Epidural experience

Hi, Looking to understand if anyone has any epidural experience stories. I would be induced at 40 weeks, I am opting for epidural. Please provide some insights Thank you 😊
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I had to be induced at 36+5 and didn’t originally want an epidural. Baby wasn’t budging, was in labor for 17 hours so I had to have a C-Section. It took 30 minutes for the guy to get the proper placement in my back
He was fishing in my back for 30 mins and blamed it on me having mild scoliosis which I don’t. All I can say is to make sure the person that’s doing it knows what they’re doing. My back hurts soooo much now and I was able to crack it beforehand but not anymore. Also my entire body was numb up to my neck! I couldn’t hold my baby for about 3-4hours after đŸ„Č. My beautiful baby girl is here though so I wouldn’t trade the experience but not sure if I’d get another epidural going forward. My doctor even apologized for the horrible experience.

Do not be afraid to speak up if something doesn’t feel right! I thought I was going to lose feeling in my limbs just because he struck a nerve(LITERALLY)a couple times 😭 Always remember that everyone’s experiences are different 😊

I would not get induced you are most likely going ro.end up with a c section if you do. They will usually give you pitocin to make you contract but it usually makes it worst

I had a positive epidural experience. It made all my pain go away and when I was pushing it felt like a lot of pressure, no pain. I definitely still felt it but you just feel a huge amount of pressure that’s all. Afterwards I didn’t have back problems but I’m active and I made sure I did exercises and took care of my body so I don’t know if that had an effect. Do what’s right for your body. If you can go natural awesome! If not don’t hesitate to get what you have to get to get through it. Also the numbing went away in like and hour for me and it was only from my stomach down. I got induced also so everyone’s experience is different. It’s one of the best things during my labor.

I loved my epidural! It allowed me to enjoy my birth experience, and allowed my body to relax enough to dilate. I could still feel my contractions enough that I was having to breathe through them, and I could tell when I needed to push.

@Maxie that is inaccurate. & actually if she is induced at 40w they have other methods of inducing where pitocin is not always used.

If your leaning on getting an epidural make sure to tell them that early on. Many anestethiologist work on call, so they are usually not even in the building when you are requesting one. Tbh everyone is going to have a different experience, I would just go in with a positive mindset with knowing the person administering the epidural knows what they’re doing. Follow their instructions and if something doesn’t feel right, speak up! Many people have wonderful experiences with getting one, while the other half don’t. Everyone is so different, and each pregnancy can be so different. I beleive it’s totally up to the person doing it and the situation at hand. Be positive and I am sure you will have a great experience!

My contractions were so painful that I didn’t feel anything when I got the epidural. Once I got it I was so relieved & didn’t feel the bby coming out (: hopefully this 2nd delivery is the same 😅

Great experience, felt so zen I wanted to sleep (it’s like being mildly high, at least that’s what it felt like to me!). Really great! It makes things so much easier indeed (as you aren’t in pain, I watched Netflix etc). Made me sleepy but I could still move around normally

With my first my water broke at 38+2 and we went in even though I wasn’t contracting. After getting me in my room I was immediately put on pitocin to progress labor and got an epidural a few hours later. Literally started contracting as the needle was going in but we had no complications with it and I was able to progress through labor with no issues. Dr. came in for one last check before preparing to push and babygirl flipped and was then breech so we had to do emergency c section. The whole process was about 12 hours from the time my water broke until I had my sweet girl.

I had no issues with getting an epidural for my first. My water broke at home and contractions started a bit after. I was having irregular contractions so they gave me pitocin. Baby was sunny side up so I had realllll bad back labor and got an epidural at 8cm. I didn’t even notice it because the contraction pain was as so much worse. It worked more on one side than the other but after leaning to that side it evened out. I wanted to feel some (and they want you to feel pressure too) so they gave me a light dose and it was perfect. Had baby like an hour later. All of this happened in a 12hr span and I had covid

@Amanda thank you for sharing your experienceđŸ©·. My baby is also sunny side up currently, however, my doctor mentioned it’s not a concern as babies rotate during labour. Would like to know how was the pitocin ? Everyone’s kept telling me how bad pitocin induced contractions are and that I should have other alternatives or Cervadill Also all this went on for how long ?

Thank you girls for sharing your experience , much love đŸ©· @Jax @MeashĂĄ @Filipa @Stephanie @Vivianna @Maxie @Carissa @Alissa @Kae

I was induced one day after my due date. I got the epidural and I was terrified to get it. They did an amazing job. It worked perfectly I took a nap and rotated from side to side with the peanut ball. I only pushed 45 min and after it was taken out I got feeling back in my legs fast. You can always ask them to up it or turn it down.

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@Alyssa glad you had a great experience 😊are we able to be that much in control ? Also what when the epidural wears off

At the hospital as there was bloody show at night along with contractions, got an epidural and pitocin as contractions were irregular, but baby isn’t cooperating with the pitocin induced contractions 😱 Been 14 hours now, literally no other complications but this. I am 7 cm dilated but baby is stationed at -2

@Bright yep he turned pretty quickly! And I have nothing to compare to yet because that was my only birth and it was with pitocin. And solely back labor. But all in all it wasn’t horrendous I didn’t think, I just couldn’t breath because of covid and said screw this natural birth thing 😂 they did say it was supposed to help with postpartum bleeding, and it seemed to! I had no issues after birth and honestly the periods I had after breastfeeding for a year were way worse than postpartum ever was. So I’m not sure if that was a factor in that or not

My experience with baby no 2 is that it didn’t work 😂

Oh 🙁

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