Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.


Hey ladies, so I'm due baby number 2 in December. I formlar fed my first, and I'm thinking of breastfeeding my second, I'm not sure yet. I'd like more information from women who have breastfed. I've heard that some babies don't take a bottle. Have you experienced this as I'd like my partner to help too but worried i...


Unpopular opinion:

Giving formula is easier than breastfeeding and/or pumping exclusively.


No milk in breasts

So I’ve been exclusively breastfeeding for 3 and a half months (same age as baby), and I used to have an amazing milk supply. Ever since he started sleeping through the night my milk supply has dropped it seems? I can’t get more than 2oz out using my momcozy electric pump when I used to get over 9oz earlier on! It’s...


Tell me it gets easier...

Currently on hour 3 of being awake with my 5 day old where the only thing stopping her from crying is being latched to my right nipple (the left just isn't good enough) Tell me it gets better 🫠😴


Breastfeeding always hurt?

Even if baby has a good latch, will breastfeeding always hurt for the first week or so? Baby was born yesterday afternoon and the midwives aren’t being super helpful so I’m waiting to go home and meet with the infant breastfeeding team. In the meantime, me and baby were separated for about 3 hours after birth be...


Collecting colostrum

Those of you collecting colostrum, how often are you doing it and for how long? I'm 37 weeks. I tried for an hour after a long hot shower yesterday and literally just got what you see here. I'm wondering if I do it more regularly I might stimulate more production, but I just can't do that long several times a day....


Fertility after period while breastfeeding

Hey everyone, my husband and I want another baby soon, but apparently only 5% of women breastfeeding get pregnant. I just got my period so y’all know what that means! Ovulation around the corner! Is there a possibility or anyone in a similar or was in the same situation as me have any advice or knowledge?


When to introduce a bottle to breastfed baby

I'm EBF my baby, he's currently 5 weeks old. I have expressed milk before and put it in my freezer, I've 7oz in total. I'm just wondering when I should introduce a bottle to him just to get him used to the idea of taking one as I don't want to have trouble on my hands when I'm not with him and he won't take a bottle...


Breastfeeding struggles

Hi, is anyone else finding is difficult with breastfeeding? Baby was in a rushed birth and tongue tied so struggled for the first day. Tongue was cut and he latched okay, but then stays ages on the boob (not sure if he’s getting milk as he cries for more so have to top up with kendamil. I know it’s only been a few d...



Hii my baby was born Oct 1st, suppose to be in sept. But he hates his sippy and he loves milk. I’ve gotten several comments from other “moms” and ppl shaming me for letting him use a bottle still. He’s on whole milk & has a transition nipple. I never even knew I was suppose to move him over so fast. He doesn’t like ...


Breastfeeding journey coming to an end. 😭

I think I’m done pumping. My son turned 1 10/16. I stopped pumping at work, and cut it down to one pump at night. Last night I only pumped 2 1/2 ounces. I think I’m going to skip tonight’s pump and maybe offer him the boob tomorrow morning? Or maybe just stop all together. 😭 knowing he’s my 4th, and last baby this…


Breastfeeding personal question

Hey y’all. So I have my girls pierced and I wasn’t sure how to go about breastfeeding and having them in. I’ve been told I can pump and have them in but I’ve been told I can’t so I wasn’t sure what to do with them. I’m also intimidated to take them out because I’m scared I can’t line them up and the holes close. Any...


Breastfeeding Mummas - How often are you feeding now?

I can't believe we're almost 12 months in!! I'm keen to start slowly introducing cows milk in with her breast milk in a few weeks time. Just wondering how often you are feeding your little ones now? I still do a morning, evening and 2-3 day feeds eventhough she is eating 3 meals a day plus snacks. Have you tried...


When you get gas/petrol do you..

Pumping gas isn’t a thing I do so it’s a no for me but if I did I’d just leave it. My mom said it’s just easier when “balancing the check book” but like you can’t pick the price of your other purchases so why do it then?


Refusing breast

My 12 week old has suddenly started refusing the breast and I’m devestated. I have ruled out…. Tounge tie reattchment as she was born tounge tie and we had it corrected at a week old I have tried many positions rugby ball, standing, across my body, skin to skin, sitting and facing me, I have tricked her with a bott...


When to start weaning onto cows milk and how to do it?

My little one has just turned 11 months


Offering bottle to breastfed baby

Any success stories? We’ve tried offering a bottle occasionally of breast milk which he took a couple of times but really isn’t interested now. Have tried different brands and bottles. Open to trying formula! My firstborn never took a bottle and this time round I’d really like the comfort of knowing little one would...


Pump only

How often are you pumping and can you skip it at night ?



So I pump for 15 minutes, my let down starts instantly and may last 5 minutes and then that’s it, I don’t get any more milk after those initial 5 minutes. What can I do to try encourage my milk? I pump every 3 hours if a can, I pump in the golden hours at night too. I should still pump for those 15 minutes even thou...


Pumped breast milk

Does it look normal? Been in the fridge for 2 days, I’m a first time mum and just started pumping so unsure if it looks as it should or if it’s gone off x


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