Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

extreme lower back pain

anyone else been suffering with lower back pain? what do you do to help it? i’ve always had minor back pain, kinda got worse after my first born but now preggo with second child and it’s been killing me, but it’s been bearable until tonight when i burst into tears as it was horrible, it was like any slight weight ki...


Pulls & pains

Hi all, sure it’s totally normally but anyone feeling increased period like cramping and pulls in both sides of groin ? Seems to have got more intense since 13 weeks


Baby not rolling

My little one is 6 months end of this week and still not rolling over at all. We try tummy time but he lasts around 10 mins then gets frustrated… does anyone have any tips? Is anyone else’s baby not rolling yet either?


Nasal congestion.

Anyone else dealing with nasal congestion? I’ve had it most of the pregnancy and it’s starting to really annoy me. Would love some tips to help if anyone has any?


How much do your 10 week olds move?

Just looking to gauge how much your babies move! Sounds like an odd question but my boy moves constantly. His arms and legs are going all the time. I can't remember my eldest moving this much. Obviously he does have moments of stillness but whenever he is laid flat or he's in a bouncer, his arms and legs are moving ...



I'm seriously struggling. I've cried on the phone. Everything I eat or drink resurfaces. Anti sickness isn't helping and every home remedies isn't touching the surface. I have a 21month old who I feel terribly guilty for cause she's been at nursery all day and I'm here in bed shaking like a leaf. I had HG in my last...


How is everyone coping?

I’m sure that we’re all feeling the same to some degree but ngl I’m really struggling and I would love to know how everyone else is coping with everything but especially the lack of sleep? I had something very scary happen last night, I don’t know if it was an anxiety attack or what but I was completely out of it an...



I’m 19+4 and haven’t yet felt movements from baby. I get the odd flutter sensation but this lasts seconds and isn’t regular. I have my scan tomorrow which hopefully will show everything is okay. Is anyone else the same? When did you first feel your baby move?


Feeling really strange

Last night I couldn't get to sleep which is new for me. Woke up and napped until late. Feeling really nauseous. Feel like I could cry at any moment which is new for me I've been really chilled this whole time. No actual signs of labour, but part of me hopes this is a sign its coming soon.



My belly has constantly been period like cramps today and then on and off tightenings…is this the start or baby moving further down?


Baby on right side

Is it normal to only ever feel kicks on ride side? Mainly my right ribs. It’s never been the left. 31 weeks pregnant.. I was told I have fibroids and now I’m over thinking if they have grown huge and baby has limited room 🙈x


Pelvic girdle pain

I’ve just been told I have pelvic girdle pain after weeks of not being able to sleep and feeling so fed up. I’m 30 weeks now and definitely leaning towards an elective section to have a date to work towards and to know that baby won’t come late 😅. Has anyone had the same situation? Was also planning to work up to…



Has anyone else got back pain and mild stomach pain? I keep getting so worried I’ve lost it 😢 this is my 1st baby so I have no idea what to expect, I’ve got no bleeding but I’m so worried this pain isn’t normal



I’m 7+2 and for the last few days experiencing severe cramps and stomach pains. I’m a teacher and had to leave my class today as I was getting a really bad cramp along with sweating and faintness. Doctors just told me to take paracetamol. Can’t self refer to EPU- gp referral only. Should I wait it out?


Good morning

Waking up super hungry during pregnancy, but still having the energy to bake mini loaves. Good morning! Made Lemon Cheesecake and Blueberry Banana loaves.


Movements closer to due date

Did anyone notice their movements get lower down their tummy closer to due date, maybe because baby has engaged? Scared that baby has turned breech, 39 weeks tomorrow.



Anyone else walks everyday with a newborn? I feel guilty he ain't in home comfort although the pushchair is like.a moses basket


Period like pains

I’m 37 + 5 at the moment and since last night i’ve been feeling really bad period pain like cramps. They don’t feel like contractions as they don’t come and go but they are constant. Is this a sign of labour?


Finally got my bump!!!!

Almost 33 weeks due Dec 7 but hoping to be induced Nov 30.


Dull period cramps

Last night around 3am I started having period like cramps that I felt in my leg & booty a little. I tried to sleep it off & woke up & still had slight cramps. Called my on call doctor this morning and she told me to drink water & take a Tylenol!! Lol. If it continues call back. I’m 33 weeks pregnant. Are you guys ge...


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