Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

C Section Mums

Hey ladies just a curiosity question do any of your scars/surrounding area feel numb to touch sometimes it feels so weird it makes me feel nauseous like I know I'm touching it but I can't feel it. Does anyone else experience this, I wonder if the sensation will ever come back? I wasn't sure if this was a c sectio...


Elective CSection times?

I'm being admitted to APH at 11am on the day of my section so must be an afternoon slot does anyone know the rough times this could go up to? X


Elective c section

Hey loves! I had my 34 week midwife appointment this morning and asked about an elective c section in which I’m being referred to a consultant to discuss further. Considering I’m doing this pregnancy on my own, I’m starting to feel a little judged by family for wanting to go down this route and feeling a little ups...


watery discharge

Hey everyone, i woke up this morning with really watery discharge and im not sure if its normal or if its something i should go get checked out?


Self inducing

I have a friend I’m pregnant with we are shy of a week apart She was asking about self inducing at 36 weeks Any thoughts ???


Help I don’t feel ready

My due date is in a couple of weeks and I don’t feel ready at all, I’m scared I don’t have everything I need for my baby… I tried to keep it as minimal as I could but now I feel like I don’t have enough stuff. Please make a list of all the things that you think are essential for a baby in the comments!❤️


34 weeks (im posting in October group, as well as my original November group just incase I can get more help)

Apparently I have lost my mucus plug , and As the dr was doing the check, she asked if she could take a photo of inside my vagina to get a second opinion …….. She left the room and came back a little later , Now Dr said she can see my membranes… and I am 1cm dialated Is this normal? I’ve never heard of membranes ...


I can finally speak on my birth experience

I was 39 weeks and barely had signs of labor. Wednesday of last week I had a doctor’s appointment, they said I was 3cm dilated, so they wanted to induce me Monday due to gestational diabetes. I was like nooo not happening so I was doing everything for her to come over the weekend. Before I left my appointment my ...


Water breaking questions

Loaded post. I’m 38 weeks and nervous about what to expect when my water breaks. Our plan is for my husband to drive me to the hospital. He works in roofing and sometimes has jobs an hour away. I’ll be devastated if he can’t be there when she comes and I definitely don’t want to pay for an ambulance to get me. What...


Pregnancy after c section?

Just wondering if anyone has experienced being pregnant 6 months after having a c section? My LO is almost 7 months and I took a test yesterday and found out I’m pregnant again, just feeling a bit stressed about it all. I am on the pill and breastfeeding.


Baby boy arrived

07:18 this morning via emergency c section after a long overnight induction. 7lb 9 of perfect Still coming to terms with my c section but just happy he is here and healthy! No name so any suggestions to what he looks like welcomed


Elective section

Anyone who had an elective c section and had to be at hospital for 7am, what time were your babies born? I know emergency’s etc come in just wondered on average what times the bubs came! Thanks


The countess of Chester hospital

Hi everyone I’m due to go in for an induction next week and I’m just wondering for all the mums that have had a natural birth at the countess did you get a little knitted hat? We did with our first but it was a c section so not sure if it’s any different. I haven’t bought one yet as wanted to know if everyone got on...


Mucus plug

Anyone else constantly checking the loo after them to see if their mucus plug has gone? 🤣 My 1st baby I never seen it my second I lost it at 35 weeks I’m now 36+4 on this baby and nothing 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


Group B Strep

Just been told I have group b strep, anybody else?? I’m worried I will give it to baby when he is born so leaning more towards c section maybe? Anybody else experienced this maybe with previous births? He is also currently breech at 33 weeks and I’m sort of praying he won’t turn round to avoid vaginal birth now 😭


C section shelf

What I'd like to know is how are you meant to tell if you have a 'shelf' whilst you're still holding pregnancy weight. Surely you can't tell until you lose the weight and can see if your stomach is flat again?


First birthday present

Hi mums, My baby is about to turn 1 and have some family members asking what to get her. We don't have a big house so would rather practical things. All I can think of is a bag, lunch box and water bottle for daycare. What else could I suggest to them that would be helpful for her next year of life? Thanks so much.



When did everyone start driving again? I’m 3.5 weeks post section and need to be able to go out. I feel physically fine and only just found out that doctors don’t sign off on driving it’s down to insurance 🤷‍♀️


Hi lovely ladies

Just wondering has anyone been induced when they are already 2cm.m dilated. Was it a positive experience or not?


My little princess is here

I had an emergency c section due to severe UFGR at 36 weeks. She is 4lb and doing great 🤍 I’m so grateful for this group and everything that I learned here! You all are amazing 🤍


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