Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

What does pain in your upper right side/stomach mean?

My whole abdomen has been hurting off and on. I've been in the hospital for a month now with ruptured membranes and lately I've been getting very sore and cramping and getting sick a couple times. This past week I've started getting light pink discharge and I haven't had the blood for a few weeks now. I just had som...


this baby’s head 🤝🏻 giving me lightening crotch

any one else? sometimes when I get it, even tho they’re for a split second, I imagine labor feels like a really prolonged lightning crotch sensation and then start thinking oh my god I can’t do this/can’t do that 😭



How well are you sleeping? How many Zzs are you catching a night? I swear mine is next to nothing and feel like I'm going to go insane. I get average around 4 hours a night just because of constant waking up either from pee breaks.. trying to get comfortable or just general wake ups. Anyone else in the same boa...


Is this normal

She’s 4 months she hasn’t been feeling too good today but she’s started doing this a lot is it normal


7+3 and this is my journey so far

I’ve not had many symptoms so far. I first found out at the end of 4 weeks. Have had quite a bit of cramping on and off feels like my period could come but I know it shouldn’t. Last night for the first time I had some bleeding that started pink and getting a bit more fresh red and then went away after 10minutes of ...


I’m getting the worst lightning crotch pains that feel quite regular.

Could this actually be contractions? I’m 39+5


Sundown scarries

Anyone else find themselves dreading the nights and feel like the days go by so quick though you seemingly accomplish nothing? 😩 this feeding all night and no sleep is really taking a toll on me. This is so much harder than I thought it would be 😔


Has anything supernatural/unexplained/paranormal happened to you in your life?

Please tell us the story if so!


Prescription for nausea/sickness

Has anyone been to the GP for medication for nausea/sickness and is it helping? My midwife suggested I go as the nausea is debilitating. I'm only sick probably once a day but the nausea is 24/7 and it's horrendous. She said it can take a while to find the right medicine that works for you, which puts me off as anti-...


Pains not braxton hicks, at 31 weeks

Has anyone else experienced these pains at just over 31 weeks? Second day.. although for a few hours then go, curious as I don’t remember getting these with my first.


Kick counts

Is everyone monitoring the times of day their baby moves? My LG is so active all the time so I stopped for a while but am now wondering if that was irresponsible. Should I keep tracking or is it ok to be a bit relaxed about it?


One side pain

Hey mamas! I’ll be 3 weeks PP on Tuesday. When I was in the hospital after surgery I was having intense pain on my right side. They told me it was probably just my uterus radiating pain. However that pain has come back with full force. It’s only on one side, above my incision and it hurts to even touch. It hurts ...


Leg/ calves cramp

Has anyone else suffered with this ? Literally screaming in pain during the night due to getting cramps in my calves and so sore all the next day ! Does anyone know anything to help avoid or anyone suffering with the same thing ?


Baby movement!

How much movement do you all feel! I’ve just turned 24 weeks with my first and I’m now even catching her wiggle around on camera!


Calves pain

I'm 29w tomorrow and the last few days I have had severe pain in both calves, at first I thought it was just cramps as I've read this can be common but it's constant. It can be hard for me to get off the bed at some points and the stairs are awful I just try to stay up or down. Has anyone else had this issue? I don'...


Period like pains

2nd baby and have lots of period like pains within the last week. Nearly 38 weeks pregnant… can’t remember having these with my first!



Please help! My 2 year old daughter is adamant in seeing ghosts.. yes ghosts! Im not aware of anyone telling her what a ghost is so it was a shock to the system to find her hiding under her duvet crying her eyes out because she thought there was a ghost in her room. Has anyone experienced this or anything similar? ...



I’m 26weeks 6days pregnant, I get pain around my bump I feel huge, I’m an emotional mess cry at everything and anything, constantly have heartburn. I’m so ready for this pregnancy to be over with at this point I’m exhausted anyone else feel the same? 😢



I have had awful periods ever since they started at 11. They’ve always been extremely heavy and intense. The pain, which is mostly lower abdomen/groin and lower back and legs, was never just when I had my period as I’d have it throughout my menstrual cycle especially during ovulation. I haven’t had a flare up this...


Back pain!🫠

Hey I’m 6 months pp and still having the worst back pain problems like it seizes up😩I feel so useless when it happens as I have to get my partner to lift me up so slowly and place me somewhere. I’ve been to the doctors and they told me it’s normal and will last for years. Just wondering if what they are saying is…


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