Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

C section recovery

More of just a rant but I'm struggling so much with the c section recovery. One minute I feel great and the next I feel like I've ran a marathon. I had my daughter on the 19th and have been mobile a lot, been for walks and went shopping for an hour. I love being out and feel this has helped me but then I get home a...


Hospital bags

How far along is everyone packing their and babies hospital bags?


24 hours in labour 😱

Waters broke last night and my contractions had started was taken to labour ward did quite well no pain relief at the start and had a sleep with my contractions then they got stronger.... little man was born was born at 11:28 but upsettingly was taken to nicu due to struggling to breathe due to the cord wrapped arou...


Antenatal appts

Hey! Does anyone had their antenatal follow up? If so what happens in it and am I allowed to bring my partner? Im 16 weeks and have mine in 2 weeks or so


How early can you discuss/ book an elective C-section

Obviously I know for many people they won’t know that they need a C-section until later in the pregnancy but I’m just wondering if you know earlier on for whatever reason how early can you usually have those conversations? I had a third degree tear with my first birth and because of the damage caused I’m being adv...


Membrane Sweep

My doctor gave me the option for a membrane sweep on Wednesday, I'll be 39.5 weeks. Has anyone else got this done, and how long until you went into labor? How painful was it? I'm so nervous!


Advice please

I’m really scared to get a c section but my baby has been stuck in my birth canal and I can’t dilate more than 7 will it hurt any advice please



So I had my sweep yesterday at around half past 3 so it’s not quite been 24hrs yet. I lost my bloody show last night but still having some brownish loss? Almost looks like little flakes of dead skin (sorry very gross 😂) have also had some very light cramping. Take it these are all good signs??


Is labour near?

Does increased discharge ( I genuinely feel wet) along with random period like pains mean labour is near? I’m 37 + 1


41+2 weeks - 10lb+ baby

Just hoping to get any advice or words of comfort from anyone that has maybe been in a similar situation. I'm a FTM and currently 41+2 weeks pregnant. I was sent for a growth scan yesterday and was told my baby is measuring over 10lbs and they suggest either bringing my induction forward or having a c section. I was...



What does a contraction exactly feel like bc I’m having weird pains but I’m only 32 weeks so idk



This might be a dumb question, but I’m having mild contractions that are fitting within the 5-1-1 rule according to my app. BUT they are not super strong yet. Should I be going to the doctor or should I be waiting for them to get stronger? I also can’t for the life of me tell if my water is slowly leaking or if it’...


Successful Emergency C-section

At 4am Oct 1, I checked in the hospital with my water broken at 3cm dilated, pretty mild contractions. They induced with pitocin which brought me to 6cm. It seemed like forever of increased pain, which led to getting an epidural. However, I was stuck at that dilation because my baby’s body couldn’t pass through the ...


Lister or Barnet Hospital?

Hi all, I am considering giving birth at Barnet Hospital as I did not have a great experience at Lister with my first. The maternity unit at Lister has recently been rated as needing improvement, whilst at Barnet the maternity unit is good, although the last inspection was in 2016. If you could share your experien...



If anyone is having a planned section how many weeks do you have it at please?


Elective C-section…

If you have had an elective C-section how many weeks were you? I am due with my second baby 10/01/2025 and just wondering if I do have a C-section what date it may be on 😅


Stop/start contractions

Has anyone else had contractions start and stop? Mine were every 9 minutes for around 2-3 hours last night and around midnight just stopped. I got some sleep but was hoping things were happening for us! With my first baby everything gradually got more intense so not sure how normal it is for it to just stop!? Baby i...


Epidural experience

Hi, Looking to understand if anyone has any epidural experience stories. I would be induced at 40 weeks, I am opting for epidural. Please provide some insights Thank you 😊


what is this

i went to the doctors to get my c-section swapped incase of infection, everything came back normal, infection markers are down, no pus or anything. so what could this be ??


My whole belly is tight and everytime my baby moves it hurts

I’m already /cm dilated only 35 weeks. Idk if im atarting to go in labor or not


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