Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.

What time do you start your bedtime ‘routine’ for you LO’s and when do they wake up in the morning?

I start between 8-8:30 every night, and she falls asleep normally around 9 every night, with the exception of growth spurts etc. She wakes every 2-3 hours until 5:30-7am (been getting earlier lately. She’s exclusively BF as she ain’t take a bottle, even with breast milk. So I’ve been told she may wake up a lot due t...


Is anyone else really struggling ATM?

I'm finding this time the hardest so far. My little girl was playing happily both independently and with me for ages and now suddenly she's super clingy. Whenever I leave the room for even a few seconds she runs after me and cries pulling at my legs and independent play is non-existent now. Even playing together she...


Exhausted & need advice 😴😭

My LB is 16 months and never been a great sleeper, but the last couple of months has got worse. His nap and bedtime routine seem to be right with guidance, he doesn’t fight them. It’s just night time sleep. He goes down around 7 and can be back awake at 10/11/12, wanting milk, then he used to go back down in the cot...



Anyone else's 8 month old waking hourly all of a sudden at night?



Has anybody struggled with insomnia and can't switch off even when baby is sleeping. I can't sleep at night and with baby napping less in the day, I am officially unable to 'sleep when baby sleeps'. My partner drives alot for work so I hate having to wake him up to help me with the night feeds as I feel as though th...


Sleep training

Guys what do you think


Regression keeps regressing 😅

My baby has been having bad nights for at least 3 weeks (hourly wake ups, sometimes less) up to 10 times a night. On good nights we get a 2 hr stretch so she we usually manage to get her 9-10 hours at 'bedtime' even if it's broken up. Last night she only slept 5.5 hours in total in 30 minute stints, and was impossi...


Active sleep

My 3 and a half week old has started to be a lot louder during night sleeps with grunting/moving around etc in the last few nights. He doesn’t do it as much during the day or if napping on me at night but when he’s in his Moses basket he’s so loud at times. Is this normal? Just worried why the loudness has increased.


Recently moved back from my parents home to my flat with my 4 week old.

This is night 2 back home in my flat with my 4 week old and she barely slept or at least not like she did when I was at my parents home the first 3.5 weeks. Is this normal for a newborn when you move places? I’m really worried with the lessened sleep. She was extremely fussy yesterday during her night naps too. She...


No longer self settling

Just wondered if anyone else is experiencing the same thing. My 8 month old use to always self settle to sleep on his own but since he has started pulling himself up in the cot to stand (he can’t get back down) he will no longer self settle. As soon as I put him down he pulls himself up and stands up in the cot cryi...


Bedtime Routines?

When do our little ones start noticing routine? We follow a routine every day, but of course our LO doesn’t know that. We just aim to go upstairs, dim lights, projector, bottle & cuddles and put her down in nxt2me to settle. (Every other night is bath) We have been lucky that she will lay down and after 20mins som...


Regression - how long does it last?

So my lo was born 31st Jan so 9 months next week. And he's never been the best sleeper (wakes a 2/3 times a night to breastfeed) but the last few days have been horrendous. Wake ups pretty much every hour, super distressed. Hysterical kind of crying. It's so hard. It's so hard to be nurturing and lovely when you'v...


Sleep training

My little boy is 8 months and I’m really struggling with sleepless nights now. We’re up almost every hour some nights, but at least 3 times a night. I’ve tried to leave him for a few minutes each time before going in and trying to settle him but he’ll only fall back asleep with a feed. I’m back at work in a few week...


Does your partner do nights?

My partner doesn't really get up with the baby. He'll occasionally do bedtime, but otherwise I do bedtime, the night wake-ups and then I'm up with him in the morning. This was the agreement during my maternity leave on the basis I could catch up on sleep during the day. But now I'm back at work, I'm struggling. Cur...


Contact naps at night

Hi there! My LO is 3 months and we normally put her down between 9 and 10pm. She wakes up for a feed between 2.39 and 4.30am but around 6am she wakes up again and would only contact nap until 9ish. Anyone in a similar position?


Advise asap please 😩

The sleepless nights are getting hard, he’s just over two weeks old.. I can cope without the sleep, but my partners really struggling I feel like we are on verge of breaking up as some unforgivable things have been said in an argument tonight.. I don’t know what to do😞 I want things to work I love him to bits but…


4 month sleep regression

We’re currently on week 6 of sleep disruption thanks to 4 month sleep regression. We attempted sleep training but just ended up with a very distressed baby who cried for 2 hours and didn’t even seem close to falling asleep. Has anybody found that their babies sleep got better on its own or did it require some form ...


Baby Sleep Through Nighr

Hi Mamas!! 😊😊 For those of you who have 7 month + babies who sleep through the night what are your tips and hacks that got you there other than just having a good sleeper! Thanks


Lack of sleep

Anyone else getting really worked up about the lack of sleep they are getting towards the end of their pregnancy? Im 36 + 6 weeks pregnant and this past few days ive been awake from about 3am onwards and cant seem to fall back asleep. Im not worrying about anything besides the fact i cant get a full night sleep🫣


Please help

My baby has woken up like clock work and every morning at around 5am. He cries and sounds in pain and it's hard to settle him. I've heard somewhere that some babies wake up around this time with pain in stomach. He doesn't seem to poo during the night so maybe that's why... anyone else???


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