Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Care

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Hi has anyone used an osteopath before? Little man is 4 months and cmpa, heā€™s been on allergy formula but still isnā€™t quite right. struggles to bring up wind, gets belly cramps, and struggles to poo, his head also sits to one side and he was born via c section. does this sound like they could possibly help?


Milk allergy or just sick? Donā€™t know what to trust

My babe has been on gentlease formula for 3 months and she recently has been congested and sneezing and the past week she had diarrhea so I took her to the doctor.. at first the nurse told me to give her pedialyte then she tests her BM and says there is a little blood so sheā€™s changing her formula to similac aliment...


newborn first bath

when did you/will you give your newborn their first bath?


Almost 7 week old struggles to poop

Hi! My boy is almost 7 weeks and since he was born he struggles to poop. Heā€™s not constipated, heā€™ll go but he screams for an hour while trying to push it out before he does. And sometimes he doesnā€™t even end up going more than a tiny bit. I cut out dairy and caffeine from my diet to see if it would help and it hasn...


Bath or shower

We have a baby bath for now, will we need to buy a bigger portable bath when baby is older or will the shower be ok?


Taking ages to heal I've been to go he said it will sort itself

I need help did anyone else have this problem what are your thoughts he said he could be prolonged closing or that it could be extra umbilical cord that they won't do anything about I untillnshes older and he took swabs to see if it was infected and said it would take 3 weeks .... he said he didn't think there was ...


Health visitor check

Has anyone NOT had a health visitor check with their now 2 year old? My LG turned two early September and not heard anything!


Health visitor

Hi ladies, Would anyone know when the health visitor comes around? With my first they came around whilst I was pregnant but 2nd time around Iā€™ve only just received the red book and Iā€™m 30 weeks Monday.


Help! 15 month old constipated

Hi, has anyone experienced constipation in their babies after leaving the infant formula? My 15 month old has been struggling and cries because she canā€™t poop. She strains a lot and when she finally passes stool, itā€™s so big it hurts her and bleeds a little. Iā€™m also afraid she can develop a hernia from all the stra...


How often does your baby poop?

My baby consistently goes like a week or more without pooping at all.. I hate it. Our pediatrician says itā€™s normal, which I understand since breastmilk has everything he needs and not much extra so thereā€™s not much ā€œwasteā€ to get rid of. But I can tell my baby is uncomfy sometimes (not excessively). Any tips for he...


Bath after episiotomy and third degree tear.

I had my baby girl on the 15th of September and had a third degree tear and stitches. How long did people wait before having a bath? Iā€™ve been showering but yet to have a bath, I desperately want a self care evening and to soak in the bath but not sure if itā€™s too soon? Any advise is appreciated ā™„ļø


12 week old - no poo for a week!

Help! My 12 week old used to regularly poo once a day but as of Saturday has not passed a bowel movements since. Predominantly breast fed (via breast or expressed) but we started to add in one bottle of formula before bed to give myself a rest. When we noticed poops had stopped we removed the formula and stuck to ...


Formula Supplementation

My baby started having some formula Incorporated into his diet on Sunday. Since then he pooped Wednesday morning and that has been it. When he did poop it was massive and explosive. Has this happened to anyone else yet? Our FNP suggested adding a probiotic in but what can I do for his constipation relief right now?


Regular dirty nappies

Any tips on how to help my breastfed baby poop more regularly? I know itā€™s quite normal for them to go days, however my little one is quite grizzly with it and much better when she has been.



When I had my first daughter at Winchester, I went home the day after my csection. Iā€™m having this new baby via csection again at QA but swear I saw a poster saying they keep you in for 4 days?! Does anyone know how long they will keep you in for after a csection (if thereā€™s no issues)


tongue tie

anybody know anywhere that specialises in tongue tie ? gp is useless so decided to go private as baby girl is 5 weeks old now and gp are messing around. keen to get it looked at asap really . anybody had similar problem any help kindly appreciated.


Drug test

Hello, I split up with my sonā€™s dad a while ago now, for various reasons but he was in a lot of debt and towards the end of us splitting was acting VERY strange. I had a gut feeling he was doing drugs - cocaine but no proofā€¦ (Iā€™m not a drug taker but when we first met he ā€˜occasionallyā€™ did it on the weekends but t...



Does anyone put their hair in a ponytail and cut it at home themselves? My hair is falling out and I'm never going to be able to get it cut it seems like. So I thought about just chopping it myself.


My 7 month old vomited quite aggressively for the first time after weaning. Please help

Please help, I gave my 7 month old porridge for his 4th time, this time I added some blended blueberry and do feel that I added in too much cows milk, but it helped with the consistency as it was runny. I now feel that I may have used too much cows milk that had caused him to vomit very badly, Iā€™m wondering if anyon...


Weird question... Let's talk about stool consistency

What are your little ones nappies like? Is their poo quite soft in texture or is it like firm like an adult log? My little boy's poop is mostly quite soft. Not sure if it's normal or not


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