Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

Still super anxious outside with my 1 month old

Hi all, not sure if anyone can relate but I'm a FTM and still super anxious when I take my baby outside at 1 month old. I'm a bit of a worrier anyway so I knew this would happen but find I'm checking him to see is he breathing, is he overheating etc. I live in a big city too so it makes it worse as its all walking e...


Tooth crumbled when ate a sandwich!

Omg I completely forgot about sensitive teeth in pregnancy! When I was pregnant with my first I remember my tooth crumbled and I went dentist & they sorted it. Completely forgot about it though & just now as I’ve ate a SOFT sandwich it made my back tooth crumble off on the side! I’m 5weeks +5 ….. has anyone else ex...


Bouts of hard belly?

Hi! The past couple of nights my belly has gone hard and had a weird feeling in it. Iv started feeling baby move like little pops and flutters but this feels like a wooosh then the bottom of my belly below my belly button goes hard? 19 weeks 5 days I’m seeing the midwife in a couple of days so I will ask her but won...


Felt awful since my GD test

Had my GD test Friday, and I have not had my results back yet... idk if it's cause the weekend or what that I've not heard back... Anyhow, I've felt so rough since. I'm exhausted, thirsty, and ravenous. No food is enough. No amount of anything feels enough. I just feel like I'm knackered and drained in every way po...


17 weeks today

This week gone fast. I didn't realise until yesterday that I would be turning 17 weeks today anyone the same?


That 1st period after being pregnant… 😩

6 weeks pp and the period is perioding!! Forgot how bad that first period was… I feel like my uterus is on fire! 😖🔥


PP preeclampsia?

For about 4 days, I have had a horrible headache. 2 days ago, I started checking my blood pressure. The whole day, it was around 148/86. That night, I went to sleep and woke up to my head hurting bad, so I went to the hospital. My blood pressure was 170/90 when I got there. It went down over 4 hours. I was there to ...


Delayed Period

I'm starting to get worried about my period's, I had my daughter in August & I was told I should get my period straight away pretty much after but it's been nearly 2 month since I had her (via c section). 1 don't know if I'm sounding paranoid for nothing or what but l'm getting anxious waiting for it


Pregnant with unmanaged autoimmune disease

I've been on a tough journey to diagnose a possible autoimmune disease (I think i have lupus or something that causes similar symptoms) and recently found out i was pregnant even though we were using protection. It's been a huge shock and I'm terrified about how I'll manage the pregnancy when I'm trying to figure ou...


I feel awful 😭😭

I had a C-section and baby is now 5 days old. I was given dihydracodine for 3 days and then I had some cocodamol as the pain was still really bad and I've been taking that for 2. I've now just seen that your not meant to when breast feeding and I am exclusively breast feeding! Baby showing no concerns and midwife co...


Pain killers / dihydrocodeine

Does dihydrocodeine have the same effect on the baby in the womb as it does on us? FYI I’m on these for PGP pain and I’m 24 weeks pregnant. I only take one on a night and use paracetamol through the day as the dihydrocodeine make me drowsy/lightheaded/sleepy etc… I’m wondering if it does the same to my baby?


Bad relationship with food

I’ve always been into my healthy stuff and going to the gym. Had a baby in December, I was 79kg in May, I’m now 73kg. Now I have a really bad relationship with food. I’m scared too loose too much weight cause I’m worried it’ll be an illness ( I’m always scared about cancer I have healthy anxiety) but I’m scared...


Blood pressure and pregnancy

Are these blood pressure readings ok? I’m 30 weeks pregnant with baby #4 and in my other pregnancies I’ve always had high blood pressure readings. I was told when I got pregnant this time round when/if my readings go high I will be started on medication to keep it at bay. I started to monitor it myself this week a...


Sneak peek gender test

I keep getting ads for the sneak peek early gender reveal test has anyone actually used this? Does it work and if so how early did you try it? It says as early as 6 weeks and I’m currently 7 weeks 1 day just curious before spending money on something


Bleeding at 26 w 6 days

I started bleeding last night and came straight to my gynae who did an examination and admitted me. It was the scariest night ever with lots of needles for tests, a drip and injections in case of pre-term labour. The bleeding has subsided down to a few drops over the last 24 hours but they'll only discharge me once ...


Feeling like a horrible mum

I’m currently 17 weeks and 5 days and can barely manage any food apart from burgers, jam on toast and prawn mayo buttys, i feel so horrible because im barely eating and im not giving my baby the best food/nutrients it can have :/


Anyone else's baby not at nursery yet?

We made the decision to not send out LG to nursery until she's 2, call it my anxiety, but I hate the stories coming out of the news at the moment, and we are in a financial position that allows for me to work part-time with fiance working full-time. I'm now worried that she may be missing out on things, for exampl...



So I was told at my 12 week scan that I have an ‘anterior placenta’ which means I probably wont feel movement from baby until 20-24 weeks. Has anyone else had/ has this? I’m not worried as I was told it’s quite common it’s just not the most common form of placenta. Just curious x


Anyone else have hard belly? 35 weeks

Randomly my belly will get hard and stay hard for a while like could be an hour or so. It’s different than when I feel baby’s back or butt up against one side or part of my belly. This is like the entire belly and it feels uncomfortable but not anything serious. Anyone else have this?


Blood Tests

Hi everyone, so I have to have my bloods taken on Monday but I have a very extreme fear of needles (I know that sounds silly) but does anyone have any recommendations like a numbing cream that will steady my nerves a little bit? I’m in the uk and I’m scared that I’ll just reject the blood test which I need to have d...


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