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Sister rant

I recently caught up with my sister for the first time in a year (we live 6 hours away). She's a childcare worker and has a lot of opinions. She found out my daughter who is 1 still contact naps during the day and she started to give me a lecture on how she will need to be put down drowsy but awake when she goes to ...


Am I crazy?

So my baby daddy and I have made some adjustments. Like for example, he started to give the baby baths and feed her at night because he works during the day. We switch out bath and meal time. He tells me about how exhausted he is that he has to come home and do that. If he isnt doing those things 9/10 times he is on...


C section booked for Monday..

Hey everyone! Exciting news that I have my c section Monday! Not so nice news I told my MIL and she phoned me this morning saying my boyfriends family will be there waiting as soon as he’s out to visit. Can I start with the fact that I’m literally going to be just about in recovery. So I’ve stood my ground and told...


I just don't know what to do anymore

First time mum, EBF 15 week old. My LO wont sleep unless I feed him to sleep. He wakes up every hour and stays awake feeding on and off for an hour before falling asleep on the boob. If I don't feed him, he cries and fussed for hours - literally won't fall asleep unless held. My back is killing me, I'm in pain. I'm...


How to politely decline invite for Christmas

In laws have asked for us to come up on Christmas day this year with baby but we think we would have a nicer first Christmas at home. We live two hours away so we would be driving 4 hours on Christmas Day, baby will be 4/5 weeks old, so we would have to take multiple breaks on the journey both ways probably make e...


Planning baby no. 2 with no village

What advice would you give? We are very lucky to have a cleaner, which helps manage everything massively.


Just needed to vent before I explode

Sorry in advance for being long. So I am a sahm of a 17, 13, 9, 7, and 2 year old, with extreme anxiety and depression, I am medicated for it. Sometimes, I just feel like I'm losing touch with reality. I feel so alone in just about everything, and I don't know what to do. I feel a bad panic attack coming on right no...


Toddler tantrums and behaviour…

My toddler turns 2 this weekend and honestly this last week has been awful 😩. I can’t even touch her hair without her screaming so brushing it or putting it up is a nightmare. She will kick me and my other half anytime we try to change her nappy and has a full on meltdown and scream when we set boundaries for her…


Out of town spouse

Any other mommas have a partner/spouse that works out of town so through the week you are basically a single parent?? I love him and I know it’s hard on him to be away from his family but he signs out once he gets back to his hotel. I’m on my own from Monday at 8AM-Friday at 3pm. And it’s exhausting and overwhelming...



Our 4 yr wedding anniversary is Friday and my husband says he has no money…. Yet Saturday he’s going out with his work grsnted it’s paid for .. but he will be spending money on drinks 🍺 and yeah that might be like $20/40 that’s still $ he can use on us to do something small or even flowers 💐 am I wrong for feeling…


Dad guilt due to genetics

Baby has inherited eczema from dad, it was pretty likely to happen as dad has it fairly bad and struggles with confidence issues and the management of it. Keeps blaming himself , even saying I shouldnt have had a baby with him (crazy as he's my husband and I love him irrespective of his condition). The eczema i...



Anyone else finding mum life overbearing. I’m so low in myself don’t want to talk to anyone, don’t want to do anything just feel so sad and down. I hate the way I look now and I try to think about what I’ve created but I can’t help but miss how I used to look. I can’t hang around people anymore. I was just at my par...


Has anyone else gone through this?

My 3 month old has gotten super fussy lately. Every time my husband tries to feed him or put him to sleep, he just starts crying nonstop. He was fine before but this started about two weeks ago. He’ll be happy with my husband for a little bit but as soon as he gives him the bottle, it’s like all hell breaks loose. I...


Appreciation post for the hubs.

This man is phenomenal. He is tad annoying at times lol most times, but he is soft, tender, and very giving. He made a stay at mom since the beginning of my pregnancy, being that we had a miscarriage a few years back because of the stress at surrounding work. Since that time, I've not lacked anything. My wants ,n...


Mums who drive- do any of you drive with baby in the front seat?

I’ve recently started driving again and nervous about it anyway but to top it off my little boy HATES being in the car, especially in the back by himself. Usually it’s my husband driving so when he starts playing up I just jump in the back. I’ve only done short journeys driving on my own with him so it’s not been t...


Please.. AITA

Many, many people are shocked at how well I usually keep the house with 2.5 kids - 9, 4 and 1. I have a part time SE job myself. I do EVERYTHING CARE WISE with the kids. He does absolutely nothing but play fight with them here and there, offer treats and days out etc. occasionally plays instruments with them. Gets u...

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