Community Posts, Tips & Support on Mental Health

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Mental Health.


Single mum, live on my own with my LO. I’ve been finding it hard recently, not knowing what to do in the evening when my LO is asleep. What does everyone do other than watching tv, cleaning etc. looking for something different but that will keep me busy. Although I find I don’t feel like doing much can anyone else r...


Feeling lost now little one at school

I'm a single parent to my 4 year old who started school last week. I work over the weekend and one day in the week and I'm feeling lost with what to do with myself on the days she's not here. I get sad making my lunch because it's just for me, and as much as the mess used to drive me insane the tidiness and quietnes...


37 weeks and not ready to be a mum

I keep flip flopping between waves of excitement to meet my new baby and complete and utter fear and the overwhelming feeling of “forever” that this new chapter of parenthood is going to bring. I feel so guilty for feeling so scared about having to look after another person for life. Is anyone else feeling the same?


So lonely and lost

So lonely so lonely , first time stay at home mom, I used to work, experience new thing all the time food, art, concert, meeting new people, I really lost with my identity as a mom and it load of cleaning each day, dont have much of friend now, and too tired to go out, the doctor just schedule more for my baby that...


I am so lonely

I feel like I have nobody. I moved to London when I got married around a year ago and I have one friend (she’s away right now) and I’m so lonely. I’m a housewife, and husband is great but he has to work of course. I just need company and have no idea what to do. Although he’s been great, he sometimes goes to the o...


Forgetting to practice self-care: Set a Self-Care Alarm! ⏰💖

Are you one of those people who sometimes forget to take a moment for self-care? You're not alone! When life gets busy, it’s easy to overlook self-care. One simple trick I’ve found to stay on track is setting an alarm on my phone. 📱⏰ I use the built-in alarm app on my Android to remind myself to check in on how…


Wasted my potential.

Hi ladies, I’m a mum of 3, wife, I’m on maternity leave as I just had my 3rd baby. Im sat in bed so annoyed at myself at my wasted potential. I’m 31 & over the years I’ve had so many business ideas that had I stuck to them I’d be so successful now. I used to do eyelashes, micro blading, ballon decor. But because I w...


Overwhelmed, exhausted, and missing my old self

I’ve been struggling with the loss of my independence lately. My baby has been super clingy and cries a lot with my husband. So it’s hard for me to get rest away from my baby. I miss consecutive hours of sleep so much it makes me want to cry. Plus when I am by myself I don’t enjoy it and just feel off. I just can’t ...


Feeling miserable right now

I feel ashamed to even admit it, but I am just having a rough time. My husband and I are both military and it is really hard. He is out to sea on and off. He’s been gone most of this year (January to May) and on and off since. I’m doing so much on my own. All I do I clean the house, take care of kids and animals, an...


I actually hate my life...

I hate my job,I hate where I live,I feel worse and worse every day.All I do is work,look after mu daughter(which I love) but there's nothing doe myself...I m exhausted all the time,I feel like someone is squeezing my head,get irritated so easily,about everything,don't get any help,cant see how to move forward and ma...


Other people

Does anyone else really struggle with having people around their baby? My partner is having a small family gathering and it stresses me out so much that the baby will be around a lot of people, being held. And with schools going back with germs high it’s really stressing me. Is anyone else like this? 😩 He’s 11 weeks


Do you get time to yourself?

Those married or with a partner, do you get some time to yourself where they look after the baby/children? If so, how often and what do you do?


I want to be happy in this world but it's full of negativity

I am really so overwhelmed by all the negativity in this world. I think this world is so beautiful but people are so ugly. From abusive partners to knife crimes and school shootings to rapists and traffickers. I really want to have a quite and happy life with my son but all this negativity doesn't help. I am really...


Crippling Anxiety

I went to E.R. yesterday to get something for my anxiety. I have not been this anxious in years. I stopped taking anxiety meds years ago. I can not shake this anxiety. I believe it's like a bunch of stuff bottled up. I don't know what to do. I have meds and see a therapist. I don't like feeling this way.


Evenings are so so lonely

Was with my Ex for over seven years and we have an 18 month old together. He sees her for full days on the weekend and in the week if he can due to work (doesn’t have her over night as where he is staying isn’t suitable, which is fine by me). I coped with the breakup quite well because my baby kept me busy but now...


Single mums!!

Any single mums who have the baby 24/7 and barely any family around find it difficult and lonely at times? I love my boy to bits but I’m starting to miss being with someone just for the company? Little man’s nearly 4 months old and it’s just me and him 24/7


Feeling lonely

Anyone else feel like their partner doesn’t understand them? At the moment my little one isn’t very well and has the 💩s and cries a lot, she’s also had her injections. Today I asked if he’d go to his parents with the baby without me, and now he’s in a foul mood with me, I’ve let him go to the pub last night and I…



Hey everyone, I’m a first time mum to my beautiful baby boy, but also a stay at home mum, while my partner works. I would like to ask how people deal with the stay at home mum life, as I’m struggling. I pretty much don’t leave my house, and just always clean and tidy and obviously take care of my little guy. But I’m...


I miss my own life

Everyday I wait for my baby daddy to wake up , to see what we doing for the day . 😫😫 i miss moving on my own time. I literally can get so much done , if I didn't have to be on his time . Like if we out hustling and I get hungry . He makes me wait until we done to get something to eat . Because he wants to make…


Feeling not like myself

Is anyone else just feel like they are not themselves? I feel like I’m just mum. Baby is 2 months old and I’m breastfeeding so I don’t leave baby much at all. In fact I don’t really want to leave her. But I do feel jealous of her Dad as I feel like he has carried on with life, going back to work, seeing friends ect ...


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