Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.


Hello I’m new to this app. I’m seven weeks pregnant and this is my first baby. Is it normal for symptoms to disappear and come back and I took a pregnancy test strip and it’s very very faint


Dull achy pain left side of vagina and down my leg a bit

I’m 22 weeks just phoned triage as it’s happened last night and throughout the night aswell and they’ve said it’s probably where baby is on a nerve but there’s not a lot they can do for that. Has anyone else had this kind of pain and is it fairly normal please? I just need some reassurance as I’ve never had this pai...


Severe nausea vomiting

I am 10 weeks and I feel awful. Nausea and vomiting has continued to worsen and I've now gone on sick leave for 2 weeks. I feel so guilty for doing this but I cannot do my job properly right now. Anyone else feeling the same?


Been awake all night with back pain

I’ve been awake all night with period cramps and excruciating back pain and I don’t know what to do anymore, I have hardly slept due to not getting comfortable, taken paracetamol which doesn’t touch the sides and tried all positions. It’s making me cry as it’s so de habilitating. I feel useless and just so uncomfort...



If i thought my pelvic pain was bad before, i was wrong in comparison. Every tiny little flinch or move is excruciating I don’t know what to do I can’t get up on my own or even move my legs on my own I require help. It hurts so bad and nothing touches it I can’t stand it anymore I don’t know if I can do this for fou...


PP Bleeding

Hi I am 5 weeks pp and every now and then I’m randomly bleed for a day. Is this normal and when does it stop? It’s not heavy almost like first day or period


Pain in my leg

Not only have I got hip and back pain. I've also had pain in my leg for over a week now. I don't know if it's related to anything but it hurts when I walk or if I cross my leg over it hurts in that spot 🥲 I don't know what to do! :/


Baby movements

Hi everyone, I’m 22 weeks and not sure if I’ve felt the baby move .. is it a really obvious feeling!?


Leg pain

Is anyone else experiencing/has anyone experienced upper thigh pain when sleeping on your side? I’m experiencing this every night and I’m wondering if there’s anything I can do to stop this?


Contractions or Braxton hicks

Been feeling this sharp tightening pain in my stomach. They are 10-15 mins apart lasting less than a min and has been going on for about 3 hours. Trying to sleep through it but it’s hard. Any suggestions 👀


Night sickness

Hey! Has anyone woke up during the night to be actually sick? My nausea kicked in Thursday (5wk 1d), struggling to eat where it makes me feel sick but then feeling sick when I’m too hungry etc, and at 2am last night I woke up to actually be sick! Will be 6 weeks on Wednesday. Was worrying it was food poisoning or so...



I have been having braxton hicks for a while but i have now been feeling really intense pains every so often. I am going to track them but could i mistake it for poo 😫😫ive just been on the toilet and tmi but did a little one but the pain has gotten more intense after sitting and nothing coming out. Ive come back to…


How many eggs are too many

So I’m about 12 weeks pregnant with my second and my craving has been eggs. I’m embarrassed to say but the other day I ate 7 eggs 😂 3 scrambled, 2 hard boiled, and 2 over hard. Am I a crazy person or what


Anyone else experience this?

So I am 2 weeks post csection. This is my second one. Week 2 I am experiencing an increase in pain and the pain meds do nothing. The pain is on my right side of the incision and it is sharp. It hurts to stand and walk so much more than the previous week. The incision sight looks fine but I cannot explain the incre...



Anyone else going through bad sleep at the moment? This has been going on for a month now for us😴


What does pain in your upper right side/stomach mean?

My whole abdomen has been hurting off and on. I've been in the hospital for a month now with ruptured membranes and lately I've been getting very sore and cramping and getting sick a couple times. This past week I've started getting light pink discharge and I haven't had the blood for a few weeks now. I just had som...


this baby’s head 🤝🏻 giving me lightening crotch

any one else? sometimes when I get it, even tho they’re for a split second, I imagine labor feels like a really prolonged lightning crotch sensation and then start thinking oh my god I can’t do this/can’t do that 😭



How well are you sleeping? How many Zzs are you catching a night? I swear mine is next to nothing and feel like I'm going to go insane. I get average around 4 hours a night just because of constant waking up either from pee breaks.. trying to get comfortable or just general wake ups. Anyone else in the same boa...


Is this normal

She’s 4 months she hasn’t been feeling too good today but she’s started doing this a lot is it normal


7+3 and this is my journey so far

I’ve not had many symptoms so far. I first found out at the end of 4 weeks. Have had quite a bit of cramping on and off feels like my period could come but I know it shouldn’t. Last night for the first time I had some bleeding that started pink and getting a bit more fresh red and then went away after 10minutes of ...


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