Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

No movements

20 weeks here first baby not felt any movement or even flutters anybody else the same xxx



I had my boy on the 4th October and I've been bleeding for weeks it started off as really heavy and then settled down where it turned like a brown colour now its a light red colour how long does it go on for ?


Maternity photo shoot 📸 🎃

Felt really good today and wanted to finally share a photo of my bump. Haven’t been taking many photos because my mental hasn’t been the greatest. But today marks 37 weeks and I feel so good! Feel free to share your bumps too!!


Braxton Hicks or…?

Almost 26 weeks pregnant and have felt a pretty constant pressure/ tightness of abdomen. Not really measurable by 5-1-1 rule because the dull pain has been there for about 5 hours but getting stronger. No pain in lower back/ pelvis area. Also baby is moving WAY more than normal.


Does your baby hold onto you when being carried?

My boy doesn’t ever hold on to me when being carried. I noticed other babies do? Though when he’s in the car seat/ pram or baby carrier he always holds on to the straps which we joke about!


Hip pain at night?

Anyone else getting quite sore hips from sleeping on your side at night? I'm waking up to roll over and switch sides every hour or so from the pain. Any suggestions as to what can help?


Latent stage of labour

Hi everyone, can anyone shed light on their experiences with the latent stage of Labour? I’ve had a sweep on Friday 18th and been on off cramping with belly tightenings, lost my plug yesterday morning and now this morning really noticeable lower back pain and mild period pain. Also feel like I really need to use th...


Joint Pain

Does anyone feel that they have joint pain in their feet/ankles since giving birth? Some days I really struggle with it and it hurts to walk.


3 months PP- stomach pains

Is anyone still getting stomach pains, I never had this with my first baby. It comes in waves but the pain is horrendous when it does. Still not had first period but that’s expected as breast feeding. Antone else experienced this 🙁


Tips for congested baby

My little boy is very congested and snotty. We have saline spray and the frida snot sucker which is helping slightly but he is still very congested and struggling especially when lying down. I’ve seen a humidifier can be useful, has anyone had any success with one? Any other tips would be appreciated! TIA xxx



Any other mamas with irregular period still? I got my period I think 3months postpartum (after bleeding for like 3weeks after birth) and then month 4 and 5 period were regular and now it’s been 2months and no period 😕😕😕 (there’s is no way I’m pregnant). My stomach has been hurting for the last 3 weeks on and off…



hello, im 3 days postpartum and just wondering if this is normal? i have had normal bleeding ever since and this is the first time occurring.



hello, im 3 days postpartum anyone knoe if this is normal? ive had normal blood ever since and this is the first thing out of the ordinary.


Straight but maybe?

Since I had my second child I am craving something else... anyone with the same thought??


Pregnancy Insomnia

For the last few weeks I’ve been suffering with pregnancy insomnia. I can fall asleep fine but wake up in the early hours or like 5/6am and just can’t get back to sleep. I have an almost 2 year old and I am exhausted 😴 😭 Is anyone else experiencing the same?


Back pain

Intense back pain to the point where it makes me sick to my stomach and feel nauseous. I called L&D and they told me to try Tylenol and I took that around 9:48 and they told me to call back in an hour but it's so painful with pressure that I cant sit or use the bathroom without it hurting. Anyone know what I can do ...


Trouble relaxing 🤦‍♀️

Booked myself a massage and I feel like I couldn’t relax. I just kept thinking about the baby and all things I need to do. My mind wouldn’t shut off despite being exhausted.. really ruined it for me. Felt so tense the whole time. Ugh


Has this happened to anyone else?

I never had this with my first so I’m curious if this is normal. Baby moves every night but it’s soo low, I feel it in my lower abdomen but basically right where the front of my lady part is. Doesn’t even feel like my stomach it’s so low


40 + 4 days

Anyone else still hanging in there? I’ve not had any sign. However I am on my feet all day living with in laws, having no rest


Night 🦉 and heartburn 😫

Currently 2;30am and once again can’t sleep 🤨 anyone’s heartburn literally uncontrollable 😣 nothing working even medicine from Doctors only thing that works is milk 🤮. I slept for an hour. Woke up and the acid has burnt my throat again 😣. Any suggestions what I can do to stop this happening. Thank you


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