Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.


how can you tell if its still pp bleeding or ur period? ive been spotting for about 2 weeks now (im 5weeks pp) ive been having minor cramping and also im breaking out when ive had clear skin for 9 months (thanks pregnancy) so idkkkk if my period is coming 😭 would hate to go from pp bleeding right to my period 😭😭


Pretty sure I am having an early pregnancy loss

Found out last week that I am pregnant with our second. I am only 5+3 and had a bit of spotting last week but didn't think anything of it as had this with my previous and all was OK. It settled and all was OK but then yesterday I started spotting again with cramps. I'm continuing to spot today. My test this morning ...


Where are you feeling movements?

I’m 21 weeks tomorrow and just today I’ve started to feel baby above my belly button, only just above. Just curious where everyone else is feeling baby.



Feels like baby is bearing down more… it hurts and feels like so much pressure down there when I go to stand up… could labor be close?? Should I be on the lookout?? Can definitely tell he’s pushing on my bowels too Bcs I feel like I have to poop and when I try to go it’s either very little or nothing at all!!


Anyone no longer being sick but still feel awful?

I'm 13 weeks pregnant into my second pregnancy. I'm on Xonvea morning and evening and it is great. I haven't been in hospital for fluids in about a month and only occasionally been sick. I've been getting my appetite back the last few days and I'm eating and drinking pretty well, although I still have some strong fo...


Breech at 32 weeks

Hi everyone, my baby has been head down for the last month or more (most recently checked last week) and now today they’ve informed me baby is breech. If still breech in two weeks time I will have to see a consultant to discuss options. Has anyone had their baby move back head down on their own or know how I can enc...


Let’s share bumps!! 🩵🩷

I’m 18 weeks tomorrow with our baby boy! What about you?


Help please

Few random tummy pains (nothing bad) and shooting pains into my vajay… also had diarrhoea 🤦🏻‍♀️ what’s going onnnnn



I’m currently 27 weeks and I feel so so exhausted, drained and overwhelmed and the idea of having 13 weeks left is really hard for me. I am so grateful to be growing my little girl who is our rainbow baby and I love feeling her move, seeing her grow etc. but I am also really struggling physically with working full t...


Heartburn relief ?

I am suffering really bad with heartburn & acid reflux this pregnancy 🥲 please help what can I do other then taking anti acids ( Tums , Pepcid etc )


Period pain feeling

Hey Lovelies I’m 35+2 days with MCDA twins and been having period pain for the past 5 hours. The pain has been there through out and then an intense feeling comes and then it goes away and comes back and little sharp back pain. First pregnancy, shall I call triage or just see how long it continues for?


Holding hands

My little boy won’t let anyone hold his hands he pulls away from them straight away (people being his nans, his dad etc) he will place his hands on mine all the time but won’t let me hold his unless he’s tired, is this normal?



I am quite worried about the amount and intensity of my cramps . Sorry if this is insensitive but can I contact the midwife or hospital this early on as I am only 5 weeks .This is my 2nd pregnancy but my first I barely had any cramping Also getting pains in my legs and back


Sleep timeclock

For the past few weeks I've been waking up between 3-5am and it can be a bit annoying when I wake up at 3 after just going to bed at 11 but once I wake im up I've been up since 3:30am today and I went to bed at 11, I guess my body just doesn't sleep much anyone else have this issue?



HI I am 6 weeks pregnant I’ve got back pains - like when you have period pains And also stomach cramping Also shoulder pain Not severe pain at all but like when you do when you get your period. I’ve had some mucus with brown tinge - 3 times Is this to worry about? Thanks


Achey Legs??

Hello! I’m 39 weeks tomorrow (eek) and have really sore and painful leg ache! I wondered if any one else is getting this? Is this normal 😂


Not too sure what to do!

I'm currently 33 weeks. Over the past 24 hours I've been experiencing a lot of sporadic Braxton hicks. A lot more than usual. Every so often, however, they are either followed or accompanied by period like pains. Not all the time, but enough for me to notice and feel anxious about it. I don't know if anyone else ...


Random lol

Has anyone else had issues with their wedding ring fitting post partum? I’m one of the weird ones who went up a whole shoe size lol and I’m wondering if the same applies to my wedding ring. Or is this all temporary and will resolve itself after some time?¿ 😅


Unstable lay

I've been in hospital since Monday (now 37+3) because baby was not head or bum down and moved around a lot into different positions. We are now over 24 hrs of her being head and the lowest she has been if we get to 48hrs of her staying there I can go home which will be tomorrow morning. I will then be back on Monday...


Feeling of needing to poop when out

It’s a bit weird but anytime I go shopping or walking anywhere i get a pressure down below and feel like I need to poop urgently (but I don’t). Only happens when I’m out. Has this happened to anyone else?


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