Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.


Waiting for a call back from out of hours but just wondering if anyone has any advice or been through this before… lb has been done all day and is fine in himself but changing his nappy just and noticed his willy is swollen and after squeezing is puss has come out of it. He’s has wet nappies all day and like I say h...


Best potty training method for boys?

He will be 3 in January. I've tried potty training for a few weeks at a time, 3 separate times. It hasn't stuck. But he is starting to REALLY fight diaper changes so I want to try again. On any of these methods I plan on taking him about every 45-60 minutes. He has his own little potty to use as well. I'm just tryin...


Portable potty

Hi ☀️ Is anyone managing without a portable potty? (My son is 2 and doesn’t go on the big toilet yet even with an adapted seat. He will sometimes hold it for 1h + and sometimes just pees in his pants without warning 🫠) . Thanks!



At what age did you start potty training your son?



For anyone who is not potty training, are you going to buy vests with poppers for the winter?


Potty training

So my little one has just turned 3 and after numerous attempts we appear to now be heading in the right direction with potty training, when he doesn't have pants on he will take himself off to the toilet for a wee and barely any accidents, but how do you transition to wear pants/underwear? He goes to nursery 3 times...


UTI or just potty training stress

Hi ladies. We are potty training our son this week both at nursery and at home. We are starting to wonder if our son has a UTI or is it just potty training stress? He is waking out of his sleep (has a pull up on) and is either bouncing up and down or rocking back-and-forth as if he’s in pain….well I know he’s in pai...


In desperate need of suggestions

Hi all, My son absolutely refuses to tuck his penis when he sits to pee. I've taught him to stand. However this has not completely solved the problem he still sprays pee everywhere when he sits to poop . He needs to be fully potty trained for school or he'll be sent home to be retrained. Has anyone else experienc...


Working on it

I'm potty Training two toddlers. How can I get them to go on their own when needed? How can I get them to say potty when they feel like they have to go? I'm trying 😭



Has anyone had any luck getting an NHS dentist? My midwife said it should be easier with me being pregnant but as soon as I ring up they’re straight away saying that they aren’t accepting NHS patients without even mentioning pregnant ?


21 month old has small cavities on top front teeth

I'm devastated, honestly. I have noticed my son's front teeth have been discolored for a year. I took him to a dentist when I noticed white spots on his teeth, and he said it was nothing To worry about. Finally, the discoloration (brown spots) started to become more noticeable to me (my mom and son's father thought...


Family bathrooms, where are they?

Why is it so hard to find a bathroom big enough to take the pram in when out solo with baby? Everywhere I go the baby change room has no toilet and the disabled toilet requires a key of some kind and the average toilet cubicle is obviously too small. Again today I had to put the pram next to the door and leave the d...


9 month old is drooling a lot, fingers in mouth

Hi! My 9 month old is drooling a lot, fingers in his mouth a lot. I know he’s teething but is this normal? Should I be discouraging him when puts his fingers in his mouth?


Teething…. Help needed

LO has been teething for around a month, tooth has finally cut but LO is struggling early evenings with teeth. Been giving teething rings and Calpol when needed. But dribbling has become a lot and now caused a rash. Any advice?


Potty training pants size

My LO is ready and showing signs for potty training Issue is he is small for his age and all I can find is 2-3 years and a few 18 months sizing pants He currently fits into 9-12 months / some 12-18 clothing Size 4 pampers nappies What do you suggest?


Dented tin safe?

Is this safe to consume? I always worry about dented tins! 😩


Potty training

My daughter is 2 and a half she has had a wee on the potty once she knows what to do and what it’s for just doesn’t want to use a potty or toilet.. she will hold a wee in for awhile if we leave her nappy free. Any tips on how to encourage her more or even make it fun and relaxed for going on the potty?


Teething . Is this normal? Please help

My LO is 4months old and started teething ., but I’ve just noticed the white one by the side . Touched it and it seemed hard so not sure if it’s a tooth . Any else seen this before?


Pooping on the toilet…

My daughter is nearly 3.5 years old and has been potty trained for 6 months now. However she would still rather poop in her pants than on the toilet. Is this normal? My eldest daughter was not like this. Any tips to help conquer this habit? 😬


Potty training

My 3 year old was doing well with potty training when we first started and would wee and poo on the potty. Then since we’ve had a baby she wees at home in the potty but poos in her knickers. And at nursery they have numerous accidents both wee and poo. Nursery are struggling with constantly changing her clothes. The...


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