Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.

Baby weeing too much?

My girl can pee up to 4-6 times one after the other after a feed. While I’m changing her she often does another wee on the mat once I take the nappy off and the air hits. No sooner have I got the fresh nappy on and walk back downstairs from her changing mat, she can be screaming again and she’s done another wee! It’...


Is this normal toddler behaviour

My 3yr old toddler, happy screams during the day while playing or at times just randomly. She's been doing it at night, too. Like tonight, she woke up at 2am and has been high pitch screaming since off and on for more than an hour now. Just happy screams. She's wide awake. I have a baby who was woken up by her loud ...


How long should a newborn go without a bottle?

My little boy is nearly 5 weeks old and when he was first born me or my partner was waking him up religiously between 2-3 hours to make sure he was having enough (little boy lost too much birth weight due to not latching on). Now we let him let us know when he wants feeding which when he was on 4oz was about every 3...



Has anyone's baby had croup? If so any advice and how long did it last for your little one? I'm so anxious I can hardly breathe 😭



Baby just done 6 hour sleep in his own bed! Up now for a feed then we’ll see how he does🌙✨


Minimal sleep

Would you send your little one to nursery on minimal sleep?


Just a rant

I absolutely ruined my little girls bedtime/naptime routines and it was getting progressively worse/later every night because she wakes up late and then flights me at nap times too so pushes everything back 😭 yesterday was the worst and she went to sleep just after 11pm. She also has multiples wakes at night (EBF)…


Sleep help

My LO is 8 weeks old and breastfed. During the day, he will only sleep well if he contact naps. If I put him down in his crib or bassinet, he will only sleep for 30 mins. At night, he will do a good 3-4 hour stretch at the beginning of the night and then will be up every other hour. We make sure the room is dark...


Sleep Help SOS

I am miserable, 6.5 months in and still getting only 4-5 hours of total broken sleep. Baby had CMPA, soy sensitivity, and several oral ties , all have improved with age so baby is no longer experiencing the same pain. Baby slept in our arms 24-7 for the first three weeks; until we started bed sharing. It “worked” ...


Partner doesn't hear baby cry at night - going back to work

I go back to work in January and I'm a shift worker meaning 2x a week I'll be on nights. My partner never gets up with baby if she fusses through the night and usually stays asleep (I don't mind atm as it's very rare she'll wake anyway lol). But I'm worried he won't hear her when I'm not here or am I overthinking it...


Sleep goblin x

Hey everyone so I posted a while ago regarding sleep… my little one has once again started waking between 12am-3am and once awake she is up for 2-4 hours. Tonight it was 11:30pm-2:15M she was awake for. Can anyone suggest why she might be waking at nights for so long like this? I’m tired and feel so alone with it. H...


Do you co sleep?

I know all the safe sleep guidance but I'm still too scared to co sleep! Lying here with baby fast asleep on our bed and I can't bring myself to go to sleep. All of a sudden she's become quite clingy so this is the first time I've put her in the bed.


Startle reflex

Does anyone else’s little one have a very active startle reflex? My son finds it very difficult to stay asleep because he constantly wakes up due to the reflex. I’m still swaddling him at 17 weeks, but I’m trying to wean him off it but he keeps startling. Any advice?


Losing the will to live

Why has my 14 MO just started waking at random points in the night and stays wide awake like it’s time to get up? I literally have to sit there with him because he will not go back down. I’ve tried everything absolutely everything. Sunday night he was awake 3am-5am and tonight he has been awake since 10pm?!


Sleep issues

Anyone's December baby having sleep issues? Every night between 1am and 2am for the past 2 weeks my LO has woken up screaming. I havent slept a full night in 2 weeks and in my own bed and I'm slowly going out of my mind! Any one in the same boat, or have any tips/tricks they can share? Thanks



Looking for advise please My girl turned 15 months yesterday but this has been going on for atleast 3 weeks now she used to sleep fine over night wake up a couple of times for a quick resettle or her dummy but she is awake every hour now throughout the night or sometimes awake for 1-2 hours at a time It’s happened...


Snacking 🍼

So my little one is a month old and used to drink like 3oz when she would wake in the night. Now she will wake for food and then only have about an oz of it and then go back to sleep? Anyone else’s little one the same? 🫠


Why is my 11 week old waking every 2 hours through the night?!

Please help a tired and sleep deprived mom. Why is my LO doing this?! It has been like this for 1 week. She used to sleep longer and wakes up for feed every 4 hours. She is EBF.


Did anyone else stupidly think things would get better once the 4 month sleep regression ended ?

It’s only 1am and we’ve been up about 5 times already!! Baby will settle on my chest and the second I put him in his crib he is wide awake again. I’ve even tried to cosleep as I’m exhausted but he won’t even have that he wants to be held. I thought we was out the other end of the sleep regression as we have recently...


Contact naps

Hi all! Looking for some advice on how to transition from contact naps to cot naps? My LO is 5.5 months old - if we try to cot nap during the day, he will wake up after 20-30 minutes on the dot. Nighttime is great, he goes in his cot either dead asleep or drowsy and puts himself to sleep and sleeps all night. A...


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