Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.


My little one is nearly 3 months old and lately has been sucking on her fingers lots Can this be a sign of teething at all?


Is there something wrong with my babies teeth ?

His teeth seem very transparent at the tips. Should I be worried ? I brush his teeth 2 times a day but only noticed this .he does put everything into his mouth he eats a balanced diet what could I be doing wrong ? Any input ?


Possibly teething

I need some advice or tips. My almost 2 month old son is showing signs of teething and his gums even feel kind of puffy and like a sharp feeling cut through. I have tried just about everything I could think of to help and I'm not having much luck. Do any of yall mama's know anything that could possibly help cause I ...


Potty training

Has anyone started potty training and if so how do you start? I work full time and I’m worrying I will struggle to start it 😩


Any dentists out there

My little girl was standing in the shower when she fell forward and hit her face (we do have a non slip mat in the shower!), she has a slight cut across the bottom of her top gum, now I’m panicking incase it affects her tooth that hasn’t come through yet! Will ring dentist tomorrow when open!


potty training

looking for recs for the best seat for on the toilet please!


Random question 😂

So we have been potty trained for the last month and luckily it’s been nice weather so at home my girl is pretty much naked and when we are out I help pull her knickers and trousers down. She can get things off (slowly by working it out) which we are working on so we don’t have accidents but my issue is pulling the...


Potty training

When are you guys going to start potty training? Any tips


I’m just not sure

My 3 year old daughter has been in the potty training process for about a two months. She started the process at daycare because she saw others going to the potty and wanted to do it as well. She sometimes uses the potty at home and she is aware of when she needs to go. I’m just not sure when to start putting pantie...


Teething at 6 weeks

I know it sounds insane but it's been confirmed that my little one is teething at 6 weeks 😢 I know this is super rare but thought I'd ask on here just in case anyone is going through the same thing, what are you doing to help? 😩 He's too young for any pain relief and although we've managed to find teething toys…



Hello is this teething please?? Another picture in the comments of my top from the other week when he was drooling. My baby is 10 weeks old will be 11 weeks Monday (2nd Sept) and has been drooling, screaming, restless, really upset and in the picture there is teeth in the gum line!?!? Tried putting cold on it but he...


Potty Training a Stepchild

I am 35 weeks pregnant, and my husband recently reinjured his back to the point where he can't be changing diapers and such if he wants to heal properly. (He can't do much physically in general, which leaves me doing a lot of the physical tasks, especially with my stepson.) Bio mom isn't really concerned about getti...


Potty training?

I just need tips/advice on how to get my LO to go in the the potty. I know it's kinda early for potty training, I just want to know if anyone has started.


Potty training method

Please share your potty training method and how its working so far? How long did it take to fully potty train for those who have used this method to potty trained before?


Potty training

Hello! I just started potty training yesterday and she’s so excited, but is really exhausting because she wants to go to the bathroom literally every 2 minutes 😭 Sometimes i just tell her to wait but i feel that i cant do that because it could be true. Im just so exhausted going to take her every 2-5minutes. What…



My 5 month old is teething and has been so clingy and fussy. Any tips ? He’s also been waking more through the night


Toddler help

I neee your help. I have a 2 year old nearly 3 year old toddler who is fully potty trained. Since he has been fully potty trained he always goes back to his potty after he has finished a pee or a poo and insist that he is the one to dump it in the potty or play with it and I am at my whits end as he is starting pre ...


Is this normal or is it too soon?

My little girl is 2.5 yrs old and we have been potty training since wednesday so today was day 4. She has been happy to sit on the potty since day 1 and does her wees on there or the actual toilet. Ive been leaving her naked or with just knickers on so she is used to wearing them when we go out but she keeps weeing...


Potty training portable potty seats idk I’m a new mom

Hi girls can you share the best potty tracing seats for a boy :) thank you so much ☺️


Does your baby have high body temperature when teething?

My baby’s temperature is 38-39 since yesterday. I took her to GP and they checked her throat, ears and nose and also listened to her and said everything looks ok. She is also fine in herself and behaves as usual. Can it be teething?


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