Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

Birth story!!

He’s finally here! Albie Ray Haywood 🫧☁️ So I went for a regular midwife appointment on Tuesday the 15th and had high protein in urine and high blood pressure so was sent to triage. They did urine samples and bloods and called me back that evening after the results came back saying they need me to go in and be…


Induced a week before due date

Have any moms on here been induced a week before your due date due to low birth weight? I’m curious to know if you decided to wait it out and let labor happen naturally or went ahead with induction. no other issues besides being on the lower side of weight everything else looks good .


C section

Anyone who had an elective c section what clothes did you take to the theatre please? Was it just baby grow and hat, or did you take a vest too! Thanks


C section 18 months apart

Hey guys. I had an emergency c section for my son, and I think I may have fallen pregnant again. I’m panicking because the doctor recommended waiting until 2 years postpartum before getting pregnant again, let alone giving birth. This obviously wasn’t on purpose and I just want to know what will happen if I am pregn...


First c-section

So we’re being booked in for a c-section in 7 weeks time at 37 weeks as long as I don’t go into labour beforehand (they think I will because it’s a complicated pregnancy and I have excess fluid but I’m not planning to 😅) but I’ve never even looked into them before now so can I hear some c-section stories and get…


Consent form

Ive been for my consultation this afternoon and was given a consent form for elective c section but was also told I’ll be given a date some time by next week when I’m around 38 weeks. Does anyone know if I’m supposed to hold onto the form til I go in or if I take it back to the hospital, give it to my midwife etc.? ...


Baby no. 2?

My LO will be 1 in two weeks (😭) which has got me thinking about baby number 2. 2 under 2 isn’t for me, so I think we will wait another few months before we try again but just trying to figure out how much of a gap between the two we would like. What are everyone’s thoughts/personal opinions?


Feeling disheartened 2WW

7dpo cervical mucus dried up. Cervix low and firm. Just have a feeling I am not pregnant. Feeling down already- I know it’s silly


C section

My first baby was a emergency c section. Can you ask for a c section for second baby? Just don't want to go through all the drama I did with my first born.


Got a new due date

I've worked out. I'll be about 37 weeks when I'm going for my section as it's been brought forward from my original date. My consultant mentioned about starting steroids next week. I didn't think I'd need to if it's 37 weeks. Or is that still classed as premature? Or could it be just the weight of when she's born? A...


Bleeding after sweep

39 weeks and just had a stretch and sweep. She said i was about 2cm dilated almost fully effaced but my cervix was very high up. It’s been 3 hours and I’m getting some bleeding, like a light period, i don’t see any discharge just blood. Im getting period like pains on and off like you would at the start of an induct...


Water might have broke

39 weeks and liquid running like down my butt/thigh woke me up this morning. It wasn’t a ton but enough to wake me up. I smelled it, it didn’t smell like pee. I’ve been having mild contractions all morning so I’m going to go get checked. We will see what happens.


Nsec elective c sections

what should I expect I have a date not a time or anything and what is the process? am I given a time for the section or a time to come in is there waiting around etc? I want this however i’m really anxious about it🤣


C Section

Any mom's have a planned c section on Sunday? How can I make it a good experience first c section I had was traumatic. I also got denied skin to skin and baby was fine they didn't have to take her to NICU or anything. I felt so robbed of this experience. I'm really anxious and nervous about a repeat. I'm happy that ...


Being induced this weekend

Anything yous recommend I pack. Things that were really useful/helpful? How long was you in for the process of it?


another october baby!

41+4! things started off naturally, after declining sweeps and inducing! so pleased!!! i lost my mucus plug on wednesday morning, and by wednesday at 11pm i was in triage! got sent home as only 2cm dilated, returned back at 4am thursday morning and was confirmed to be in labour! 1.39am on friday our baby Austin ...


Giving birth at Darent Valley Hospital, Kent

Hi everyone, I’m pregnant with my 1st baby and due to give birth at Darent Valley Hospital (Dartford, Kent). Is anyone else here from the area that gave birth there recently and can maybe share any tips, recommendations, how they find it? Thank you so so much


Refused induction after pprom?

I don’t know if this is controversial but has anyone refused an induction/augmentation at 37 weeks after Pprom? After doing a fair bit of research I feel that if there is enough fluid and no signs of infection I might wait a week and hope she arrives naturally as opposed to starting synthetic oxytocin when labour ha...


How many c-sections have you had?

Comment with info if 4 or more


no mucus plug

37 weeks and haven’t lost any of my plug or had a bloody show. does that mean i’m not dilating at all yet? :(


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