Can I be seen with my period on? Was anyone bleeding at there 6wk check in still?


Birth story

Introducting my October baby 💗 40 Weeks 1 Day Had a sweep on 9th October, delivered baby morning of 11th October (due date 10th October) Went for a evening dog walk, sat in the garden to look for the Northern lights (didn't see any) couldn't get comfortable in the chair so gave up and went to bed. Got into bed…



What has helped you w/ heartburn BESIDES tums/smaller meals


Mom butt

Has anyone else lost their butt postpartum? I’m 5 months PP and finally returned to the gym, but I noticed pretty quickly that my butt completely disappeared and I’m lookin like Flat Stanley, even in tight workout leggings 🥲 has anyone else experienced this? 😂


Depression at 6w pregnant!

Anyone else struggling? I think it’s the constant fatigue that has me in bed all day which is so isolating. Tips?


Pelvic pain

Currently laying with a heating pad inbetween my legs because the pain is killing me😭 I’m so ready to not be pregnant anymore, I just want to sleep😭


Anyone relate

Anyone have high Bp ? 34w5d 141/94 Right side upper belly sore.


Any FTM 15 weeks without a baby bump?

Is this normal?? Starting to freak out.


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