Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.

No nap and bedtime

If your little one doesn’t nap anymore do you put them to bed a lot earlier than what they would of to make up the day nap? My little girl has been battling naps for a few weeks and bed time has been taking ages so I think we are on the way to dropping the nap, we’ve had days where she doesn’t nap at all, today she...


Improving LO sleep

I’ve posted several times about struggling to get my little one to sleep during the day, she was refusing all naps etc! Today we’ve had some success and I think it’s because we’ve done the following and wanted to share in case anyone found it useful! 1. Followed wake windows again. For a while we lost track of thi...


4 month sleep regression question…

I can see from the various posts below that we’re all in the depths of the dreaded 4 month sleep regression. My LO one seemed to ‘hit’ it early as it started at about 13/14 weeks. She had been sleeping through the night since about 5 weeks so what a shock it was🤣 Shes now 18 weeks and it’s the same, if not worse.…


How long is your little ones last wake window before bed?

Little one naps until 1:30/2 and someone has mentioned that this isn’t enough time before bed (7:30) xx


Sleep consultants

Does anyone have any recommendations for a sleep consultant? I need some help


How much is your 1 month old drinking?

So my LO is 1 month old and we feed her on demand. Whilst this is working, the amount she is drinking is never consistent. Sometimes she will cry for milk and only drink 1oz of it and then happily go to sleep and wake up 1 hr to 1 hr 30 later for more. But other times, she will happily finish a full 4oz and feed ag...


Is this okay ?

My son is 9weeks and I put him to bed at 8:30 after his bottle and he will wake up at 00:00 for his next bottle then sleep through from around 00:30-1:00 to 7-7:30am is this okay to leave him sleeping for this long without milk? 🤍



Has anyone else’s 11 month old , (will be 1 middle of Nov) refuse afternoon naps? He hasn’t been having afternoon naps for 2 weeks now but I feel he definitely needs another nap. But he refuses them! Anyone else in the same boat?


Yoto or Tonie?

I’m so torn between the yoto and the tonie box. The tonie looks more child friendly to me, but the Yoto looks like it will last for years. Wanting to get one for my two littles for Christmas, does anyone have either? Is one better than the other? Pros of one over the other? Thank you!!!


Does this stage get easier? Everything is a fight!

Fight to get nappy changed, fight to brush teeth, fight to get into car seat, fight to get face washed, fight to sit still for 2 mins to get dressed, I am knackered!!! I guess I didnt expect it to be so hard once they got a bit older, or to still be so sleep deprived 😭 I feel so guilty as Im losing my patience


Toddler sleep clocks

I was just curious how many people have used or tried these? I have a 2 year old that has been having a lot of early wake ups and was considering trying one. I have an older child that never needed one of these. So, I wanted to get some feedback before trying one.



My daughter spent the last hour screaming and would hardly settle, definitely wouldn't nap. I wondered if she was teething as she has been drooling excessively and having very mucus poo all week. I tried her with calpol and she was asleep within 10 minutes, does that mean that she must have been in some discomfort...


Bad Napper

Hey all. My 8.5 month old has been sleeping consistently through the night since about 5ish months old (when we did TCB sleep training). I’m so grateful that she sleeps well overnight! However her naps during the day are abysmal. We did TCB nap training about two weeks before she started daycare at six months and sh...


9 month old sleep regression?

Hey my son has basically given up sleeping unless he’s attached to my boob! Does anyone have any ideas on how I can kinda wean him off me again. He’s never been a great sleeper but atm from 12am till 6am it’s every hour! He has always co slept and we’ve now got him in his own room as we worried we were disturbing h...


Cot naps during or after regression?

My little one naps well (but only for 30-45 minutes!) in his next to me and has done for a number of weeks now. He’s almost 4 months and to aid transition to his cot at 6 months I was thinking of starting putting him down for naps in his cot - thoughts? Should I wait until we are through the regression?


Anyone else baby just refusing to nap atm🫠

But exhausted and just not napping or when is napping is waking up 20 mins later. Is this a sleep regression or someone please tell me there going through the same thing


Free bassinet Bristol CT

It’s a delta brand nothing special or fancy if that’s what you prefer. I’ll meet in Bristol I’m unfortunately too busy to travel to you. My son hardly used it. Anyone want it?


Travel sleep recommendations for toddlers?

We will be travelling with 16 month old twins soon and I am having a very hard time finding travel cribs/pack n plays that have a recommended weight above 25 pounds (my littles are about 27 pounds) and I want something that I can use until they’re at least 2. Co sleeping isn’t an option because when we’ve tried it...


Sleep help!!

So my son was recently transitioned from the crib to a toddler bed due to needing it for my youngest. When he was sleeping in the crib all i had to do was give him his blanket and a bottle of water and he would fall asleep on his own but since being switched to his toddler bed we fight every night getting him to sle...


Rocking to sleep

Hey moms, Been a few days that suddenly my 3 month old fusses and cries everytime we rock him to sleep/nap…every single time. Takes me forever to make him fall asleep. Tried to rock him to sleep a little earlier but it just frustrates him. The only thing that seems to work is turning on the water faucet (only thing ...


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