Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.


Is it normal not to nest? I'm 34 weeks and i haven't felt the need to clean or do anything to get ready for my baby boy when he makes his appearance. I've done his clothes and stuff but it felt more of a chore and I wasn't excited to do it.


7 month old still rocking to sleep

My baby is 7 months and will still only go to sleep if he’s rocked/paced back and forth. I absolutely do not want to cry it out or sleep train, I have had tired putting him in his cot but he just kicks and rolls and keeps himself awake and doesn’t seem the slightest bit tired. I’m just worried I should be teaching h...


EBF babies - has anyone changed to formula?

10 months in and I'm tired. The teeth hurt my nips. Has anyone changed to formula and did they sleep better? I really wanted to get to a year!



Hi! I’m visiting my home town soon and there’s LOTS OF MOSQUITOS there. I’m gonna be travelling there for the first time with my one year old so I need to go prepared. I’m kinda freaking out tbh. PLEASE recommend/give tips what to do and use to avoid mosquito bites. Anything that worked for you guys? Thanks in advance


Gagging on mucus

My little girl is 4 weeks and has picked up a cold from her sister 😫 she’s so snotty and I can’t lie her down because she starts gagging/choking on the snot. The only way she can sleep comfortably is upright on my chest, but I can’t sleep with her like this, what should I do!? 😫 I’m going to buy one of those snot…


Pepti 1

My little girl has suspected CMPA so has been prescribed Pepti 1. She’s been on it 4 weeks now. I’m at my whits end with the constant spit up because it’s so thin 😭 I feel like I don’t get time to bond and play with my daughter as I can’t lay her down or play as it gets very messy with the spit up 😂 Don’t even…


Baby squirming

This is an odd one just wondered if anyone else’s baby does this or if I should take her to get checked. My little girl will do almost a humping/grinding motion and I’m wondering if she is uncomfortable down below or if this is some sort of development thing / comfort? It seems odd to me. Sometimes she will do it i...


Breastmilk to formula

My LO is 4 months and is EBF. I think my supply is getting low and my frozen stash is high in lipase so he doesn’t want to drink it. I may have to introduce formula to him. Has anyone had to do this and has any issues? Worried he’s going to refuse it. Also, if anyone else has had frozen breastmilk high in lipase, ...


Has my milk come in yet, i dont know

So I’m 3 days post partum today (23rd) and i thought my milk had come in because my breast felt a bit heavy, however i did use to harvest colostrum before baby was born and that did increase my colostrum. But the milk I’m pumping still looks like ‘liquid gold’ is this my proper milk now or is it still colostrum. Wit...


baby not sleeping through the night

PLEASE tell me im not the only one whose baby isn't sleeping through the night yet?! i feel like i keep seeing people talk about their babies sleeping from 7pm-7am and while im so happy for them, im also insanely jealous 😂 on a good night my baby will only wake up once, but most of the time it's 2-3 times! we…



I’m really struggling ATM with leaking nappies, my LB is 23 months old but only just gone in to 12-18 month clothes, he was in size 5 nappies but leaked alot after trying all brands, so went to a 4 and still leaked so tried and 4+ but still happening🙈 he wakes up every morning wet, when we go out in the pram or car…



I been home since I had baby May 2nd! I just started a new job and training will be with camera on for 5 weeks (9 hour shift with 1 hr lunch) Please give me tips on how to manage with an almost 6 month old.


Combi feeding

Which formula do you recommend for combi feeding? (To use it from time to time when I’m away) (no I don’t want to express)



Hi! My baby girl just turned 1 last Sunday. She’s currently taking 2 naps 1 in the morning and one in the afternoon. When do you think would be ok to transition to 1 nap? This is my first so everything is new for me 😅


One or two naps

Currently with your 14+ month old, how many naps do they normally have?


Nap Sleep Training Advice Needed

My 4 month old sleeps through the night with no problem, but when it comes to naps, he tends to be more needy and I usually have to rock him to sleep every time. Any Mommas out there have advice for how to nap sleep train? I love for him to start putting himself to sleep in his crib for naps on his own. Any advice o...


Toddler refusing to take her nap…

Hi there ! My almost 23 months daughter refuses to take her naps but after a little while she falls asleep but then she wakes up half an hour after and wants me to be with her during the whole time until she wakes up if I leave the room she wakes up crying very frequently… is that normal ? Also I weaning her from Br...


Convertible Bedside crib

Has anybody used a next to me crib that can later be converted to a normal crib? I found some 4 in 1 options, but none are really suitable for use as a bedside crib. I'm from Turkey and they're really popular there but I couldn't find a lot of (preferably wooden) options here in the UK.


Bottle fed baba

My 3 month has just started to demand food every 2 hours… he’s taking 5-6oz each time. Surely this is too much too often?? 😫 He will suck at the bottle as if he’s starved 😭


Travelling to Nigeria from the UK

Hi, I’m hoping to travel to Nigeria next year but there are no appointments at the embassy in London till February to renew my expired Nigerian passport and to get an appointment for my sons to get their first Nigerian passport but I am planning to go earlier. Also can’t get visas as the appointments are also not a...


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